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Where do Facebook story replies go?

Where do Facebook story replies go?

When you reply to a story on Facebook, whether it’s a friend’s story or a business page’s story, your reply may not always be visible to everyone who views that story. There are a few different factors that determine who can see your story reply and where it shows up.

Visibility of Story Replies

If you reply to a friend’s story, your reply will be visible to that friend as well as any other friends who are allowed to view that person’s story. For example, if you and your friend Jane both allow each other to view stories, and you reply to Jane’s story, she will see your reply and you will see your own reply. However, if your friend John is not allowed to view Jane’s story, he will not see your reply either.

Similarly, if you reply to a business page’s public story, your reply will be visible to anyone who views that story. However, if the business page has limited story visibility to only certain people, your reply will only be seen by those people allowed to view the story.

Message Requests

If you reply to a friend’s story and that friend has message requests enabled, your reply may get sent as a message request instead of showing up immediately. This happens if you and that friend are not already connected on Facebook. The same goes for replying to a business page’s story – if message requests are turned on, your reply may be sent as a request.

Once the friend or page approves your message request, your reply will then be visible to both of you along with others who can view the story. If the request is denied or expires, your reply will not be visible.

Filtered Replies

In some cases, your story reply may be filtered or blocked entirely. Some reasons this could happen include:

  • The reply contains blocked or flagged keywords
  • The reply is identified as spam
  • The account replying has been restricted in some way
  • The page owner has enabled comment filtering

Filtered or blocked replies will only be visible to the account that posted them, and not to the broader audience for that story. You will typically be notified if your reply was blocked or filtered.

Where Replies Appear

When you view a story that has public replies, they will appear in a few places:

  • Beneath the story content – you’ll see a preview of recent replies
  • In a tray along the bottom – tap to view all replies
  • Within the list of viewers – tap a profile picture to view their reply

You can tap on any of these areas to view all public replies to the story. Your own replies will have your profile picture next to them.

Stories vs Posts

It’s important to understand the difference between story replies and comment replies on Facebook:

  • Story replies are ephemeral – they disappear when the story expires
  • Post comments are persistent – they remain visible
  • Replies are only seen by the story audience
  • Comments are seen by the post audience

So when replying to a story, remember your reply will have a limited visibility and lifespan compared to commenting on a regular Facebook post.

Who Can Reply to Stories

In your account settings, you can control who is allowed to reply to your stories. The options include:

  • Anyone – Public replies from anyone
  • Friends – Replies from friends only
  • Specific friends – Choose which friends can reply
  • No one – Disable replies entirely

Pages also have these controls available for their stories. So whether replies are enabled at all is up to the story owner.

How Long Do Replies Last?

A story reply will remain visible as long as the original story is available. Once the story expires after 24 hours, the replies will disappear as well. There is no permanent record of story replies.

However, if you reply to a story that gets converted to a Highlight, your reply will remain visible for as long as that Highlight is kept. Highlights do not expire.

Can You Delete Story Replies?

If you’ve replied to a story and change your mind, you can delete your reply. To do so:

  1. View the story again that you replied to
  2. Tap your profile picture to bring up your reply
  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner
  4. Select Delete Reply

This will permanently delete your reply from the story. Other people’s replies can only be deleted by them or the story owner.


Story replies on Facebook enable quick, ephemeral conversations tied to a specific story. Your replies are only visible to the people who can view that story, and disappear when the story expires. Understanding where replies appear, who can see them, and how long they last will help you use this feature effectively.