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Where can I see my top fan badges on Facebook?

Where can I see my top fan badges on Facebook?

Facebook launched top fan badges in 2011 as a way to recognize and reward the most loyal fans of Facebook pages. Top fan badges appear next to a user’s name in comments on a Facebook page to designate that they are among the top fans of that page based on their engagement. Here is a quick overview of where you can see top fan badges on Facebook and how they work.

What are Facebook top fan badges?

Facebook top fan badges are special badges that appear next to a user’s name when they comment on a Facebook page they are a top fan of. The badges serve to recognize and reward highly engaged followers of Facebook pages.

When a user is considered a top fan of a page, a badge will appear next to their name in any comments they post on that page. The badge shows the page’s profile picture enclosed in a blue circle, identifying them as a top fan of that specific page.

For example, if John Doe is a top fan of the Facebook page “Tech Company,” his comments on Tech Company’s posts will show the badge with Tech Company’s profile picture next to his name. This identifies him as a top fan of that page to others viewing the comments.

How do you get a top fan badge on Facebook?

To get a top fan badge on a Facebook page, you need to actively engage with and follow that page. Facebook considers several factors when determining who qualifies as a top fan, including:

  • How frequently you like, comment on, and share the page’s posts
  • How many of the page’s posts you interact with
  • How long you’ve been following the page
  • How actively you engage with the page compared to other followers

Essentially, the more you sincerely engage with a page over time, the more likely you are to be considered a top fan and earn a badge. Just passively following a page or only occasionally liking posts is unlikely to make you a top fan.

Where do top fan badges appear?

Top fan badges only appear next to a user’s name when they make comments on the Facebook page they are a top fan of. The badges are not visible anywhere else on Facebook.

Some places you may see a top fan badge next to someone’s name include:

  • On posts made by the page
  • In the comments section of the page’s posts
  • In replies to other comments on the page’s posts
  • On the page’s posts where they are tagged or mentioned

Badges will not appear if the top fan likes, shares, or otherwise engages with the page’s content without commenting. The badges are solely meant to show recognition in comments.

Who can see your top fan badge?

When you earn a top fan badge on a Facebook page, it will be visible to anyone who can view comments on that page’s public posts and content.

Some users who may be able to see your badge include:

  • The admins/owners of the Facebook page
  • Other people who are followers of the page
  • Users who visit the page but do not follow it
  • Anyone able to see the page’s posts and comments publicly

Essentially, your badge will be visible anywhere public comments on the page are visible. It shows your status as a top fan to anyone interacting with or visiting the page.

How many top fans display badges?

The number of top fan badges shown on a Facebook page can vary. According to Facebook, here are some guidelines:

  • Pages with fewer than 10,000 followers can display up to 16 top fan badges
  • Pages with 10,000 to 100,000 followers can display up to 24 top fan badges
  • Pages with over 100,000 followers can display up to 36 top fan badges

The exact number depends on the level of engagement on the page. More engagement means more top fan badges will display. Additionally, the list of top fans is updated daily based on recent engagement.

Do top fan badges expire?

Yes, top fan badges do eventually expire if a user stops engaging with the Facebook page. According to Facebook:

  • If you do not engage with the page that you’re a top fan of for 7 days, you’ll lose your badge.
  • Once you engage again, you can regain the badge.

This means you have to keep actively engaging with the page regularly to maintain your status as a top fan and keep the badge visible. It encourages consistency rather than just short-term activity.

Can I increase my chances of becoming a top fan?

You can increase your chances of earning a top fan badge on a Facebook page by:

  • Engaging consistently – Comment, like, and share posts regularly over an extended time, not just sporadically.
  • Commenting thoughtfully – Write detailed, thoughtful comments that show true interest.
  • Engaging deeply – Comment on many different posts rather than just one or two.
  • Following for a while – Build up history interacting with the page.

Essentially, show genuine, active interest in the page over time. This signals to Facebook you are a highly-engaged, loyal follower of that page.

Are there any benefits to being a top fan?

Some potential benefits of being a top fan with a badge on Facebook include:

  • Recognition – The badge publicly shows your support and loyalty.
  • Reputation – It can build your reputation with a brand, company, or creator.
  • Privilege – Some pages give top fans special access or privileges.
  • Motivation – Earning badges can motivate you to engage more.

While there are no direct benefits from Facebook itself, many find value in showcasing their top fan status to a community and being recognized for their dedication.

What are some tips for top fans?

Here are some helpful tips for earning and maintaining top fan status on Facebook pages:

  • Turn on notifications so you never miss posts from pages you want to be a top fan of.
  • Check in regularly on pages you want to engage with – don’t let too much time pass.
  • Add comments that encourage discussion and interact thoughtfully with the community.
  • Share posts you find valuable from pages you want to support as a top fan.
  • Occasionally engage with the page by posting on it directly or tagging it in relevant posts.

Staying actively interested and involved with a page’s content and community is key! Consistency and quality of engagement are more important than quantity alone.


Facebook top fan badges offer a way for pages on Facebook to identify and reward their most loyal and engaged followers. By regularly interacting with posts, engaging in discussion, and keeping up with new content, users can become top fans.

While top fan status takes commitment to maintain, it can be very rewarding for superfans who want recognition for their dedication. So find pages that resonate with you, engage consistently with their communities, and you may just earn a badge of honor as a top fan!

Where top fan badges appear Who can see your badge
  • On page’s posts
  • In comments on posts
  • Replying to other comments
  • Where tagged/mentioned
  • Page admins/owners
  • Followers of the page
  • Users visiting the page
  • Public viewers of page