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Where is details on Facebook?

Where is details on Facebook?

Facebook is a popular social media platform that allows users to connect with friends, family, and people with shared interests. With over 2 billion monthly active users as of 2022, Facebook has become one of the most widely used sites in the world. But with so many features and options, it can sometimes be difficult for new users to find where certain settings and details are located within the platform.

Finding Personal Details on Facebook

Much of a user’s personal details on Facebook can be found on their own profile page. This includes information like their name, profile photo, cover photo, work and education history, relationship status, interests, bio, and more. To view your own profile details, simply click on your name or profile picture at the top of any Facebook page. You’ll be brought to your profile page where all these personal details are displayed.

Other personal details like your email address, birthday, gender, language, and more can be found under the “About” section on your profile page. Just click on “About” and you’ll see several key facts about yourself pulled from what you provided when creating your account.

Changing Personal Details

If you want to update any of your personal details displayed on your profile, hover over your name at the top and click on “View Profile.” Then from your profile, click on the “Edit Profile” button to make changes to your bio, work/education history, relationship status, interests, and more. This allows you to customize your profile and keep your details up-to-date.

To change other personal details like your name, email, birthday, gender, and language, you need to go to your Facebook “Settings.” Click on the down arrow at the top right and choose “Settings.” Then click on “Personal and Account Information” in the left column. Here you can edit your name, email/phone, gender, language, and birthday. Be sure to click “Review Changes” when done to save your new details.

Finding Friends & Connections

Wondering where you can find a list of all your Facebook friends and connections? This can easily be accessed from your profile page. On your profile, click on the “Friends” tab right below your cover photo. This will display a list of all your current Facebook friends that you’ve added and confirmed over the years.

To see a list of friend requests you’ve sent or received, click on the “Friends” tab and then select “Requests” in the left sidebar. You’ll see pending sent and received friend requests here. To see people you may know or friends of friends, go back to the main “Friends” page and view the “People You May Know” and “Suggested Friends” sections.

Finding Pages You Follow

In addition to friends, you can also follow public Pages on Facebook for brands, businesses, organizations, influencers, artists, interests, and more. To see a list of all the Facebook Pages you currently follow, go to your profile and click on the “Following” tab below your cover photo.

This will display a list of all the public Pages you follow, sorted by most recent updates. You can unfollow Pages here if needed. You may need to click “More” to load additional Pages you follow if the list is long. Use the search bar to find a specific Page you follow as well.

Finding Posts You’re Tagged In

Friends on Facebook can tag you in their posts, including status updates, photos, or videos. When someone tags you, it creates a link to your profile and notifies you. All tags will appear on your own Timeline under the “Posts You’re Tagged In” section.

To see all your current tags, go to your profile and click on “Tagged” under your cover photo. This section shows all recent tags from friends in chronological order. You can click on any tag to go to the original post. You can also change tag privacy settings here if needed.

Finding Your Previous Posts & Activity

Wondering what you’ve posted on Facebook over the years? All your previous posts, including status updates, photos, videos, links, and more can be found right on your own profile page. Simply go to your profile and you’ll see your complete posting history organized by year in chronological order.

To filter your posts by just photos, videos, links, text updates, and more, use the left sidebar. Click “Posts” and you can view your profile posts filtered by type. Your posts will appear from most to least recent. You can also search for specific posts using the search bar at the top of your profile page.

Finding Comments You’ve Made

Along with your own posts, you may also want to see the comments you’ve made on friends’ posts over time. To view these comments, go to your profile and click on the “Activity Log” tab. Next, on the left sidebar, click on “Comments” to see only your comment history.

This will display all your comments on friends’ posts, Pages, and groups in chronological order from newest to oldest. You can delete or edit your comments from this section as needed. Use the search to look for your comments on a specific person’s posts.

Finding Groups You’ve Joined

Facebook Groups allow users with shared interests to communicate in a more private forum. If you’ve joined any Facebook Groups over the years, you can find a list of them all on your profile page.

Go to your profile and click on the “Groups” tab below your cover photo. This will display all the current groups you are a member of. You can search for certain groups, see pending requests, create a new group, and more from this section. Leave any groups you no longer wish to be a part of.

Finding Your Saved Items

Throughout Facebook, you can save posts, links, videos, and more by clicking the “Save” option. These all get stored to your Facebook profile for easy access later. To see everything you’ve saved, go to your profile and click on “Saved.”

This page shows all your saved items sorted by date added. Scroll through to reminisce on posts you wanted to save over the years. You can delete any saved items you no longer need by hovering over the item and clicking “Unsave post.”

Finding Your Profile Views

Curious about who’s been viewing your Facebook profile lately? You can see a list of people who have viewed your profile in the past 7 days. Go to your profile, click on the “More” tab, and select “View As.”

