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Where do I find blocked contacts on Facebook?

Where do I find blocked contacts on Facebook?

Finding blocked contacts on Facebook can be tricky, as the social media platform does not make it obvious where to locate a list of the users you have blocked. However, with a few steps, you can find and view a list of all your blocked contacts on Facebook.

What Does it Mean to Block Someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, you prevent them from being able to find or contact you on the platform. Specifically, blocking someone on Facebook does the following:

  • Prevents the blocked person from viewing your Facebook profile or seeing your posts
  • Stops the blocked person from starting conversations with you on Messenger
  • Removes you from the blocked person’s friends list
  • Prevents the blocked person from tagging you in photos or posts
  • Stops the blocked person from inviting you to events or groups
  • Removes conversations with the blocked person from your inbox

In other words, blocking someone completely cuts off their access to interact with you and your content on Facebook. It’s as if you no longer exist on Facebook from the blocked person’s perspective.

Where to Find Your Blocked Contacts List

Facebook does not make it obvious where to find a list of your blocked contacts, but the feature is accessible if you know where to look. To view your blocked contacts list on Facebook:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Blocking”
  3. This will open your blocked contacts list, with the option to unblock people if desired.

The blocked contacts page shows the name, profile picture and any shared connections you may have for each blocked account. You can scroll through the list to view everyone you have blocked on Facebook.

What Happens When You Block Someone?

Blocking someone on Facebook is not reciprocal. This means if you block someone, they will not be notified or automatically blocked from contacting you. From their end, it will seem like you deleted your Facebook account altogether. They will no longer see your profile, posts or be able to message you.

In addition, when you block someone on Facebook:

  • Your messages with the blocked person are deleted from your inbox.
  • You will no longer be notified about the blocked person’s activities or if they tag you.
  • The blocked person’s messages go straight to your filtered message requests folder.
  • You and the blocked person will no longer be listed as friends.

Essentially, blocking someone makes it so the blocked person can no longer interact with you or your Facebook presence in any way.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

If you change your mind later on, you can easily unblock people on Facebook as well. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your blocked contacts list under Settings & Privacy > Blocking.
  2. Click on the “Unblock” button next to the person’s name.
  3. Confirm that you want to unblock the person when prompted.

Unblocking someone restores your Facebook relationship to the way it was before you blocked them. They will be able to find your profile, send you messages, tag you, invite you to events and interact with your posts again.

Limitations of Blocking on Facebook

While blocking prevents someone from interacting with you directly, it does not completely eliminate their presence from your Facebook experience:

  • You may still see the blocked person commenting on mutual friends’ posts.
  • The blocked person can still tag your mutual friends.
  • You may see updates about the blocked person from your mutual connections.

For a more comprehensive block, you can also unfollow or unfriend mutual connections to avoid updates about the blocked person. But you will not be able to stop them from interacting with other parts of Facebook entirely.

Blocking vs. Unfollowing

Blocking and unfollowing both limit someone’s access to interacting with your Facebook profile, but there are some key differences:

Blocking Unfollowing
Completely removes you from the person’s view on Facebook Just stops their posts from appearing in your News Feed
Prevents any communication or tagging abilities Still allows messaging, tagging, invites, etc.
Recipient is not notified Recipient can tell you unfollowed them

In most cases, blocking is the better option if you want to eliminate someone’s access to your profile and prevent any type of contact.

Signs You May Want to Block Someone on Facebook

Not sure if you should block someone? Here are some signs it may be a good idea:

  • They are harassing, bullying or threatening you.
  • They repeatedly message you despite requests to stop.
  • They are spreading false information about you.
  • Seeing their content causes you distress or harm.
  • You feel unsafe, angry or anxious after interacting with them.
  • You need to eliminate contact for emotional, mental health or personal reasons.

Blocking someone on Facebook is a personal decision. Do what feels right for your own health, safety and well-being.

Concerns about Blocking Contacts

Some common concerns people have about blocking others on Facebook include:

Will blocking cause drama?

Blocking someone quietly removes you from their view on Facebook without notification. In most cases it does not start drama, as the person is unaware they are blocked.

Is blocking too extreme?

Blocking is appropriate in situations where someone is making you feel compromised, unsafe or negatively affected. Don’t hesitate to block if needed.

What if they realize they’re blocked?

If someone realizes they have been blocked, you are not obligated to engage with them about it. Do what feels right for you.

Can you tell who viewed your profile?

No, Facebook does not notify users who views their profile. Blocked contacts are unable to see your profile at all.

Should I warn them before blocking?

You can warn someone before blocking if you want, but you are not required to. Reasoning with them further may just open you up to more harm.

Pros of Blocking Someone on Facebook

Some benefits of blocking a contact on Facebook include:

  • Prevents harassment, bullying, stalking or threats.
  • Creates a sense of safety, control and empowerment.
  • Limits ability to spread false or negative information.
  • Provides peace of mind and emotional relief.
  • Helps reduce anxiety, discomfort or distress.
  • Allows you to curate Facebook interactions on your own terms.
  • Eliminates chances for unwanted contact or conflict.

Overall, blocking can be a very useful self-protection tool if used responsibly. It puts you back in control of your boundaries.

How to Choose if Blocking is Right for You

Deciding when to block someone can be difficult. Here are some questions to reflect on:

  • Does this person make me feel threatened, worried or upset?
  • Do I feel harassed, bullied or persecuted by this person?
  • Does contact with this person negatively impact my life?
  • Would removing this person improve my well-being?
  • Have I directly asked them to stop with no success?

If the answers lean towards “yes”, blocking may provide relief and protection. Trust your instincts.

Alternatives to Blocking on Facebook

If blocking someone seems too extreme, some alternatives to consider include:

  • Snoozing them for a period of time (1, 3, or 7 days)
  • Unfollowing them
  • Restricting them from seeing certain posts
  • Muting notifications from them
  • Reporting abusive content to Facebook

However, these options allow some ongoing interactions. Blocking may still be right if you need to cease all contact.

Can You See Who Someone Else Has Blocked?

No, there is no way to see who another person has blocked on Facebook. The block list is private to each user. Even if you are friends with someone, you cannot view their blocked contacts list.

In Summary

  • Blocked contacts are accessed in Settings & Privacy > Blocking
  • Blocking prevents any interaction from the blocked person
  • You can unblock contacts at any time
  • Use blocking if someone makes you feel unsafe, anxious or distressed
  • Blocking removes someone’s access without notifying them

Blocking can be an empowering self-care tool if you need to limit contact with someone on Facebook. Place your emotional health first when evaluating whether to block.