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Where can I meet new friends on Facebook?

Where can I meet new friends on Facebook?

Making new friends as an adult can be challenging. With busy work schedules and existing friend groups, it’s not always easy to meet people who share your interests. However, Facebook offers several ways to connect with new friends if you’re willing to put yourself out there.

Join Facebook groups related to your interests

One of the best ways to meet potential new friends on Facebook is by joining groups related to your hobbies, causes, or other interests. For example, if you’re really into hiking, you could join local hiking groups in your area. If you’re passionate about animal rescue, join groups dedicated to that cause. When you become part of special interest Facebook groups, you’ll be able to connect with people who share your enthusiasm.

Here are some tips for finding and joining great Facebook groups to expand your social circle:

  • Search for keywords related to your interests. For instance, search “book club,” “wine tasting,” or “graphic design” along with your city.
  • Ask friends if they know of any good, active groups you could join.
  • Check the “Suggested Groups” section on your Facebook feed.
  • Once you’ve found promising groups, read the descriptions to get a feel for the community before requesting to join.
  • Answer any membership questions if required.
  • Introduce yourself once approved – a quick hello and brief intro can go a long way!

The great thing about special interest Facebook groups is that you automatically have something in common with the other members. This gives you an easy icebreaker when getting to know new people. Commenting on group members’ posts and participating in discussions is a natural way to start connecting.

Attend events organized through Facebook

Another way to use Facebook to meet potential new friends is by attending events organized through Facebook groups you’re a part of. For example, that hiking group may schedule regular meetups or the book club may have an in-person discussion over coffee. Going to these real-world gatherings is a great way to take connections you’ve made online to the next level.

Tips for attending Facebook events:

  • RSVP in advance so the organizers know you’re coming.
  • Arrive early – it’s less intimidating when others are still trickling in.
  • Make an effort to introduce yourself to people and mingle.
  • Bring a friend along if it makes you more comfortable.
  • Suggest meeting up afterwards or exchanging numbers to solidify new friendships.

Even if you don’t hit it off with everyone, having shared interests is a solid first step. And you never know, you may meet your new BFF at one of these gatherings!

Connect with friends of friends

A third way to make new friends on Facebook is by connecting with friends of your existing Facebook friends. You likely already have at least some friends or acquaintances in common. So rather than starting from scratch, you can use mutual friends as a bridge.

Here are some ideas for befriending friends of friends:

  • When you see friends tagged in posts or photos, check out the profiles of people you don’t know.
  • If you notice someone commenting on multiple friends’ posts, it’s likely they all know one another.
  • Look through your friends’ Friends lists and send requests to people you’d like to get to know.
  • Ask friends to make online introductions or invite mutual friends along to hang out.

Having a shared connection can make striking up new friendships feel more natural and less forced. Use friends of friends as a starting point and see where things go organically from there.

Reach out thoughtfully to acquaintance

In addition to complete strangers, you may also want to consider reaching out to acquaintances from your past or people you know peripherally. While you were never close friends, you likely had some things in common and got along well. Reconnecting with acquaintances is another avenue for turning casual connections into stronger friendships.

Here are some tips for reaching out to acquaintances on Facebook:

  • Refresh yourself on how you know them in the first place to jog your memory.
  • Mention your connection in your message to provide context.
  • Refer to any recent life updates or common interests as a natural lead-in.
  • Suggest meeting for coffee or a drink to catch up more.
  • Avoid asking for favors right off the bat.

Turning acquaintances into friends takes some effort but can be worthwhile. Starting with existing positive associations makes rekindling friendships feel more natural for both parties.

Connect offline after online interactions

Lastly, remember that while you can initiate friendships online, spending time together in person is key for turning casual connections into strong bonds. Once you’ve had some good interactions through Facebook groups, events, or messages, suggest continuing the conversation offline.

Here are some ideas for connecting in-person:

  • Meet up for coffee, lunch, drinks, or dessert.
  • Go to a local park, museum, or event.
  • Have a game night or movie marathon.
  • Invite them over for dinner or cooking together.
  • Go hiking, biking, bowling – whatever you both enjoy.

Building real-world friendship requires shared experiences, so be proactive about spending time together after connecting online. This shows the other person that you’re interested in friendship beyond just digital interactions.


Making new friends as an adult presents some challenges, but Facebook provides easy access to a community of potential friends if you know where and how to look. Join special interest groups, attend local events, connect through mutual friends, reach out to acquaintances, and make plans to get together offline. With a little effort and initiative, you can definitely meet great new people and have fun making new friends through Facebook.