This will open your profile in a new view. Hover over “Seen by” near your name and it will pop open to display friends who have viewed your profile recently. Click on names to go to their profiles.

Finding Friends’ Details

Just like all your personal details are visible on your own profile, your friends’ details can be found on their profiles as well. To access a friend’s profile, go to your main News Feed and click on their name or profile picture anywhere it appears.

This will take you to their profile page where you can see their bio, work info, education, relationship status, featured photos and stories, and recent posts. Get to know your friends better by browsing their profiles!

Finding a User’s Followers and Following

If you want to see who a specific user follows or who follows them, go to their public profile page. Right below their cover photo, you’ll see tabs for “Posts,” “About,” “Friends,” “Photos,” and “More.” Click on “Friends.”

This will show their friend list. Then click “Followers” on the left to see users who follow your friend. Click “Following” to see who they follow. You can browse through their followers/following to find mutual friends or new people to connect with.

Finding Someone’s Liked Pages

You can discover more about a friend’s interests and hobbies by looking at the Facebook Pages they’ve liked. To see these, go to their profile and click on the “Following” tab right under their cover photo.

This will display a list of all the public Pages your friend follows, sorted by most recent updates. Scroll through to get an idea of the brands, businesses, celebs, influences, artists, and interests they like. Their “liked” Pages can give insight into their personality.

Finding a User’s Recent Posts

If you want to see what someone has been posting recently, the easiest way is to visit their profile page. At the top below their name and cover photo, click on “Posts” to filter just their posts.

This will display a chronological feed of all the posts made by your friend including statuses, links, videos, photos, life events, and more. Scroll down to browse their most recent sharing and interactions. You can like, comment on, or share any of their public posts.

Finding Someone’s Photos

Along with posts, you can also browse all of a user’s photos right from their profile page. Below their cover photo, click on the “Photos” tab. You’ll see tiles of all their uploaded albums and profile pictures.

Click on any album tile to open it and view the photos inside. Different folders like profile pictures, cover photos, and timeline photos contain images your friend has posted over the years. Flip through to see their saved memories!

Finding a User’s Family and Relationships

If you want to see your friends’ family members and relationship status, head to their profile and click on “About.” This will open a summary with their work, education, places lived, contact info, family members, relationship status, and more.

Under “Family and Relationships” you can browse their list of family members also on Facebook. And you’ll see their current relationship status displayed at the top like Single, In a Relationship, Married, etc. This helps you understand their family connections.

Finding Someone’s Public Information

For a quick overview of someone’s public profile info, you don’t even need to go their profile page. From any Facebook page, simply click on their name or profile picture wherever it appears.

A pop-up will open with their profile picture, current work/education, hometown location, and mutual friends in common. Hover over their profile picture and click “View Profile” to access the full profile.

Searching for Users, Pages, Groups, and More

Facebook’s search bar at the top makes it easy to find people, Pages, groups, events, and more from anywhere on the platform. For example, to search for someone’s profile, type their name into the search bar and select “People” below.

You’ll see profile results for that name. You can also search for Pages, groups, and events related to your interests. The search tool allows you to easily find details on almost anything across the Facebook platform.

Using Filters to Customize Your News Feed

Don’t want to miss important posts from certain friends or Pages? You can filter your News Feed to prioritize the updates you care about most. On your News Feed, click on the down arrow in the top right and select “Filters.”

From here, choose “Prioritize who to see first” to select friends, Pages, groups, and hashtags you always want at the top of your feed. You can also filter out posts with certain words using keyword filters. Customize your feed so you never miss the details most relevant to you!

Using Activity Log to Explore Interactions

Your Activity Log contains your complete history of interactions on Facebook. This includes your posts, comments, reactions, profile changes, posts you’re tagged in, and more. It’s a great way to dive into the details of your Facebook history.

To access it, click the down arrow at the top right and go to “Settings & Privacy.” Select “Activity Log” on the left sidebar. You can browse your full history by date, type of activity, specific people, Pages, groups, and more. It’s the ultimate record of your Facebook details.

Downloading Your Facebook Information

Want your full Facebook data all in one place? You can download a copy of your Facebook information to your computer by going to “Settings & Privacy” and selecting “Your Facebook Information” in the left column.

Click on “View” next to “Download Your Information” and select date range and format. You’ll then get an email when your downloadable file is ready. Your archive contains your complete profile details, posts, photos, messages, and more in one easy file!


With so many ways to interact on Facebook, your profile houses a trove of information. But the platform makes it easy to navigate your details. You can browse your own content as well as friends’ pages to uncover photos, posts, connections, interests, personal info, and more. So explore profiles, use filters, check Activity Log, and download your archive to uncover the many facets of yourself and others on Facebook!