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Where does Android store Facebook password?

Where does Android store Facebook password?

When you log into the Facebook app on your Android device, your login credentials including your password are stored locally on the device. However, exactly where and how Android stores Facebook passwords depends on the version of Android and the device manufacturer.

Key Storage Locations on Android

Here are some of the key locations where Facebook password may be stored on Android devices:

  • Account Manager – Stores authentication tokens and passwords for different accounts.
  • Shared Preferences – Stores app data and settings as key-value pairs.
  • App-specific Database – Some apps create their own database to store user data.
  • Keychain – Stores and encrypts passwords, certificates, keys etc.

Account Manager

The Account Manager is responsible for managing all the user accounts on an Android device. It stores authentication tokens and passwords for different accounts, including Facebook. The Account Manager data is tied to the currently logged in user and stored in an encrypted database at:


However, the actual password text may not be directly stored. Instead, the Account Manager may store an encrypted blob or token that can be used to authenticate the account without exposing the raw password.

Shared Preferences

The Shared Preferences API allows apps to store small amounts of primitive data as key-value pairs. The Facebook app may store some user settings and credentials in SharedPreferences. The exact file location can vary but is usually something like:


However, SharedPreferences does not provide encryption by default. So developers need to encrypt confidential data like passwords before storing in SharedPreferences.

App-specific Database

Some apps create their own internal database to store user data securely. The Facebook app could potentially use an app-specific database like SQLite to store your Facebook password. This allows encryption and access control protections to be implemented.

The database file is located within the app’s private data directory, usually at:



The Keychain API allows secure storage of passwords, keys and certificates. Apps can use the Keychain to encrypt and store confidential data like passwords. The Facebook app may take advantage of the Keychain service to securely save your Facebook password.

The Keychain data is tied to the user account and device. It is stored in an encrypted database file located at:


Other Potential Locations

Here are some other locations where parts of the Facebook login credentials could potentially be stored:

  • /data/data/com.facebook.katana/ – App specific data directory
  • /data/app/ – Installation files and data for apps
  • /sdcard/Android/data/com.facebook.katana/ – External storage for the app

Factors Affecting Storage Location

The exact storage location depends on various factors like:

  • Android version – Newer versions provide better storage APIs.
  • Device manufacturer – Custom Android flavors use different storage logic.
  • App developers – The app developers choose which storage to use.

For example, on a Samsung device running Android 9, Facebook passwords may be stored using the Keychain API. While on a Pixel device running Android 10, the password could be saved in the Account Manager.

How Passwords are Stored

Regardless of the exact storage location, Android uses some common techniques to protect stored passwords:

  • Encryption – Passwords are not stored in plain text. They are encrypted using keys tied to the user’s lock screen.
  • Key stretching – Multiple rounds of encryption are applied to make password cracking harder.
  • Salting – Random data is mixed with the password before encrypting to protect against dictionary attacks.

So even if an attacker gets hold of the stored password blob, it is mathematically infeasible for them to decrypt the password without the user’s lock screen credentials.

Managing Facebook Password on Android

Here are some tips to manage your Facebook password securely on Android:

  • Use a strong and unique password for Facebook.
  • Enable 2-factor authentication on your Facebook account.
  • Periodically change your Facebook password.
  • Make sure your Android device has screen lock enabled.
  • Do not root or jailbreak your Android device as it weakens security.
  • Be cautious of apps requesting unnecessary permissions.
  • Keep your Android OS and apps up-to-date.

Accessing Stored Facebook Passwords

Here is how someone may attempt to access your stored Facebook password on Android:

  • Remotely exploiting a vulnerability in the Facebook app.
  • Physically accessing your unlocked device.
  • Using spyware or malicious apps on your device.
  • Accessing encrypted backup files through your PC.
  • Intercepting your Facebook login credentials on unsafe networks.

However, if your device is securely locked and encrypted, it would be extremely difficult for someone to decrypt your stored Facebook password.


To summarize:

  • Facebook passwords on Android are encrypted and stored in Account Manager, SharedPreferences, App Database or Keychain.
  • The exact storage location depends on your Android version and device model.
  • Newer Android versions provide better encryption and isolations for stored passwords.
  • Enable all security features on your device to keep your Facebook password secure.

Be thoughtful about password hygiene and app permissions to minimize risks of your Facebook password being compromised on Android devices.