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Where can I find Facebook page insights?

Where can I find Facebook page insights?

Facebook Page insights provide valuable metrics and data about your Facebook Page’s performance. As a Facebook Page admin, you can access insights to track your page’s growth, engagement, reach, and more. Here are some quick answers to common questions about accessing and using Facebook Page insights.

How do I access insights for my Facebook Page?

To access insights for your Facebook Page, first ensure you are an admin of the Page. Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “See All” under the Insights tab in the left sidebar
  3. This will bring you to the Overview page of your Page Insights

You can also access Page Insights by clicking “Insights” in the top menu bar when viewing your Page.

What metrics and data are available in Facebook Page insights?

Facebook Page Insights provide a wealth of data focused on helping you understand your audience and how people are interacting with your Page. Some of the key metrics and reports include:

  • Overview: Provides top-level summary of key metrics like Page Views, Likes, Reach, and Engagement.
  • Followers: Demographic data and graphs showing your Page followers growth over time.
  • Likes: When and where you are getting new Page Likes.
  • Reach: Number of unique people who saw your Page content.
  • Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, and more for your posts.
  • Video: Metrics for any videos you’ve posted on your Page.
  • Events: Data on events created through your Page.
  • Messages: Statistics on usage of your Page’s messaging tools.
  • Offer Claims: Performance of any offers or call-to-action buttons on your Page.
  • Page Previews: Number of times your Page’s profile has been viewed.

There are also options to view data for specific date ranges, export reports, and more.

How can I use Facebook Page insights effectively?

Here are some tips to help you make the most of Facebook Page insights:

  • Check Page Insights regularly to stay on top of your key metrics.
  • Look for trends and changes over time in followers, reach, engagement, etc.
  • Compare metrics week-over-week and month-over-month.
  • Use the data to see what types of content resonate best with your audience.
  • Check when your followers are online to determine optimal posting times.
  • Set goals and use insights to track your progress over time.
  • Look for drops or declines in metrics to quickly identify potential issues.
  • Export your key metric reports to share insights with stakeholders.

What are some limitations of Facebook Page insights?

While Page insights provide a wealth of valuable data, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Data is limited to activity on Facebook itself, not other sites.
  • Demographic data beyond gender and age is limited.
  • Only Page admins can view insights.
  • Data is updated only after actions are logged by Facebook.
  • Facebook may remove metrics that do not meet privacy standards.
  • Bots and fake accounts can potentially skew some metrics.

Can I see insights for competitor Facebook Pages?

Unfortunately you cannot access full insights data for other Facebook Pages that you do not administer. However, there are some tools that can provide estimates of competitors’ Facebook metrics:

  • Facebook Ad Library shows limited info on active ads and spend for a Page.
  • Third-party social media analytics tools can provide estimates on competitors’ followers, engagement, etc.
  • Facebook’s public API can be leveraged by tools to estimate follower demographics.
  • Social media monitoring tools can analyze public-facing content from a Page for engagement data.

While not as comprehensive as full Page Insights, these tools can still provide useful benchmarking information on competitors’ Facebook presence.

Can I export my Page Insights data?

Yes, Facebook does allow Page admins to export insights data in either PDF or CSV format. To export your Page Insights:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page Insights
  2. Click on the date range to open the export menu
  3. Select “Export Data” then choose PDF or CSV format
  4. The export file will be downloaded to your computer

Exporting key metrics and reports allows you to save and analyze the data outside of Facebook. CSV files can be easily imported into spreadsheets or other analytics platforms.

Are Page Insights available on Facebook’s mobile apps?

Facebook does provide access to Page Insights via its mobile apps for iOS and Android. As a Page admin, you can view insights on your phone or tablet by:

  • Opening the Facebook Pages Manager app
  • Selecting your Page from the menu
  • Tapping “Insights” on the top right of the screen

The mobile app shows a simplified version of key metrics from desktop Page Insights. This allows Page admins to quickly check performance and engagement while on the go.

Can I schedule exports of my Page Insights data?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not currently offer a way to automatically schedule exports of Page Insights data on a recurring basis. Exports have to be downloaded manually each time. However, there are some workarounds:

  • Use 3rd party analytics services like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to regularly export data.
  • Manually export reports weekly/monthly and save withversioned filenames for record keeping.
  • Use Excel formulas or scripts to pull CSV exports into spreadsheets on a schedule.
  • Build custom scripts via Facebook’s API to export data according to a schedule.

While not as seamless as native scheduled exports, these options can help you automate pulling your Page Insights into other systems for ongoing analysis.

Can I integrate my Page Insights with other tools?

Facebook allows third-party services to access Page Insights data via the Graph API. This enables integrations with analytics, marketing, and social media management platforms. Some examples of tools that can connect with Page Insights include:

  • Google Analytics
  • Hootsuite
  • Sprout Social
  • Buffer
  • Agorapulse
  • Sendible
  • Quintly
  • Rival IQ
  • SocialBakers

Check with your other tools to see if they offer integration options for importing Facebook Page Insights. This provides more flexibility for analyzing your Facebook metrics alongside data from other channels.

Should I rely solely on Page Insights for analytics?

While Page Insights provide extremely valuable data, it is generally wise not to rely only on Facebook’s metrics for analyzing your Page’s performance. Some best practices include:

  • Use Google Analytics to track website traffic from Facebook.
  • Add Facebook pixels to track conversions beyond Facebook.
  • Compare Page Insights to metrics from other social platforms.
  • Supplement with qualitative social listening and competitive research.
  • Consider surveys, focus groups, or interviews for direct customer feedback.

Page Insights should be one powerful piece of your overall analytics framework. Taking a multi-channel, multi-method approach ensures you have robust data for making informed decisions and strategy.


Facebook Page Insights are an invaluable asset for any Page admin looking to track performance, understand their community, and grow their presence on Facebook. While powerful, they are not a silver bullet and should be supplemented with wider analytics efforts. Used to their full potential as part of an integrated analytics framework, Page Insights can help drive real results and ROI from your Facebook marketing efforts.