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Where can I find my engagement rate?

Where can I find my engagement rate?

Determining your engagement rate is an important step in measuring the success of your social media marketing efforts. Your engagement rate shows how well your content resonates with your audience. In this article, we’ll discuss what engagement rate is, why it matters, and how to calculate it for various social platforms.

What is engagement rate?

Your engagement rate is the percentage of people who interact with your social media content out of your total number of followers or audience. Interactions can include likes, comments, shares, clicks, etc. A high engagement rate means your content is capturing your audience’s attention and prompting them to take action.

For example, if you have 1,000 Instagram followers and your last post got 50 likes, your engagement rate would be 5% (50/1,000). The higher the rate, the better you’re engaging your audience.

Why engagement rate matters

Tracking your engagement rate is crucial for a few key reasons:

  • Shows content effectiveness – A high engagement rate means your content resonates with your audience. This helps you create more of what works.
  • Measures audience interest – Seeing decreasing engagement could signal waning interest from your followers.
  • Boosts visibility – On many platforms, high engagement leads to greater visibility in algorithmic feeds and search results.
  • Identifies influencers – Followers who like and share your content frequently have influence with your audience.
  • Tracks growth – Regularly measuring engagement shows how you’re progressing in engaging your growing follower count.

Essentially, your engagement rate demonstrates how well you’re capturing your audience’s attention on social media. Tracking it provides valuable insights to inform your strategy.

How to calculate engagement rate

Engagement rate formulas will vary slightly by social platform depending on what metrics are available. Here are some of the most common ways to calculate it:

Facebook engagement rate

Facebook engagement rate = (Post reactions + post comments + post shares) / total page followers x 100

So for example, if a Facebook Page with 5,000 followers made a post that got 400 reactions, 50 comments, and 30 shares, the engagement rate would be:

(400 + 50 + 30) / 5,000 x 100 = 9.6% engagement rate

Instagram engagement rate

Instagram engagement rate = (Post likes + post comments) / total followers x 100

So if an account with 2,000 followers posted and received 500 likes and 20 comments, their engagement rate would be:

(500 + 20) / 2,000 x 100 = 26% engagement rate

Twitter engagement rate

Twitter engagement rate = (Post retweets + post likes + post replies) / total followers x 100

For example, a Twitter user with 10,000 followers tweets and gets 300 retweets, 500 likes, and 100 replies. Their engagement rate would be:

(300 + 500 + 100) / 10,000 x 100 = 9% engagement rate

YouTube engagement rate

YouTube engagement rate = (Post comments + post likes + post shares) / total channel views x 100

So if a YouTuber with 50,000 total channel views posted a video that got 300 comments, 400 likes, and 100 shares, their engagement rate would be:

(300 + 400 + 100) / 50,000 x 100 = 16% engagement rate

Benchmark engagement rates by platform

As a benchmark, here are some typical average engagement rates by social platform:

Platform Average Engagement Rate
Facebook 2-6%
Instagram 2-4%
Twitter 0.5-2%
YouTube 3-5%

However, these averages can vary widely based on factors like your industry, content type, follower size, and more. It’s best to look at your own metrics over time to benchmark and set engagement rate goals for your brand.

How to improve your engagement rate

If your current engagement rate is lagging behind competitors or your own goals, here are some tips to improve it:

  • Post engaging content consistently – Posting regularly and maintaining an active presence helps keep your audience interested.
  • Leverage relevant hashtags – Using hashtags related to your post topics helps you get discovered by people outside your follower base.
  • Engage followers – Reply to comments, answer questions, and interact with your followers to build community.
  • Run social contests – Contests and giveaways help drive more likes, shares, and comments.
  • Analyze best posting times – Pay attention to when your followers are most active and post during peak hours.
  • Promote posts – Use paid promotions and ads to expand your organic content reach.
  • Monitor and respond to trends – Capitalize on trending events, holidays, and news stories with timely content.

Test out different tactics and see which have the biggest positive impact. It takes regular effort, but consistently working to improve engagement will pay off in the long run.


Tracking your social media engagement rate provides actionable data to refine your strategy and better connect with your audience. Know the metrics that matter for each platform and stay on top of calculating your rates. With regular monitoring and improvement, you can achieve an engagement rate that resonates with followers and drives results.