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Where can I see the failed post in Facebook?

Where can I see the failed post in Facebook?

When you post something on Facebook, there are times when the post fails to publish for various reasons. If you notice that a post you tried to make is not showing up on your timeline or your page’s feed, it likely failed to post properly. Don’t worry, Facebook keeps track of your failed posts so you can still find and repost them if needed. Here are some ways to see your failed or unpublished posts on Facebook.

Check Your Activity Log

The easiest way to find your failed Facebook posts is to check your activity log. This is where Facebook keeps a record of all your posts, even ones that failed to publish. To access it:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on the three-dot menu in the top right.
  2. Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu.
  3. You’ll see a feed-like list of all your activity on Facebook, including posts, likes, comments, etc. Failed posts will have a gray unsuccessful post icon next to them.

You can click on any failed posts here to try posting them again directly from your activity log. This is the quickest way to find and retry any unpublished posts.

Check Your Facebook Saves

Facebook has a built-in feature called Saved where it stores your drafts, scheduled posts, and failed posts. To access your Facebook Saves:

  1. Go to your profile page and click the three lines menu icon in the top right.
  2. Select “Saved” from the dropdown menu.

This will show you all your saved drafts as well as any posts that failed to publish. You can click on a failed post here to try posting it again to your timeline or page.

Check Publishing Tools

If you use any Facebook publishing tools to schedule posts, you can also check there to see if any posts failed to publish. For example:

  • Facebook Creator Studio: Go here to see any scheduled page posts that did not successfully publish.
  • Facebook Business Suite: Check the Publishing Tools section for any unfinished or unsuccessful posts.
  • Facebook Pages Manager App: Open the app and view any scheduled posts marked with a warning or error icon.

Any posts that failed to go live will be visible here. You can then delete them or fix any issues and repost.

Check Page Insights

For Facebook pages, you can check Page Insights to view your post publishing history. This shows all published and unpublished posts.

  1. Go to your Facebook page.
  2. Click “Insights” in the top menu bar.
  3. Go to the Posts section.
  4. Filter by published and unpublished posts.

You’ll see a list of your page’s posts over time, including those that failed to publish. Hover over them to repost.

Check Notification History

If your post failed to publish, Facebook will sometimes send you a notification alerting you about the issue. Checking your notifications can reveal any unpublished posts.

  1. Click the notifications icon in the top toolbar.
  2. Go to your notification history.
  3. Look for any notifications about unpublished posts.

The notification will have a link to the post that failed, allowing you to try publishing again.

Use Facebook Search

You can also search for your unpublished Facebook posts using Facebook’s search bar.

  1. Go to Facebook’s homepage.
  2. Type something unique from your failed post into the search bar.
  3. Select “Posts” from the dropdown menu.

This will show all public and private posts matching your search terms, including those that failed to post. You can then click on the unpublished post to view and repost it.

Check Post Visibility Settings

Sometimes posts fail to publish because of incorrect visibility settings. If you can’t find a post, check your post visibility settings:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click the three-dot menu in the top right.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy”.
  4. Go to the Audience and Visibility section.
  5. View your default post visibility setting.

Make sure it’s not set to “Only Me”, which would cause your posts to remain unpublished. You can change it here to Public, Friends, or a custom audience.

Check Post Approvals

If your Facebook page has post approvals turned on, your posts won’t publish immediately – they’ll need to be approved first. To view pending posts:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”.
  2. Select “Page Roles”.
  3. Click on the role you use to post.
  4. View “Content Approvals”.

This will show you any pending posts awaiting approval. The approver can then approve them to publish or delete failed/spam posts.

Why Posts Fail on Facebook

There are a variety of reasons why a Facebook post may fail to publish as expected. Here are some common causes of failed posts:

  • Technical errors – Sometimes glitches cause publishing failures.
  • Duplicate content – Facebook may block duplicate posts.
  • Blocked links – Links to prohibited sites will cause post failures.
  • Spam filters – Posts with suspicious links or content may get blocked.
  • Restricted words – Using banned words or phrases will stop a post.
  • Text/image limits – Exceeding the allowed text or image amounts will fail a post.
  • Visibility settings – Wrong audience settings like “Only Me” will cause unpublished posts.
  • Post approvals – Pending approval causes delays in post publishing.

If your Facebook posts keep failing, try troubleshooting the potential causes above to resolve the issue.

How to Repost Failed or Unpublished Facebook Posts

Once you’ve found your failed Facebook post using any of the methods above, reposting it is easy. Here are a few tips for successfully publishing on a second try:

  • Edit the content if needed – Fix any text or links that may have caused the initial failure.
  • Check the visibility settings – Make sure you have the right audience selected.
  • Retry during a different time – Avoid peak Facebook traffic times.
  • Shorten long text posts – Follow Facebook’s text limits.
  • Resize too large images – Use proper image dimensions.
  • Clear cookies and cache – Refresh your browser before retrying.

Following troubleshooting tips like these can help successfully repost your unpublished Facebook content on a second attempt. You want to ensure any issues that caused the initial failure have been resolved first.

Use Scheduling Tools to Queue Reposts

To save yourself time, use Facebook’s built-in scheduling tools or third-party apps to queue your failed posts to republish later automatically.

For example, when you find an unpublished post you can:

  • Use Facebook Creator Studio to reschedule page post republishing.
  • Employ Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule reposts on your timeline or page.
  • Leverage Facebook Business Suite’s bulk composer to queue unpublished post retries.

Scheduling failed posts to republish not only saves you effort, but also avoids accidental spamming by manually posting too frequently. Spacing out your post retries improves their chances of publishing successfully.

Prevent Facebook Post Failures

While you can always repost failed Facebook posts, it’s better to avoid unpublished content in the first place if possible. Some tips to prevent post failures include:

  • Check length limits – Don’t exceed 63,206 characters for text or 25 images.
  • Don’t duplicate content – Reposting the same thing repeatedly will fail.
  • Use good links – Shorten long URLs and avoid prohibited domains.
  • Follow promotion policies – Don’t push engagement bait or overpromote.
  • Watch restricted content – No pornography, violence, hate speech, etc.
  • Schedule wisely – Avoid peak Facebook traffic times.
  • Check visibility settings – Don’t accidentally hide posts from the intended audience.

Staying within Facebook’s rules and posting guidelines is the best way to ensure your content publishes successfully every time.


Dealing with failed Facebook posts can be annoying, but is usually easy to resolve. By using your activity log, saved posts, publishing tools, and other troubleshooting methods, you can quickly find unpublished content and repost it successfully. Checking for any potential causes of post failures and scheduling republishing during off-peak times improves your chances of getting your posts to go through on the second try. With a few simple checks and fixes, you can get your unpublished Facebook content working again.