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Where is Facebook group description?

Where is Facebook group description?

The Facebook group description is an important part of any Facebook group. It allows group admins to provide more details about the purpose, rules, and focus of the group. The group description appears right under the group name and photo. Here’s how to find the Facebook group description:

On Desktop

If you’re accessing Facebook on a desktop browser, here are the steps to find a group’s description:

  1. Go to the group’s page
  2. Look below the cover photo and group name
  3. The description will be right there in paragraph form

For example, if you go to the Facebook group “Social Media Strategies,” the description reads:

“A group for social media experts, marketing professionals, and anyone looking to take their social media game to the next level. Share your best strategies and latest tips here!”

The description provides a quick summary of what the group is about and what members can expect to discuss. Some group admins get very detailed in their descriptions, while others keep it short and sweet. But the description is always located right underneath the group name and photo on desktop.

On Mobile

Accessing the Facebook group description on mobile takes a couple extra steps:

  1. Go to the group page
  2. Tap the “About” tab at the top
  3. Scroll down and the description will be there

So on the app or mobile site, the group description isn’t visible on the main group page. You need to tap into the “About” tab first. This takes you to an About page with the group details, admin names, and description further down the page.

The description content will be the same as the desktop version. But the extra About tab click is required to see it on mobile. For example, here are the steps to find the “Social Media Strategies” group description on mobile:

  1. Go to the “Social Media Strategies” group page
  2. Tap the “About” tab near the top
  3. Scroll down to see the group description

Why the Group Description Matters

The Facebook group description might seem minor, but it actually serves some very important purposes:

  • Explains the group topic and focus clearly
  • Sets rules and expectations for members
  • Helps attract new members from search
  • Gives members key info right on the main page
  • Establishes the group as active and well-managed

A thoughtful, detailed description helps new visitors quickly learn what your group is about. This helps convert visitors into members who actively participate. The description also keeps current members informed on the group policies and standards.

In addition, a strong description optimized with relevant keywords can help your group appear in Facebook searches. People looking for groups about your topic may find yours and join. So the group description has some SEO value in attracting new members this way.

And of course, the description provides key group details right on the main page. Members don’t have to hunt for info when it’s clearly presented upfront in the description. This improves the overall member experience.

Tips for Writing a Good Description

Here are some tips to create an engaging, informative Facebook group description:

  • Summarize your group’s purpose and goals
  • Establish rules and standards for member conduct
  • Use keywords and phrases targeted members would search for
  • Keep it concise but compelling to read
  • Have a friendly and inviting tone
  • Include specifics like member benefits
  • Proofread for typos, grammar, etc.

You want to pique interest while also setting clear expectations. Address common member questions and emphasize the value they’ll gain. Make it sound exciting but professional.

Avoid generic, corporate jargon-heavy descriptions. Write it conversationally, like you’re explaining the group to a friend. Sprinkle in some keywords and phrases people search for when looking for groups like yours.

Put yourself in the shoes of your target member and think about what details they’d want to know right away. Focus on explaining those key points in a warm, engaging way. This helps turn casual visitors into active members.

Ideal Length for Group Descriptions

How long should your Facebook group description be? Here are some ideal length guidelines:

  • 2-3 sentences minimum
  • Keep it under 600 characters if possible
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Provide value right away
  • Use bullet points to break up large blocks of text

You want enough detail to effectively communicate what your group is about. But avoid dragging on too long or potential members will lose interest.

Describe the group purpose and rules/etiquette in 2-3 concise sentences first. Then call out member benefits, post examples, and value specifics in another 2-3 lines max. Breaking it up into short paragraphs with bullet points makes it easier to digest.

Visually breaking up large blocks of text also makes the overall description more scannable. Use line breaks, lists, emphasis, etc. strategically to catch the eye.

Best Practices for Group Descriptions

Here are some best practices for creating effective Facebook group descriptions:

  • Hook with an interesting opening line
  • Establish concrete benefits of joining
  • Explain what makes the group unique or different
  • Set clear guidelines for conduct
  • Use warm, conversational tone
  • Emphasize the members and focus
  • Include FAQs and specifics

You want to immediately intrigue people to read further. Draw them in with a compelling opening hook relevant to their interests. This creates curiosity to keep reading.

Then get right into concrete membership benefits and group differentiators. Why should people join this specific group? Make those unique value propositions clear upfront.

Setting community standards and rules provides clarity on expected conduct. A warm, conversational tone makes it more inviting. Shift the focus to members and their expertise, interests, goals, etc. This establishes the group’s true purpose.

