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Where do I manage admins for Facebook page?

Where do I manage admins for Facebook page?

Managing the admins for a Facebook page is an important part of running a successful page. The admins are the people who have access to post content, respond to comments and messages, edit the page info, and more. As a page owner, you’ll want to carefully choose who has admin access and regularly review the list of admins.

Adding New Admins

To add new admins to your Facebook page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” at the top right of the page (click the 3 dots icon next to Notifications if you don’t see Settings).
  2. In the left menu, click “Page Roles”.
  3. Under the “Admins” section, click “Add Admins”.
  4. Type the name or profile link for the person you want to make an admin and select them from the dropdown.
  5. Click “Add” next to their name.

You can repeat steps 3-5 to add multiple admins at the same time. The new admins will receive a notification that they’ve been added as a page admin.

Removing Admins

To remove an admin from your Facebook page:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” at the top right.
  2. In the left menu, click “Page Roles”.
  3. Under the “Admins” section, find the person you want to remove and click “Remove” next to their name.
  4. Click “Remove” again in the confirmation pop-up.

The admin will immediately lose access to the page. Note that removing an admin will not prevent them from viewing the page or its content.

Editing Admin Roles

Facebook allows you to assign admins different roles based on the level of access you want them to have:

  • Admin – This is the standard admin role with full access to post, edit page info, respond to messages, etc.
  • Editor – Can edit the page info, post as the page, and respond to some messages/comments.
  • Moderator – Can respond to and delete comments on the page.
  • Advertiser – Can run ads for the page without other posting or editing abilities.
  • Analyst – Can view page insights and metrics but not make any posts or changes.

To edit an admin’s role:

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Page Roles” as described above.
  2. Click the 3 dots next to the admin’s name and select “Edit Page Role”.
  3. Choose the new role you want to assign.
  4. Click “Save Changes”.

The admin will now have the abilities associated with their new role.

Limits on Admins

Facebook places some limits on who can be a page admin:

  • You can have an unlimited number of admins, but only 200 can be responded to tagging the page per week.
  • Admins must have an active personal Facebook profile.
  • Business pages cannot add admin accounts – only personal profiles.
  • You cannot add an admin who has already been removed from your page more than twice.

So when choosing admins, select active personal account users who you want to continue granting admin access to. Avoid assigning admin to generic business accounts or short-term contractors who may churn through multiple helpers.

Using Facebook Business Suite

Managing admins can also be done through Facebook Business Suite – Facebook’s tool for managing multiple business pages and ad accounts in one place.

To add, remove, or edit admins via Business Suite:

  1. Go to and access Business Suite.
  2. Find your Facebook page in the list and click “Settings”.
  3. Go to the Roles tab.
  4. Click “+ Add New” to add admins or “Edit” to modify existing ones.
  5. Make any changes and click “Apply Changes” to save.

Business Suite provides a centralized dashboard if you need to manage admins across multiple Facebook pages at once.

Using Facebook’s Graph API

For developers or apps needing to programmatically manage page roles, Facebook provides the Graph API and Marketing API:

  • Use the /page-id/admins endpoint to get, add, and remove page admins.
  • Use the /page-id/roles endpoint to retrieve, add, or update admin roles.

So in addition to the manual options in Facebook’s UI, developers have flexibility to build custom experiences for administering Facebook pages.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices around managing your Facebook page admins:

  • Carefully vet anyone before granting them admin access.
  • Start them in a limited role like Moderator and elevate permissions as needed.
  • Ensure you trust admins to represent your brand appropriately.
  • Keep the admin list tidy – remove stale admins you no longer want access.
  • Review the list quarterly and confirm access is still required.
  • Watch for any unauthorized changes by ensuring you know every admin.
  • Revoke access immediately if any admin leaves your organization.

Following these tips will help ensure your Facebook page remains secure and controlled by your intended administrators.

Alternative Options

A couple alternative options for managing Facebook page admins include:

Facebook Groups

For more open posting abilities, you could create a Facebook Group and add contributors there instead of as page admins. Groups allow all members to freely post and admins to moderate content.

Shared Facebook Accounts

Some organizations use shared Facebook accounts that multiple team members have the login for. This allows posting flexibility without assigning everyone an admin role.

However, shared accounts make it difficult to audit actions and can risk security if credentials leak to former employees. Formal page roles are preferred in most cases.

Troubleshooting Issues

Here are some common issues and fixes for managing Facebook page admins:

Can’t find a user to add as admin

  • Make sure you are searching for their personal profile, not a business Page.
  • Try finding their profile directly via the Facebook search bar.
  • The user may not have a personal profile anymore or may have privacy settings blocking search.

Newly added admin not showing up

  • It can take up to 24 hours for new admins to fully replicate across Facebook’s systems.
  • Ask them to logout and back into Facebook to refresh permissions.
  • Try editing their admin role again to retrigger permissions.

Unable to remove an admin

  • Double check you are logged into the right Facebook page that the admin was added to.
  • Some glitches may prevent immediate removal – try again in a few hours.
  • As page owner, you should be able to override any other admin’s permissions.

Admin lost access unexpectedly

  • Their personal Facebook account may have been disabled or deleted.
  • Page access is dependent on them maintaining an active Facebook profile.
  • Add their profile again if they create a new personal account.

Hopefully these provide some guidance on troubleshooting any admin issues!


In summary, managing admins for Facebook pages is easy to do directly within Facebook’s Settings area or Business Suite manager. Take time to carefully assign admin roles and review the list on a recurring basis to ensure it stays accurate. Admins provide the keys to your page, so vet and monitor them closely as you would any other important business asset!