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Where do I find Insights on my Facebook page?

Where do I find Insights on my Facebook page?

Facebook Insights provides page admins with valuable data and statistics about their Facebook Page. Insights can help you understand your audience, see what content resonates with your fans, and optimize your Page for growth. Accessing and utilizing Insights is easy, as long as you know where to look.

Accessing Insights

Insights can be accessed from both desktop and mobile:

On Desktop:

  • Go to your Facebook Page
  • Click on “Insights” in the left sidebar

On Mobile:

  • Go to your Facebook Page
  • Tap the “More” tab
  • Tap “Insights”

You must be an admin of the Page in order to view Insights. Page mods or other editors will not have access.

Insights Overview

The Overview section of Insights provides high-level metrics about your Page’s performance. This gives you a snapshot of how your Page is doing.

Key metrics in the Overview include:

  • Page Views: The number of times your Page’s profile has been viewed.
  • Page Likes: How many new people have liked your Page over a given time period.
  • Reach: The number of people who saw any content from your Page.
  • Post Engagements: Likes, comments, shares and other interactions on your posts.

The Overview section also displays graphs and charts summarizing your Page’s activity. You can toggle between different reporting periods to see trends over time.


The Followers section provides details about the demographics and locations of the people following your Page. This can help you better understand your target audience.

Key Follower metrics include:

  • Total Followers: Your current number of Page followers.
  • New Followers: The number of new followers gained over a given period.
  • Unfollows: The number of people who have unfollowed your Page.
  • Follower Sources: Where your followers are coming from (organic, paid, etc).
  • Locations: The countries and cities where your followers are located.
  • Demographics: The age, gender and language breakdown of your followers.

Analyzing this followers data can inform your content strategy and advertising efforts.


The Likes section shows metrics specifically related to when people like your Facebook Page.

Key metrics include:

  • New Likes: The number of new likes over a given time period.
  • Unlikes: The number of people who have unliked your Page.
  • Like Sources: Where the likes are coming from.
  • Total Likes: Your current number of Page likes.

You can combine this data with the Followers section to get a holistic view of your Page’s growth and retention.


The Reach section shows information about how many people you are reaching with your Page content.

Key Reach metrics:

  • Post Reach: The number of people who saw your Page’s posts.
  • Post Impressions: The number of times your content was displayed.
  • Organic Reach: Reach from non-paid distribution.
  • Paid Reach: Reach from ads or boosted posts.
  • Viral Reach: Reach from shares of your content.

Analyzing your Facebook reach will show you how effectively your content is being distributed. You can use this data to make optimization decisions.


The Engagement section provides statistics on how people are interacting with your Page and its content.

Key Engagement metrics:

  • Post Engagements: Total likes, comments, shares and more that your posts receive.
  • Video Views: Number of times your videos were viewed for at least 3 seconds.
  • Post Clicks: Clicks on links within your posts.
  • Engaged Users: The number of unique accounts engaging with your Page.
  • Impressions: Times your posts entered a person’s screen.

Monitoring engagement helps you identify your best performing content so you can refine your social media strategy.


The People section provides details about the specific users interacting with your Page and content.

You can view:

  • Most engaged followers
  • Cities with the most engaged users
  • Demographics of engaged users
  • When your followers are online

These insights help you better understand your most engaged audience segment so you can cater content specifically to them.


Analyzing your individual posts is crucial. The Posts section shows you granular data for each of your Page posts.

For each post you can view:

  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Likes, comments and shares
  • Clicks
  • Audience retention for videos
  • Demographic data
  • When people are interacting

Comparing the performance of your different post types and topics will enable you to hone your messaging and content.


For Pages that post videos, the Videos section provides detailed analytics just for your video content.

Key video metrics include:

  • Total video views
  • Average % watched
  • Video watch time
  • Top videos by engagement
  • Demographics and devices of viewers

Use these video insights to make decisions about video strategy and optimization.


For Pages that utilize Facebook events, the Events section shows you performance data specific to your events.

Event metrics include:

  • Event views
  • Event reach
  • Event responses
  • Top performing events

This can help assess which of your events resonate best with your audience.


If your Page has enabled messaging, you can view metrics related to inbox conversations.

Key message metrics:

  • Total conversations
  • New conversations
  • Blocked conversations
  • Response time
  • Resolution time

Use this to optimize your customer service efforts on Messenger.

Exporting Data

In addition to viewing your Insights within Facebook, you can also export the data for further analysis. Just click on the “Export Data” button at the top of each Insights section.

You can choose to export your Page Insights data in either .CSV or .JSON formats. This allows you to manipulate the data in spreadsheet programs or integrate it into other systems.

Best Practices for Using Insights

Here are some tips for making the most of Facebook Insights for your Page:

  • Check Insights frequently to stay on top of your Page’s performance.
  • Look for trends and fluctuations across time periods.
  • Compare metrics week-over-week and month-over-month.
  • Use Insights to create goals for your Page and measure progress.
  • Segment your data by post type, age group, location etc. to uncover more nuances.
  • Let data drive your content strategy decisions.
  • Share key metric reports with your wider team and stakeholders.


Facebook Insights provides a wealth of valuable data to help Page admins optimize their content and engagement. Key metrics to focus on include Reach, Engagement, Followers, and Post-level analytics. Regularly monitoring Insights and acting on the data will lead to an improved experience for Page fans.

For any additional questions on accessing or using Facebook Insights for your Page, refer to Facebook’s Help Center.