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Where can I report a bug on Facebook?

Where can I report a bug on Facebook?

Finding bugs or issues when using Facebook can be frustrating. Luckily, Facebook provides ways for users to report bugs directly to them so the issues can be fixed. Here are the main options for reporting Facebook bugs and issues.

Use the Report a Problem Tool

The easiest way to report a bug is using the “Report a Problem” tool built into Facebook. This allows you to clearly describe the issue you’re seeing along with details to help Facebook reproduce it.

To use the Report a Problem tool:

  1. Click the down arrow in the top right corner of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Report a Problem” from the menu.
  3. Choose the issue type that best matches your problem.
  4. Add a description of the exact problem you’re seeing.
  5. Include any details that can help recreate the issue like links or steps to follow.
  6. Click “Review” and then “Submit” to send your report to Facebook.

This information goes directly to the Facebook team responsible for fixing bugs and issues. The more accurately you can describe the problem, the better chance they have of identifying the cause and resolving it.

When to Use Report a Problem

The Report a Problem tool is ideal for typical bugs and issues you encounter when using Facebook, such as:

  • Error messages or crashing
  • Problems loading pages or images
  • Issues with posting or commenting
  • Notifications not working properly
  • Any other Facebook features not working as expected

Basically, anytime something isn’t working the way it should on Facebook, the Report a Problem tool is the quickest way to get it fixed.

Contact Facebook Support

For issues that are more account-specific like hacking, privacy concerns, or disabled accounts, you may need to contact Facebook directly through their Help Center.

To contact Facebook support:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center homepage.
  2. Click “Report a Problem” in the Help with Your Account section.
  3. Select the topic that best fits your issue.
  4. Choose Contact Support and follow the prompts.

This will have you fill out a form with details on the problem you’re experiencing. Your report will be reviewed by a member of the Facebook support team who may reach out for additional information if needed.

When to Contact Facebook Support

Contacting Facebook support directly is recommended for account-related issues like:

  • Suspicious login activity
  • Being hacked or phished
  • Problems with account security
  • Disabled or locked account
  • Compromised data
  • Privacy and legal concerns

For situations that impact your actual account and information, it’s best to have it handled directly by Facebook’s security and support specialists.

Post in the Facebook Community Help Forum

The Facebook Community Help Forum is a place where you can post about bugs or issues and get input from other Facebook users. While it’s not an official Facebook support channel, it can be useful for identifying workarounds or temporary fixes.

To post about a Facebook issue in the Community Help Forum:

  1. Go to the Community Help Forum page.
  2. Click the category your issue relates to.
  3. Browse existing posts or use the search bar to see if anyone else has reported the same problem.
  4. If your issue is new, click “Ask a Question” to create a post describing the problem you’re having.
  5. Include relevant details and screenshots that can help others understand the bug.
  6. Interact with any responses from community members.

While the Community Help Forum isn’t an official bug reporting channel, it can provide temporary solutions as well as help identify how widespread an issue is.

When to Use the Community Help Forum

Posting in the Facebook Community Help Forum can be helpful for:

  • Seeing if others are having the same problem as you.
  • Getting workaround suggestions to temporarily resolve an issue.
  • Bringing wider attention to a bug.
  • Providing or getting information if Facebook support is slow to respond.

Think of the Community Help Forum as crowdsourcing help with Facebook issues. Facebook staff do monitor the forums, so widespread issues reported there can end up being fixed faster.

Use Facebook’s Bug Bounty Program

For very technical users who have discoveredbugs with privacy or security implications, Facebook does have a bug bounty program that pays developers who report qualifying issues.

To report bugs through the bounty program:

  1. Review the terms and eligibility requirements.
  2. Document the detailed steps to reproduce the technical security issue.
  3. Submit the report through the HackerOne platform.
  4. Follow up on any additional questions from Facebook’s security team.
  5. If confirmed as a valid discovery, receive payment based on severity.

The minimum payout is $500, so the program is aimed at encouraging security researchers and developers to actively search for exploits and vulnerabilities in Facebook systems.

When to Use the Bug Bounty Program

The Facebook bug bounty program is for:

  • Advanced technical users with security expertise.
  • Discovered bugs that could compromise user data and privacy.
  • Bypass of Facebook systems, improper access issues, etc.
  • Reproducible security exploits with step-by-step descriptions.

The vast majority of users will not qualify to submit bugs through the bounty program. But it plays an important role in allowing Facebook to find and fix potential security holes before they can be discovered and exploited by malicious actors.

Post in the Facebook Developers Community

If you are a developer building an app that integrates with the Facebook platform, the Facebook for Developers Community is where you can report API issues and bugs.

To post a technical bug report for developers:

  1. Join the Facebook for Developers Community.
  2. Select the Development category.
  3. Browse topics related to the API or integration you are working on.
  4. Search existing posts for similar issues or post a new thread describing your problem.
  5. Provide code samples, error messages, and steps to reproduce the bug.
  6. Monitor responses from other developers or Facebook engineers.

As long as your app abides by Facebook’s Platform Policy and Development Guidelines, you can expect support through this channel for valid platform-related bugs and issues.

When to Use the Developer Community

Posting in the Facebook for Developers Community is recommended when:

  • You are building an app that uses Facebook APIs or tools.
  • You encounter a reproducible platform-related bug.
  • You need technical implementation help from other developers.
  • Your issue is specific to developer tools and integrations.

Make sure to search existing threads before posting. And provide detailed steps and error information when describing your issue.


Reporting bugs directly to Facebook is important for improving the user experience and security of the platform. The options above provide channels tailored to different types of issues that people may encounter.

In summary:

  • Use Report a Problem for typical bugs impacting Facebook usage.
  • Contact Facebook Support for account-specific issues.
  • Post in the Community Help Forum to see if others are affected.
  • Leverage the Bug Bounty Program for qualifying security vulnerabilities.
  • Engage in the Developers Community when building app integrations.

Taking the time to properly document and report Facebook bugs through the appropriate channels helps improve the product for everyone. And it ensures the right people at Facebook are made aware of issues and can diagnose and fix them in a timely manner.

As Facebook continues evolving its apps and services, new problems naturally arise. By responsibly disclosing bugs and working collaboratively with Facebook, users and developers play an important role in strengthening the platform and enhancing the connected experiences of more than 2.5 billion people around the world.

Reporting Method When to Use
Report a Problem Tool Typical bugs impacting Facebook usage
Facebook Support Account-specific issues
Community Help Forum See if others have the issue
Bug Bounty Program Qualifying security vulnerabilities
Developers Community App development issues

Key Takeaways

  • Use the in-app Report a Problem tool for most typical Facebook bugs.
  • Contact Facebook Support directly for account and security issues.
  • Leverage help forums and bounties for more advanced bug reporting.
  • Clear and detailed bug reports help Facebook diagnose and fix problems faster.