Finally, answering common questions with details shows you’ve covered all the bases. This completes the picture of what current and prospective members can expect.

Examples of Effective Facebook Group Descriptions

Here are some real examples of compelling, well-written Facebook group descriptions:

Social Media Marketing World

“If you’re serious about dominating social media marketing, join 100,000+ members leveraging insights from industry innovators. Here, you’ll discover proven strategies to maximize your brand, influence and profits.”

This hooks members with the goal of “dominating social media marketing.” It establishes credibility through the large membership size. The overview focuses on providing value around brand influence and profits. Key details are covered in a concise, engaging manner.

Copywriters Tribe

“We are a passionate tribe of copywriters, content writers, and creators who thirst for words that compel and convert readers into customers. Join us to talk shop, showcase your latest work, give feedback, brainstorm ideas, and stay on top of the latest trends.”

This example uses vivid language like “thirst for words that compel” to capture interest. It lists specific discussion topics to convey the focus. And the tone emphasizes the passion and expertise of members.

Digital Marketing Strategies

“Interested in getting more leads, traffic, and sales through effective online marketing? Join our community of skilled digital marketers and advertisers to discuss tactics that deliver real business results. We share the latest methods and trends for success.”

The hook here is “getting more leads, traffic, and sales” – a benefit most marketers want. It highlights experienced members and focuses on proven strategies tied to metrics. The description gets right to the practical value.

These are just a few examples of short, compelling Facebook group descriptions optimized for member acquisition and engagement.

Getting Creative with Descriptions

Beyond the standard description paragraph, some groups get creative with other engaging elements like:

  • Lists of member benefits or group features
  • Testimonials from current members
  • Posts highlighting member expertise/diversity
  • Links to group photos, videos, events etc.
  • Calls-to-action to join, contribute, etc.

You can embed some of these directly into the description paragraph. Others can be added below as visual callouts. This further tailors the message and shows off the group more.

For example, the description can note “Over 500 expert contributors across 10 countries worldwide.” Then actual member testimonials or expert profile highlights can go below.

Links to group content examples, case studies, or upcoming events also provide social proof. This attracts new members by showcasing the value current members gain.

Get creative in highlighting member benefits, thought leadership, and group engagement beyond just a standard paragraph. Include specifics that make your community unique and compelling to the right audience.

Updating the Description

Be sure to keep your Facebook group description up-to-date. As the group evolves over time, you may need to update details like:

  • Number of members
  • Additional member benefits
  • New group rules or guidelines
  • Different discussion focuses
  • New admin names
  • Upcoming group events

Review the description every few months to see if any details need refreshing. Change things like the member count as it hits new milestones. Adding new guidelines shows you’re optimizing management.

If discussion themes change or new member perks get added, reflect those as well. Keep potential and current members informed on the latest group details. This maintains engagement as it scales and evolves.

Significant changes may warrant re-writing entire sections. But quick updates to specifics keep the overall message consistent while improving relevancy.

Where to Edit the Facebook Group Description

Here is where admins can access and edit the Facebook group description:

On Desktop

On the desktop site:

  1. Go to your group page
  2. Click “Edit Group Info” in the top right
  3. Scroll down to the “About & Description” section
  4. Click “Edit” next to the description field
  5. Make your changes and click “Review” then “Save”

This allows you to modify the description right from the group itself. The edits go live immediately after saving.

On Mobile App

In the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Go to your group page
  2. Tap the Members tab > Edit Group Info
  3. Tap “About and Description”
  4. Tap the description field to edit
  5. Make changes then tap “Save”

Same process here, just accessed within the mobile app interface. Tap into group settings and navigate to the description field to modify.

Via Group Settings

You can also edit the group description via Settings:

  1. Go to your group’s Settings tab
  2. Select “Edit Group Settings”
  3. Scroll down and tap “About & Description”
  4. Tap the description field and make changes
  5. Hit “Save Changes” when done

No matter which way you access it, the group description editing process remains the same. Just locate the description field and update it however needed.


Your Facebook group description offers valuable first impressions and clarity for members. Take the time to craft an engaging overview that hooks attention and explains key details.

Keep it concise but compelling – establishing clear benefits and community standards upfront. Stay on brand while showcasing the group’s personality and expertise.

Refresh occasionally to reflect new developments as the membership grows. A well-written, optimized description drives ongoing engagement and satisfaction.