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Where can I find someone’s Facebook username?

Where can I find someone’s Facebook username?

Finding someone’s Facebook username can be useful for connecting with friends and family on the platform. Here are a few ways to locate a person’s username on Facebook:

Search on Facebook

The easiest way to find someone’s username is to search for their name directly on Facebook. To do this:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the search bar at the top of the page.
  3. Type in the person’s full name.
  4. Scroll through the results to see if their profile appears.
  5. Their username will be listed under their name on their profile.

If you don’t see the person in the search results, it’s possible their privacy settings only allow friends to view their profile. In this case, you won’t be able to see their username unless you send them a friend request.

Check Mutual Friends

If you have mutual friends with someone on Facebook, you may be able to find their username by checking your friends list. To do this:

  1. Go to your own profile page.
  2. Click on “Friends” in the left sidebar.
  3. Browse through your list of friends.
  4. If you see the person you’re looking for, their username will be listed.

This method is helpful if the person has search privacy settings enabled or a common name that makes them difficult to find in search results.

Use Facebook Lookup

There are a few third-party Facebook lookup tools that can help find someone’s username when regular Facebook search doesn’t work. Sites like and TruthFinder allow you to search for a person’s profile using their name, location, school, workplace, or other info. If the person can be found, their username will typically be displayed.

Keep in mind these sites may not always provide accurate or up-to-date information. And some people may not appreciate having their information looked up in this way. Use your best judgment when utilizing Facebook lookup tools.

Ask a Mutual Connection

If you know someone who is friends with the person on Facebook, you can ask them for the username. A good friend may be willing to share it with you or look it up for you themselves. This is often the easiest way to get someone’s exact username, especially if their profile is difficult to find through search.

Send a Friend Request

If you can’t find the person’s profile at all, sending them a friend request is one way to learn their username. To do this:

  1. Go to Facebook and click on the “Friends” tab in the left sidebar.
  2. Click “Find Friends” at the top.
  3. Enter the person’s name and any other info you know about them.
  4. Select “Send Request” if they appear in results.
  5. If they accept your request, their username will appear on their profile.

The drawback is you’ll have to wait for the person to accept your request to view their profile and username. And some people prefer to keep their Facebook circles small and may decline the request.

Check Other Social Media

Often people use the same username across multiple social media platforms. So you may be able to find their Facebook username by checking their Instagram, Twitter, or other social accounts. Search for their name on other networks you’re both a part of and see if their handle matches their Facebook name.

Why You May Want Someone’s Username

Here are some common reasons for wanting to know a person’s Facebook username:

  • To find and connect with old friends or acquaintances
  • To easily tag them in Facebook posts and photos
  • To merge two accounts belonging to the same person
  • To block or report a harassing or inappropriate account
  • To identify the person behind a fake or anonymous account

In most cases, looking up a person’s username is harmless. But be aware that constantly searching for someone who has blocked you or looking up ex-partners can border on cyberstalking behavior.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re having trouble locating someone’s Facebook username, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you’re spelling their name correctly.
  • Try alternate name spellings or nicknames.
  • Search by location, school, workplace, or other keywords.
  • Use Facebook lookup sites for wider search results.
  • Check if their profile is set to private or uses a pseudonym.
  • Consider reaching out to mutual friends who may know their info.

With the right techniques and some perseverance, you should ultimately be able to discover a person’s Facebook username. Just be sure to use this information ethically and avoid harassing behavior.


Finding someone’s Facebook username is possible through several methods, including Facebook search, mutual friends lists, lookup sites, and direct requests. The exact approach will depend on your specific circumstances and relationship with the person. In most cases, their username can be obtained respectfully and used to establish positive social connections.