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Where can I share my fundraiser on Facebook?

Where can I share my fundraiser on Facebook?

Facebook offers several options for sharing fundraisers and collecting donations. The main ways to share a fundraiser on Facebook include creating a Fundraiser on your timeline, sharing in Facebook Groups and Events, promoting on your Facebook Page, and leveraging Facebook Live.

When deciding where to share your fundraiser, consider your target audience and which platform will give you the most visibility. For example, sharing in relevant Facebook Groups and Events where people passionate about your cause congregate will expose your fundraiser to more potential donors. Promoting the fundraiser on your Facebook Page allows you to reach your existing followers. Facebook Live is a powerful way to share your fundraiser in real time and encourage viewers to donate on the spot.

Ways to Share a Fundraiser on Facebook

Create a Fundraiser on Your Timeline

The easiest way to collect donations on Facebook is to create a Personal Fundraiser directly on your timeline. Here’s how it works:

– Go to the Fundraisers tab on your navigation bar and click “Raise Money”
– Select the nonprofit you want donations to benefit
– Give your fundraiser a title, set your fundraising goal amount, and add a story to encourage donations
– Customize your fundraiser with a cover photo and details about your cause
– Click “Create” to publish your fundraiser timeline post

Once published, the fundraiser timeline post is visible to all your friends and followers. People can click on your post to donate or share it to spread the word.

Share in Facebook Groups

Joining relevant Facebook Groups related to your cause and sharing your fundraiser in those groups can help you reach more potential donors. Make sure to read the rules of each group before posting. Some groups allow fundraising while others prohibit solicitations. When posting your fundraiser in Facebook Groups:

– Provide context on the purpose of your fundraiser and how funds will be used
– Include a direct URL link for people to click to access your fundraiser page
– Engage with group members by answering questions and thanking those who share or donate
– Avoid spamming by not posting your fundraiser link repeatedly

Choose groups with an active, engaged membership of thousands of users for maximum impact.

Promote on Your Facebook Page

Having a Facebook Page allows you to reach thousands of existing followers with updates about your fundraiser. Post on your Page timeline:

– Share the story behind your fundraiser and how funds will help your cause
– Ask Page followers to donate by including a clickable link to your fundraiser
– Post updates on fundraising milestones achieved or remaining
– Thank new donors publicly when they contribute
– Share photos and videos that highlight the importance of your cause

You can also promote your Facebook fundraiser post as a paid advertisement to reach more potential donors. Facebook Page promotions can help you gain more visibility.

Go Live on Facebook

Facebook Live is an interactive way to fundraise. When you broadcast live video, followers can comment and react in real time. Here are tips for using Facebook Live for your fundraiser:

– Announce your upcoming broadcast in advance so followers tune in
– Share why you’re fundraising and how donations will be used
– Thank viewers as they make donations during the live video
– Have a co-host or special guest to keep the broadcast dynamic
– Keep broadcasts short and interesting, 10-20 minutes maximum

The real-time nature of Facebook Live creates urgency and excitement around giving.

Other Ways to Fundraise on Facebook

In addition to direct fundraiser posts, you can leverage other Facebook features to promote your cause:

– **Share on your personal profile.** Post about your nonprofit event or initiative and include a donation link. Ask friends to contribute or help spread the word.

– **Go live with a donor.** Feature a donor or volunteer in your broadcast and have them share why your organization matters to them. This peer endorsement can inspire others to give.

– **Post video testimonials.** Short video clips of donors explaining the impact of their gift makes the fundraiser more relatable. Ask supporters to make and send videos.

– **Tag donors.** When thanking new donors, tag them in your post with @theirname. This publicly recognizes them for supporting you.

– **Add a Twibbon.** Twibbons allow supporters to add an overlay photo to their profile picture showing they donated to you.

– **Leverage Facebook Ad Credits.** Some nonprofits receive free advertising credits from Facebook to promote fundraisers.

Tips for an Effective Fundraiser on Facebook

To maximize the funds you raise on Facebook, incorporate these best practices:

– **Share your story.** Help potential donors understand why your cause matters by sharing your organization’s mission, how you got involved, and how their gift can help.

– **Post consistently.** Don’t just share your fundraiser once. Post regular updates on your progress, milestones achieved, and new donation opportunities.

– **Make it visual.** Include photos, videos, graphics, and other visual media to make your fundraiser posts more engaging.

– **Tag donors.** Thanking new donors by name on your Page or in comments makes the fundraiser more personal.

– **Go live.** Broadcasting live is a powerful way to connect with supporters in real time and encourage immediate donations.

– **Partner with influencers.** Ask relevant influencers or partners to share your fundraiser with their own networks for extended reach.

– **Retarget website visitors.** If someone visits your nonprofit’s website, you can create Facebook ads specifically targeting them to bring them back to donate.

– **Experiment with different post types.** See what resonates best with your audience – short links, long stories, videos, or images. Measure results and do more of what works.

Important Considerations When Fundraising on Facebook

When running a fundraiser on Facebook, be aware of the following:

– **Fundraiser fees** – Facebook charges transaction fees per donation. For personal fundraisers, fees are approximately 3% per donation + $0.30 to $0.35.

– **Timezone for end date** – The fundraiser end time is based on the timezone set in your Facebook account, which may be different than a donor’s local time.

– **Age restrictions** – You must be 18 years or older to create a Facebook fundraiser. Those younger can contribute to existing fundraisers.

– **Currency** – Donations only accept certain currencies depending on your nonprofit’s location and funds raised.

– **Data privacy** – Make sure you have consent from contacts before mass sharing or emailing a fundraiser link.

– **Reporting** – Facebook provides fundraiser reporting including donations per day, average donations, and total raised.

– **Fundraiser length** – Facebook fundraisers can run a maximum of 30 days. After the end date, the fundraiser page stays visible but inactive.


Facebook provides a versatile platform to share fundraisers and engage supporters. Create a dedicated fundraiser campaign, promote across your network on your timeline, share in relevant groups, broadcast live videos, and leverage your Facebook Page for maximum exposure. Tailor your approach based on what resonates best with your audience. With strategic sharing and consistent promotion, you can meet and exceed your fundraising goals.

Facebook Fundraising Approach Benefits
Personal Fundraiser Easy built-in fundraising tool, visible to all friends and followers, customizable cover photo and details
Facebook Groups Targeted visibility in niche interest groups, access thousands of engaged potential donors
Facebook Page Leverage existing followers, promote via ads, public updates on progress
Facebook Live Broadcast in real time, interact with viewers, create urgency