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Where do Facebook notifications show up?

Where do Facebook notifications show up?

Facebook notifications are an important part of the Facebook experience, allowing users to stay up-to-date on the latest interactions, messages, and updates from friends, family, Groups, Pages, and more. With so many different notification options available, it can sometimes be confusing to figure out exactly where certain Facebook notifications will show up.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through where you can find notifications for friend requests, messages, posts, events, Live videos, Facebook Stories, and more across Facebook’s apps and platforms. Whether you use Facebook on desktop, mobile, or a combination of both, this article will help you locate every notification type so you never miss an important update.

Notifications on Facebook Desktop

When using Facebook through a desktop web browser, notifications appear in a few key places:

The Notifications Menu

The main Notifications menu accessible by clicking the globe or bell icon in the blue toolbar at the top right of the Facebook website collects most notifications into one place. This includes notifications for friend requests, new messages, post reactions, tags, shares, comments, event invites, Live videos, Facebook Stories, Pages, and Groups.

Red Notification Bubbles

For some types of notifications like friend requests, new messages, and notifications from Groups, red bubbles will also appear around the relevant icons in the toolbar. For example, if you have a new message, a red bubble will show up on the Messages icon.

Jewel Notifications

On mobile devices, the red bubbles are called Jewel notifications and work the same way to alert you tounread activity. On desktop, Jewel notifications may also appear in some cases depending on your notification settings.

Notifications on Facebook Mobile Apps

Facebook’s mobile apps for iOS and Android also provide a range of options for accessing different notifications:

Notification Tab

At the top right of the Facebook mobile apps is a Notification tab, similar to the desktop Notifications menu. Tapping here will show your latest notifications.

Red Notification Dots

Unread notifications will also be indicated by red dots next to the relevant icons at the bottom of the app, such as Messages, Notifications, Watch, Marketplace, and Menu.

Jewel Notifications

Jewel notifications work the same on mobile as on desktop, with red bubbles appearing on the icons to represent unread activity.

Push Notifications

If enabled in Settings, push notifications will also be sent directly to your device’s notification tray to alert you of new interactions in real time.

Notifications for Specific Facebook Activities

Now that we’ve covered where to find notifications across Facebook’s interfaces, let’s break down what kind of notifications you can expect from some of the most popular Facebook features:

Friend Requests

When someone sends you a friend request, it will appear in the Notifications menu/tab and by the Friends icon. You’ll get a red bubble on desktop or Jewel notification on mobile by the Friends icon, and may also get a push notification depending on your settings.


New messages will create a notification in your Notifications menu/tab, as well as on the Messages icon. Red bubbles or Jewel notifications will appear by the Messages icon on desktop and mobile respectively, and you may get a push notification as well.


When someone reacts to, comments on, shares, or tags you in a post, a notification will be added to your Notifications menu/tab. The relevant post will have a blue dot on your Timeline. You’ll also get notifications on desktop and mobile around the Notifications icon.


Event invites, reminders, cancellations, and RSVPs will show up in your Notifications menu/tab. Desktop and mobile notifications will appear around the Notifications icon. Push notifications may also be sent for event updates.

Live Videos

When a friend starts a Live video, you’ll be notified in the Notifications menu/tab and around the Notifications icon on desktop and mobile. Push notifications may also be sent for Live videos starting.

Facebook Stories

If someone tags you in a Facebook Story, you’ll get a notification in the Notifications menu/tab plus around the Notifications icon on desktop and mobile. Push notifications may also be sent for Story tags.


When a Page you follow posts an update, you’ll get a notification in the Notifications menu/tab and around the Notifications icon. Push notifications may also be sent for Page posts depending on your settings.


For new posts and comments in Groups you’ve joined, you’ll get notifications in the Notifications menu/tab and around the Groups and Notifications icons. Push notifications for Groups can be customized in Settings.

Managing Your Facebook Notifications

If you’re overwhelmed by the number of notifications you’re getting from Facebook, there are a few ways to manage them:

Notification Settings

Under Settings, you can customize notifications for specific friends, Pages, Groups, apps, and more. You can also disable certain notification types altogether.

Muting Posts

To stop getting notifications from a specific post, you can mute that post by hovering over it and clicking the X icon. This will remove all future notifications for that post.

Snooze Notifications

If you want to temporarily stop getting notifications from Facebook without fully customizing your settings, you can snooze notifications for 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours, or until you turn notifications back on.

Clear Notification Jewels

On mobile devices, you can clear those pesky red notification bubbles/Jewels by opening up the specific tab like Messages or Notifications. This will reset the icon back to normal.


Facebook notifications can quickly pile up from friends, Groups, Pages, and more. But by understanding where to find notifications across Facebook’s desktop and mobile apps, and fine-tuning your notification settings, you can stay on top of the updates that matter most to you.

The key notification destinations to remember are:

  • The Notifications menu/tab
  • Red bubbles and Jewels around icons like Friends, Messages, and Notifications
  • Push notifications to your device

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll never miss an important Facebook update again. Now go out and connect with friends far and wide across the social network!