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Where can I find recently liked on Facebook?

Where can I find recently liked on Facebook?

Finding pages and posts that you’ve recently liked on Facebook can be useful for rediscovering interesting content or keeping track of how you interact with the platform. Facebook doesn’t have a dedicated “recent likes” feed, but there are a few ways to find your recently liked posts.

Viewing Recent Likes on Your Profile

The easiest way to see what you’ve recently liked is to go to your own profile page. At the top of your profile, you’ll see a section called “Likes” that shows some of your most recent likes and reactions. This section shows your last 5-7 likes, so it’s useful for getting a quick snapshot of your recent activity.

To see more than just your last few likes, click on the “Liked” button below your cover photo. This will take you to your complete liked page, showing all of the posts, pages, photos, and other content you’ve liked, in reverse chronological order.

Scrolling through your liked page lets you browse through everything you’ve liked on Facebook in the past. You can scroll back as far as the beginning of your like history on Facebook. It’s an easy way to revisit your interactions over time.

Using the Activity Log

Facebook also has an activity log feature that lets you review your full history of likes, posts, reactions, and other actions. This gives you an alternative way to find your recent likes.

To access your activity log:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select “Activity log” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose “Likes and reactions” from the sidebar.

This will show you a log of all your likes, organized by date. You can use the date filter at the top to narrow it down to a specific date range.

The activity log is useful because it lets you export your likes as a file, search for specific likes, and filter by type of like (post, photo, page, etc). So if you want to save or analyze your like history, the activity log has some helpful options.

Finding Liked Posts on Your News Feed

There are a couple of ways to retrieve recently liked posts directly from your news feed:

  • News feed filter – Click “More” at the top of your news feed, then select “Likes” to show only posts you’ve liked recently.
  • Search – Type “Posts I’ve liked” into the Facebook search bar to get recent likes.

However, these options only show likes going back a week or so. They won’t necessarily surface everything you’ve liked recently.

Using Third-Party Tools and Browser Extensions

There are also browser extensions and third-party tools that let you find, analyze, and curate your Facebook likes:

Tool Features
Social Book Post Manager Lets you export all your likes to CSV or Excel.
Page Analytics Analyze your Facebook activity and likes over time.
Stellar for Facebook Bookmark and organize liked posts.

These tools give you more options for tracking your entire like history and making sense of your Facebook activity over time.

Finding Other People’s Likes

When it comes to seeing what your friends and followers have liked recently, your options are more limited. This is because what someone has liked is generally considered private information. You can only see a small sampling of their recent likes in certain places:

  • Mutual friend’s profile – A few recent likes by friends you have in common may show up here.
  • Group posts – Likes by members of a private group are visible to others in the group.
  • Business pages – Pages can display recent likes from fans to showcase engagement.

Otherwise, there is no direct way to lookup everything a specific person has liked recently. You can only view the likes of people you are connected to, and even then only in limited contexts.

Liking Privately

If you want to like posts but don’t necessarily want that activity showing up everywhere, there are a couple of options:

  • News feed filter – Use the filter to hide your likes from your news feed.
  • Private mode – Likes you make while browsing Facebook in private mode are anonymous.

This gives you more control over the visibility of your liking activity. Likes are designed to be public interactions, but you can limit their exposure if you prefer liking more privately.

Notifications for New Likes

To stay on top of the posts you’ve recently liked, you can get notifications when someone else engages with it:

  • Post notifications – Turn on notifications for an individual post to get updates when it is commented on or otherwise interacted with.
  • Page notifications – Get notifications when posts from a Page you’ve liked receive new comments, shares, etc.

Enabling notifications is a good way to keep tabs on posts you’ve liked and see any additional discussion around that content later on.

Using Liked Posts Effectively

Here are some ways to make use of your liked content on Facebook:

  • Save inspiration – Bookmark interesting articles, videos, and resources by liking them.
  • Remember connections – Liking friends’ posts and updates helps you stay connected.
  • Discover trends – Look back on your recent likes to notice trends and patterns in your interests.
  • Re-share content – Go through your liked posts and re-share the most interesting ones.
  • Stay up to date – Use notifications to keep up with future comments on liked posts.

Liking items also personalizes your experience on Facebook by signalling to the algorithm what types of content you prefer to see. So regularly engaging with posts by liking helps improve your feed.


While Facebook doesn’t have a single page that aggregates all your recently liked content, there are still several ways to find what you’ve liked recently:

  • Your profile page
  • Activity log
  • News feed filters
  • Browser extensions

Liking items is a core Facebook activity, so they provide tools to look back on your like history and highlights. Take advantage of these options to review the content you’ve liked, remember interesting posts in the future, and stay engaged with the community.