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Where do I see Facebook invites?

Where do I see Facebook invites?

Facebook invites allow you to invite friends to events or groups on Facebook. There are a few places you can go to see and manage your Facebook invites:

The Notifications Tab

One of the main places to see Facebook invites is in your Notifications tab. The notifications tab shows you all of your latest notifications, including event invites, group invites, friend requests, and more. To access it:

  1. Click on the Notifications icon in the top right corner of Facebook. This looks like a globe or bell icon.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click “Notifications”. This will take you to your notifications page.

Your notifications are organized by Most Recent. Scroll through the list to see any outstanding event or group invites. There will be a notification that says “[Friend’s Name] invited you to [event/group name]”. You can choose to Accept or Decline the invite directly from the notifications tab.

The Events Tab

Another place to find Facebook invites is in the Events tab. To access it:

  1. Click Events in the left sidebar menu.
  2. This will show you upcoming events you’ve been invited to at the top of the page.

You’ll see the name, date/time, location, and host of the event. You can choose to Respond by clicking on the event and selecting Going, Maybe, or Can’t Go. The Events tab makes it easy to see all your upcoming event invites in one place.

The Groups Tab

The Groups tab shows you new and outstanding invitations to join Facebook groups. To access it:

  1. Click Groups in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the Invites tab at the top of the page.

Here you will see a list of groups you’ve been invited to join by your friends. You can browse the group details and choose to Join Group or Decline for each one. The Groups tab is where pending invitations to join groups will be waiting for your response.

Within Event Pages

If a friend creates an event on Facebook and invites you, you may also see the invite directly on the event page itself. To find invites this way:

  1. Visit the profile page of the friend who created the event.
  2. Click Events in the left sidebar to see events created by that friend.
  3. Browse their list of events – any events you’ve been invited to will say “Invited” underneath them.
  4. Click on the event to see the details and respond to the invite.

So if you ever receive an event invite but can’t find the notification, check the host’s Events page to respond. The invite details will be waiting for you there.

Within Group Pages

Similarly, outstanding invitations to join groups may show up directly on the group’s page. To find invites this way:

  1. Visit the profile of the person who created the group.
  2. Click Groups in the left sidebar to see groups started by them.
  3. Scan the list of their groups – any you’ve been invited to will say “Invited” underneath.
  4. Click the group to see the details and respond to the invite.

Checking the host’s Groups page can help you track down group invites if you can’t find the notification elsewhere.

The Sidebar Menu

Facebook also surfaces invites in the left sidebar menu. Here you can see at a glance if you have any pending notifications:

  • A red notification bubble on the Events icon means you have new event invites.
  • A red notification bubble on the Groups icon means you have new group invites.

This makes it easy to spot if you need to go accept or decline any outstanding invites. Just click the icons to access the tabs and see the details.

On Messenger

If a friend invites you to an event or group directly over Facebook Messenger, you’ll receive the invite as a message:

  • Event invites will have a preview with the event name, location, date/time, and host.
  • Group invites will show the group name and a preview of the group’s profile photo and description.

You can choose to Accept or Decline these invites right from the Messenger conversation. So Messenger acts as another place to manage your event and group invites.

In Email

If you have email notifications enabled for Facebook, invites will also be sent to your email address. You’ll get an email from Facebook anytime you’re invited to an event or group. The email contains details about the event or group and links to Accept, Decline, or learn more on Facebook.

Having the invites emailed to you gives you an external notification and archive of all pending invitations. You can then log into Facebook to formally accept or decline them if you wish.

On Mobile

On the Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android, invites work much the same as on desktop. Here are places you can find invites on mobile:

  • The Notification tab – tap the bell icon to view your latest notifications and invites.
  • The Events tab – see your upcoming event invites here.
  • The Groups tab – pending group invites will show here.
  • Individual event/group pages – any invites will be marked as such.
  • The sidebar menu – red bubbles indicate you have new invites to check.
  • Messenger – chat invites can be managed directly in message threads.

Mobile provides a convenient way to stay on top of and respond to invites on-the-go. Tap through the same tabs and menus to find and respond to any outstanding invitations.

How to Respond to Invites

Once you’ve located an event or group invite on Facebook, here is how to formally respond:

  • Accept the invite – Click Going for events or Join Group for groups. This puts the event in your calendar or joins you as a member.
  • Decline the invite – Click Can’t Go for events or Decline for groups. This formally declines the invitation.
  • Mark as Maybe – For events, click Maybe if you’re unsure about attending. The host will see you haven’t declined yet.
  • Hide the invite – If you don’t want to respond yet, click the X icon in the corner to hide the invite from view.

When you officially respond through one of these actions, the host will see your response. If you hide or ignore the invite, it will continue to show as pending. Replying promptly is polite when friends invite you to events or groups.

How to Cancel Invites You’ve Accepted

Changed your mind about an event or group you already said yes to? Here’s how to rescind an accepted invitation:

  • Events – Go to the event page and click More > I Can’t Go or More > Unmark Interest. This updates your RSVP.
  • Groups – Go to the group page and choose Leave Group. This removes you as a member.

Be aware this may notify the organizer that you’ve declined an invite you previously accepted. But it’s better to back out than be a no-show if your plans have changed.

How to Turn Off Invites

If you don’t want to receive future event or group invites for a while, you can turn them off:

  • Events – Go to Settings & Privacy > Events and disable “Appear in Your Friends’ Event Invites.”
  • Groups – Go to Settings & Privacy > Groups and disable “Allow Friends to Add You to Groups.”

This prevents friends from inviting you while these settings are disabled. Just remember to turn them back on when you do want to start receiving invites again.


Facebook invites allow you to connect with friends by joining events and groups. Invitations can appear across Facebook’s tabs, notifications, sidebar menus, pages, Messenger, email, and mobile apps. Now that you know where to look, you can easily keep tabs on incoming invites.

With a few clicks you can accept or decline invites from your friends. Or rescind a previous RSVP if needed. Turning invite notifications off gives you a break when you need one. Understanding where invites live on Facebook makes it simple to manage your event and group invitations.