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Where can I find deleted Facebook posts?

Where can I find deleted Facebook posts?

Finding deleted Facebook posts can be tricky, but it is possible in some cases. When a post is deleted on Facebook, it is generally removed from public view immediately. However, deleted content may still be recoverable in certain situations. Here are some tips on how to try to find deleted Facebook posts and some reasons why recovering deleted posts may be difficult.

Searching Your Own Activity Log

If you want to find a post you deleted from your own Facebook profile, the best place to start is by checking your Activity Log. Your Activity Log contains a private record of your past posts, interactions with others, and other activities on Facebook.

To access your log:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  4. Click on “Settings”
  5. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left column
  6. Select “Activity Log”

You can then filter your log by date range or search keywords to try to locate a deleted post. The further back the post was made, however, the less likely it is still archived in your log. Facebook only keeps Activity Log history for a limited time.

Searching a Friend’s Profile

If you are trying to find a post someone else deleted from their Timeline, your options are more limited. When users delete their posts, they are removed from public view on their profile. There is no way to directly search for or surface deleted posts on someone else’s Timeline.

However, it is possible you may have interacted with the post before it was deleted – for example, by liking, commenting on, or sharing the post. In that case, the deleted post may still be accessible from your own Activity Log for a limited time. You could filter your log by your friend’s name and date range to see if the deleted post appears.

Checking Cached Versions or Archives

Search engines like Google or archive sites like the Wayback Machine ( may have an old, cached version of a deleted Facebook post still accessible. When Google crawls Facebook, it makes cached copies of some profile pages and posts. These cached pages get stored in Google’s search index.

To try finding a cached Facebook post:

  1. Go to
  2. Search the name of the person who made the post and keywords from the post text
  3. Click on the downward facing arrow next to a search result
  4. Select “Cached” to see the archived version stored by Google

This method is hit or miss, as Google does not cache all Facebook posts. But for some older posts, a cached copy may still exist for a time even when the original post has been deleted.

Downloading Your Personal Data

If you want to be able to access deleted posts from your own Facebook account in the future, you can download an archive of your Facebook data. This allows you to save a copy of your posts, photos, messages, and more before they are removed from the Activity Log:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information”
  3. Select “Download Your Information”
  4. Choose date range and media formats
  5. Click “Create File”

Facebook will assemble all your data selected into a downloadable .ZIP file. It may take up to a few days for your archive to be prepared. Once downloaded, you can search your personal data for deleted posts.

Why Recovering Deleted Posts is Difficult

While the methods above may work in some cases, there are a few key reasons why finding deleted Facebook posts often proves challenging or impossible:

  • Limited data retention – Facebook’s logs and archives only go back a certain amount of time. Older deleted posts tend to disappear from cached copies and personal data downloads.
  • No public archive – Unlike some sites, there is no publicly searchable archive of all Facebook posts. Only what individual users have interacted with may be archived.
  • Post visibility – If you never saw or interacted with a post before it was deleted, it likely won’t be accessible from your own logs or data.
  • Account deletion – If the user deleted their entire account, all of their posts would be permanently inaccessible.

For these reasons, there is no foolproof way to recover deleted Facebook posts, especially older ones. But checking your personal data and caches provides some chance to resurrect posts that may hold significance for you.

Legal Risks of Accessing Deleted Content

While re-accessing your own deleted content is fine, note it may be illegal to share or surface posts that were meant to be deleted, especially those authored by other users. Here are some risks to keep in mind:

  • Sharing private information without consent
  • Copyright infringement
  • Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service
  • Stalking, harassment, or defamation

Tread carefully if attempting to uncover another user’s deleted posts without permission. Even if you can technically access cached copies or archives, sharing the content publicly or with others may incur legal liability.


Finding deleted Facebook posts often proves elusive, especially the further back the deletion occurred. However, checking your personal data downloads and logs, cached copies, and archives provides some hope of resurfacing lost posts. Just take care to respect other users’ privacy and ownership of their content. With the proper precautions, you may be able to recover and preserve some deleted Facebook memories.