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Where do other names appear on Facebook?

Where do other names appear on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to customize how their name appears on their profile in several ways. Here’s a quick overview of the places where a user’s name may show up on Facebook and how it can be customized.

Name on Profile

The main name that appears on a Facebook profile comes from the user’s settings under the “Name” field when they create their account. This is usually a person’s real first and last name. However, Facebook does allow for some flexibility here.

Users can include nicknames along with their real name if they choose. For example, “Mary Smith (Smitty)” or “Michael Jones (MJ)”. Facebook requires the user’s real identity but nicknames are permitted as long as the real name is also present.

Display Name

In the user settings, there is also an option to create a “Display Name”. This is different from the profile name. The display name is an alternate name that can appear in places like chat messages and alongside posts.

For example, a user could have their profile name set to “Mary Anne Thompson” but have a display name of “Mary T.” or even an emoji. This allows for further customization without changing the users’s real identity.

Name Changes

Facebook allows users to change their names if needed. Common reasons for name changes include:

  • Marriage or divorce
  • Gender transition
  • Nickname preference
  • Professional reasons (using a business name or pen name)

Users are permitted one name change every 60 days. The previous name remains visible on past posts and in URLs.

Name on Posts and Comments

When a user makes a post or comment, their name appears in a few key places:

  • At the top of the post next to the user’s profile picture
  • In notifications sent to others when tagged or mentioned in a post
  • On the user’s profile page under their posts

The name that appears here will be the user’s main profile name. This cannot be changed on individual posts. However, if the user has changed their profile name within the last 60 days, the old name may still appear until the cache clears.

Anonymous Posting

Facebook has an option that allows users to post content more anonymously. When enabled in settings, posts will appear as being made by “Anonymous” rather than the user’s name. This can be useful for sensitive topics. Comments will still show the user’s name.

Name in Facebook Chat

When chatting with friends on Facebook Messenger, the user’s name appears in a couple of key places:

  • In the chat window header next to profile photo
  • Next to messages in group chats

For one-on-one chats, this will display the user’s main profile name. However, in group chats, the user’s customized display name will appear instead if they have set one.

Anonymous Chatting

Similar to anonymous posting, users can choose to enable an anonymous chat option in Facebook Messenger settings. When enabled, their messages will appear with no name, only as “Facebook User”. Their profile photo will be hidden as well.

Name on Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories allow users to post short photo or video updates that expire after 24 hours. When naming Stories, users have a few options:

  • Use default profile name
  • Create a custom name just for Stories
  • Post anonymously with no name

The custom name option allows for fun, creative names tailored specifically for Stories that are separate from the user’s profile name. Users can be as imaginative as they want here with emojis, phrases, etc.

Examples of Creative Story Names

  • Lisa 💋
  • Mr. Adventure 🗺
  • Foodie Susan 🍴
  • Michael’s Musical Madness 🎵

These types of customized, anonymous, or pseudonymous names allow for more privacy and creativity when using Stories.

Names in Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups have their own set of naming options separate from a user’s main profile name. When joining a group, users can choose:

  • Default profile name
  • Anonymized name (appears as Facebook User)
  • Specific nickname just for that group

Group admins can also restrict nicknames and require users to post under their real names if desired. But most groups allow for nicknames and anonymity.

This gives users flexibility to participate under different identities in different groups based on the sensitivity of the topic or their desired privacy level.

Examples of Group-Specific Nicknames

  • Wine Lovers group: Vino Vixen
  • Dog Training group: YorkieFan12
  • Investing group: FinanceJunkie456

Name Visibility Settings

Facebook provides detailed name visibility settings that allow users to control who can see their various names in different contexts:

Who can see your friends list?

Options include:

  • Public
  • Friends
  • Only Me

Who can look you up using the email address you provided?

Options include:

  • Everyone
  • Friends of Friends
  • Friends
  • Only Me

Who can see your gender?

Options include:

  • Public
  • Friends
  • Only Me
  • Custom (specify individual friends)

Who can see your birthday?

Options include:

  • Public
  • Friends
  • Only Me
  • Custom (specify individual friends)

So in summary, Facebook offers many options for customizing name visibility depending on user preferences. The profile name is always public, but display names, nicknames, and anonymity can be leveraged for privacy.

How Facebook Polices Name Policy Violations

Facebook does have rules around name use on the platform. If they detect violations of the name policy, here are some ways they may respond:

  • Request proof of identity from the user
  • Revert an unauthorized name change
  • Temporarily restrict ability to edit name
  • Disable the account until an authentic name is provided
  • Permanently disable account for repeated or severe violations

Common Name Policy Violations

  • Using only emojis or symbols as profile name
  • Using offensive, abusive, or harassing names
  • Impersonating or pretending to be someone else
  • Using an unauthentic business name
  • Creating a fake or anonymous profile

Facebook aims to balance name customization options with the need to maintain trust by encouraging real identity use. Users are advised to stay within name policies or risk account restrictions.


In summary, Facebook provides many options for users to customize how their name appears across the platform in different contexts. Real identity is required for core profile names, but additional customization like display names, nicknames, and anonymity settings allow for more privacy and flexibility. Understanding Facebook’s name policy helps ensure an account stays in good standing.