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Where do Business Manager requests go?

Where do Business Manager requests go?

Business Manager requests allow advertisers to manage their ad accounts and campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. When an advertiser submits a request in Business Manager, it goes through the following process:

Request Submission

The request process starts when the advertiser submits a request in Business Manager. This can be done by going to the Business Settings page, selecting “Requests” from the left menu, and clicking the “Create Request” button. Some common types of requests include:

  • Adding ad accounts
  • Gaining access to existing ad accounts
  • Changing account roles
  • Merging ad accounts
  • Splitting ad accounts

When submitting the request form, the advertiser provides details like:

  • Request type
  • Ad account IDs
  • New role being requested
  • Business verification document (if needed)

Once all required info is entered, the advertiser clicks “Submit” and the request is sent to Facebook for review.

Automated Review

After submission, Business Manager requests go through an initial automated review process. Here are some things that happen during automated review:

  • The request is checked for completeness – all required fields must be filled out
  • Basic eligibility criteria is enforced – e.g. having Business Manager admin role to submit requests
  • Documents are scanned for validity
  • Request is flagged for manual review if needed

Most simple requests like adding ad accounts are approved automatically during this step. More complex requests get flagged for a human reviewer to evaluate further.

Manual Review

Requests that require further inspection go into a queue for a human reviewer. The manual reviewer will:

  • Thoroughly evaluate the request details
  • Check that the request complies with Facebook’s policies
  • Verify submitted documents
  • Approve or reject the request based on the review

Human review ensures that access requests meet Facebook’s eligibility standards and advertisers are verified appropriately. Review times vary based on request complexity and volume in the queue.

Requestor Notification

Once the request has gone through both automated and manual review as needed, the requestor is notified of the decision via email and in their Business Manager account.

If approved, the requested changes are implemented by Facebook. For instance, new ad account access is granted or account mergers take effect.

If rejected, the requestor gets an explanation via email so they can revise and re-submit if desired. Frequent rejections may require advertiser verification before requests can proceed.

Request Implementation

For approved requests, Facebook systems make the necessary account adjustments to deliver on the request. Some examples:

  • Adding user roles/permissions to ad accounts
  • Moving ad accounts to new Business Manager accounts
  • Merging requested ad accounts together
  • Splitting ad accounts into new individual accounts

Technical teams ensure proper system changes are made to enact exactly what was approved in the request. This step automates delivery of the changes to minimize manual work.

Ongoing Monitoring

Even after implementation, Facebook monitors requests to watch for any suspicious or abusive activity. Some examples:

  • Monitoring changes to account roles/permissions
  • Tracking which accounts are merging or splitting
  • Detecting attempts to gain access without proper approval

Ongoing monitoring ensures approved Business Manager requests are carried out safely and compliantly. Any bad behaviors result in remediation actions like request reversals or disabling accounts.

Request Lifecycle Recap

To summarize the lifecycle:

  1. Advertiser submits Business Manager request
  2. Automated system reviews request
  3. Human reviewers inspect complex requests
  4. Requestor receives approval/rejection decision
  5. Facebook systems implement approved requests
  6. Ongoing monitoring of request activity

This full lifecycle allows advertisers to efficiently make changes to their account structure and access while staying within Facebook’s policies. The layers of automated checks and human review balance speed, accuracy, and safety throughout the process.

Common Request Types

Now that we’ve seen the overall flow, let’s look closer at some of the most common Business Manager requests:

Add Ad Accounts

This request adds existing ad accounts to a Business Manager account so they can be managed together.

  • Use case: Consolidating ad accounts from multiple platforms under one Business Manager
  • Info needed: Ad account IDs to add
  • Automated checks: Confirm valid IDs, requesting advertiser has authority

Gain Access to Ad Accounts

This requests access roles like Advertiser or Analyst for ad accounts the user needs to manage.

  • Use case: Onboarding new team members by granting account access
  • Info needed: Ad account IDs, new role requested
  • Automated checks: Validate roles, check authority

Merge Ad Accounts

Merging combines two or more ad accounts into one unified account.

  • Use case: Consolidating accounts after an acquisition
  • Info needed: Ad accounts to merge
  • Automated checks: Confirm valid accounts, look for data inconsistencies

Split Ad Accounts

Splitting divides one ad account into separate independent accounts.

  • Use case: Separating accounts by brand, product, or region
  • Info needed: Details on how to split the account
  • Automated checks: Review account hierarchy, watch for conflicts

Change Account Roles

Modifying user roles updates the account permissions granted to a Business Manager user.

  • Use case: Removing access from departing employees
  • Info needed: User, account ID, new role
  • Automated checks: Confirm valid role, validate user status

Request Approval Criteria

When reviewing Business Manager requests, Facebook looks at several criteria to determine approval or rejection. Some key aspects include:

  • User authority – Does requester have proper admin permissions?
  • Account standing – Accounts must be in good standing without policy violations
  • Compliance – Changes must follow all Facebook policies and rules
  • Verification – Documents confirming identity may be required
  • Consistency – Info provided should align across accounts and users
  • Business rationale – Reasons for changes should make sense

Meeting these standards provides confidence that access requests are valid and authorized. This protects advertisers along with Facebook’s platforms.

Tips for Smooth Requests

Following best practices can help Business Manager requests get approved quickly with no issues:

  • Have proper admin access before submitting requests
  • Provide complete, accurate info in the request
  • Choose request types matching your true business needs
  • Keep accounts in good standing by following policies
  • Respond promptly if Facebook asks for more details
  • Be ready to verify identity if requested

Avoiding mistakes upfront prevents complications and speeds up processing. Having patience is key as changes can take effect 1-3 business days after approval.

Troubleshooting Rejected Requests

If a Business Manager request gets rejected, here are some common troubleshooting tips:

  • Read rejection details closely – the reason is explained
  • Make sure accounts are currently active and compliant
  • Confirm you have proper administrator authority
  • Provide additional verification documents if requested
  • Correct any inconsistencies or inaccurate info
  • Adjust request if needed to comply with policies

Identifying and resolving the specific cause allows resubmitting a fixed request for approval. Preventing the same rejection reason helps speed up subsequent requests.


In summary, Business Manager requests provide vital account management capabilities for advertisers on Facebook’s platforms. Understanding the submission, review, and implementation process helps make the most of these features. While automated systems handle simple changes, human reviewers ensure complex requests meet requirements. Following best practices smooths out the end-to-end process while troubleshooting guides fix rejections. With this knowledge, advertisers can easily access Business Manager’s account tools to structure their ad accounts optimally.