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Where do I report copyright infringement?

Where do I report copyright infringement?

If you believe your copyright has been infringed upon, there are a few options for reporting the infringement and taking action:

Send a DMCA takedown notice

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides a process for requesting the removal of infringing content online. To issue a DMCA takedown notice:

  1. Identify the infringing content, including the URL or location where it’s posted.
  2. Confirm you own the copyrighted content or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
  3. Draft a takedown notice that includes your contact information, identification of the infringing content, and a statement confirming the validity of your claim.
  4. Send the notice to the designated DMCA agent of the site hosting the content. Most major platforms provide information on their DMCA agent in their terms of service or copyright policy pages.

The hosting provider is required by law to promptly remove or disable access to the infringing content upon receiving a valid DMCA notice. This is often the quickest and easiest way to get infringing content taken down.

File a copyright infringement lawsuit

If sending a DMCA notice does not resolve the issue, you can file a copyright lawsuit against the infringing party. This involves:

  • Consulting with an intellectual property attorney to prepare and file a complaint in federal court.
  • Serving the complaint along with a summons on the defendant.
  • Proving ownership of the copyright and documenting the unauthorized use.
  • Requesting remedies, which may include injunction, damages, attorney’s fees.

Lawsuits can be expensive and time-consuming but may be worthwhile for significant cases of infringement. They establish legal precedent and send a strong message to deter future infringement.

Report to the website or platform

Most major online platforms and communities provide their own tools for reporting copyright violations:

Platform How to Report Infringement
YouTube Submit a copyright takedown request through YouTube’s reporting tool
Facebook Use Facebook’s IP reporting form to submit a notice
Twitter File a copyright report under Twitter’s Help Center
Amazon Send an email to [email protected]
eBay Use eBay’s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) program reporting tool

The benefit here is leveraging the platforms’ own procedures for investigating and removing infringing content promptly. Each platform has their own requirements so be sure to consult their copyright/IP guidelines.

Report to Google

To remove infringing search results, images, videos, etc. from Google products:

  • Locate the Google reporting form relevant to your issue (search, images, YouTube, etc).
  • Provide URLs, search queries, or other details that identify the infringement.
  • Explain how the content violates your copyright.
  • Submit the report – Google will review and remove infringing results.

Google provides guidance on their help pages for reporting various types of copyright issues.

Use a take down service

Copyright enforcement companies like Entura International, BrandShield, and Incopro provide take down services for a fee. They monitor for infringements across the internet and issue takedown notices on your behalf.

Key benefits of using a take down service:

  • Saves time – no need to search for infringements yourself.
  • Removes burden – entire process is handled for you.
  • Expertise – these companies are experienced in issuing effective DMCA notices.

Take down services are most useful for brands dealing with widespread, ongoing infringement. For smaller cases, self-service reporting is likely sufficient.

Report to law enforcement

In cases of criminal copyright infringement or counterfeiting, you can contact federal law enforcement agencies:

  • FBI – Investigates criminal IP offenses including counterfeiting.
  • ICE – Handles IP theft connected to illegal imports/exports.
  • DOJ – Prosecutes complex or high-level IP crimes.

Law enforcement action requires significant evidence of willful, commercial-scale infringement. But it can lead to criminal prosecution, seizure of goods, and other penalties against the infringing party.


Copyright holders have multiple options for reporting infringement and getting illegal copies removed or blocked. Using self-service reporting tools like DMCA takedowns or platform reporting systems is the quickest, easiest route for most cases. For prolific offenders, large-scale counterfeiting rings, or other serious issues, legal action and law enforcement may be warranted.

With persistence and diligence in pursuing notices and complaints, rightsholders can fight online infringement while still keeping costs and effort reasonable. A balanced enforcement approach helps sustain a healthy digital ecosystem.