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Where do Facebook ad account requests go?

Where do Facebook ad account requests go?

When a user submits a request for a new Facebook ad account, that request gets sent to Facebook’s ad account review team. This team is responsible for evaluating all new ad account requests and determining whether to approve or reject them.

Who reviews Facebook ad account requests?

Facebook has a dedicated ad review team that is solely focused on evaluating ad account requests. This team consists of hundreds of people located across Facebook’s offices around the world. They are trained to carefully assess each request to ensure advertisers meet Facebook’s policies and standards.

The reviewers have expertise in areas like ad policies, content moderation, privacy and security. They leverage this knowledge to determine if a business should be permitted to advertise on Facebook. Reviewers will check factors like a business’s website content, contact information, and history with Facebook ads if applicable.

What is the ad account review process?

When a user completes the ad account request flow in Ads Manager, here is what happens behind the scenes:

  1. The request is routed to the ad review queue.
  2. An ad reviewer is assigned to evaluate the request.
  3. The reviewer checks the associated Facebook page and website for policy compliance.
  4. If needed, additional verification steps may be required.
  5. The reviewer makes an approval/rejection decision.
  6. The user is notified of the decision via email.

The exact timing can vary, but Facebook aims to complete reviews within 1-3 business days. Some requests may take longer if they require a more thorough review.

What causes an ad account request to be rejected?

There are a few main reasons why Facebook might reject an ad account request:

  • The website or Facebook page contains content that violates Facebook’s Advertising Policies.
  • The business does not meet Facebook’s eligibility requirements for advertising.
  • The business information provided cannot be properly verified.
  • The domain name or website provided is associated with past policy violations.
  • The business falls into a category of goods or services that cannot be advertised.

Some common policy violations that lead to rejections include promoting illegal or regulated products, sensational content, misinformation, and certain financial services. If a request is rejected, the notification email should explain the policy violation.

Can you request an ad account review if rejected?

If your ad account request is rejected, you may be able to appeal the decision by requesting another review. Here are some tips:

  • Carefully review the rejection email for details on why you were rejected.
  • Make any necessary changes to your pages/website to correct policy violations.
  • Wait 1-2 weeks before submitting another request.
  • Provide additional business documentation if requested.
  • Communicate with Facebook ad support if issues persist.

However, appeals will likely be rejected again if the core issue is not properly addressed. It can also take multiple appeals before being approved in some cases.

How to improve your chances of ad account approval

Here are some best practices to help get your ad account request approved:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Advertising Policies and stay compliant.
  • Have a fully developed business website with clear contact info.
  • Ensure your Facebook page has accurate business details.
  • Avoid regulated goods and services if possible.
  • Provide all requested verification materials.
  • Use an established business domain name.
  • Don’t have past advertising policy violations.

Having a strong understanding of what Facebook looks for in advertisers is key. Patience is also important, as it can sometimes take multiple submissions to get approved depending on the circumstances.

What happens after ad account approval?

Once your ad account request is approved, here is what you can expect:

  • You will receive an email confirming your new ad account is activated.
  • You can now access Ads Manager and create campaigns.
  • A payment method will need to be added before running ads.
  • Your ad delivery will initially be restricted to minimize policy violations.
  • Spend and reach limits will gradually increase over time.

It’s recommended to start slowly with small ad budgets and simple campaign structures. Give Facebook’s systems time to properly learn your account with a “ramp up” period.


Getting approved for a Facebook ad account can be a tedious process, but is necessary to gain access to Facebook’s advertising platform. By understanding how the review system works, the reasons for rejections, and best practices for compliance, advertisers can maximize their chances of successfully passing the ad account review process. While it may take some patience and persistence, most legitimate advertisers are ultimately able to get approved by avoiding policy violations and properly addressing any issues flagged during the review.