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Where can I edit my Facebook page?

Where can I edit my Facebook page?

Making changes and updates to your Facebook page is easy once you know where to find the editing options. Facebook provides a variety of customization settings that allow you to edit your page information, profile photo and cover image, settings, and more.

Editing Your Facebook Page Information

The most basic edits you can make are to your page’s title, category, description, and other info that shows on your page. To edit this:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Page Settings” at the bottom of your page’s cover photo
  3. Click “Page Info” on the left sidebar
  4. Edit your page name, category, description, locations, hours, phone number, website, etc.
  5. Click “Save Changes”

This allows you to change all the key details about what your page is about and the main information you want visitors to see.

Changing Your Profile and Cover Photos

Your profile and cover photos are one of the first things people will notice on your page, so you’ll want them to accurately reflect your business or brand. To change them:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click your current profile or cover photo
  3. Click “Update Profile Picture” or “Update Cover Photo”
  4. Select a new photo from your computer or Facebook albums
  5. Click “Save”

Be sure to choose high-quality, eye-catching photos that look professional. You can also change which part of the cover photo is displayed and make minor edits like cropping or filters.

Editing Page Roles and Admins

If you have multiple people helping manage your Facebook page, you can assign different roles and levels of access. To edit roles and admins:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings” at the bottom
  2. Click “Page Roles” on the left sidebar
  3. Click “Add People”
  4. Search for a person’s name or Facebook profile and select them
  5. Choose a role for them: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, Analyst
  6. Click “Add”

Admins have full access to edit all aspects of the page. Editors and moderators have more limited access. Review the permissions for each role to decide which is appropriate.

Managing Notifications

Staying on top of notifications helps you closely monitor your page’s feedback, comments, and engagement. To edit notification settings:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”
  2. Click “Notifications” on the left
  3. Toggle notifications on or off for:
    • Posts published by the page
    • Posts by others on the page
    • Pages and profiles you manage
    • Pages your page is tagged in
  4. Choose email frequency for certain notifications
  5. Click “Save Changes”

This allows you to customize which notifications you receive and how often, so you aren’t overwhelmed.

Switching Between Personal and Page Profiles

If you manage both a personal profile and a page, switching between them is easy. Here are two ways to switch profiles:

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right and choose your page from the dropdown menu
  2. Or, from your page, click the 3 horizontal dots next to “Home” and choose “Use Facebook as [Your Name]”

This dropdown menu allows you to seamlessly switch between profiles without having to log out and back in again.

Editing Individual Posts

All the posts on your page can be edited or deleted after the fact. To edit an individual post:

  1. Go to your page and click “Posts” on the left sidebar
  2. Hover over a post and click the 3 dots that appear
  3. Choose “Edit Post” or “Delete Post”
  4. Make your changes and click “Save” or “Delete”

This allows you to update old posts, fix typos, change the text or images, or remove posts entirely.

Changing Visibility of Old Posts

If you want to limit the visibility of old posts without fully deleting them, you can archive them. To archive posts:

  1. Go to your page and click “Posts”
  2. Hover over a post and click the 3 dots
  3. Click “Archive Post”

Archived posts will no longer show up on your page’s timeline. Only page admins can see and access them. This removes outdated content from public view.

Adjusting Comment Settings

You can control whether posts can be commented on and who can see and comment. To edit commenting settings:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”
  2. Click “Posts” on the left sidebar
  3. Under “Comment Settings” choose options like:
    • Allow comments from public
    • Only people and Pages liked by the Page
    • People tagged in the post or media
  4. Click “Save Changes”

Limiting comments can prevent spam and offensive remarks. But allowing comments fosters community engagement when moderated properly.

Changing Who Can See Your Page

By default, Facebook pages are public for anyone to view. But you can restrict page visibility. To edit who can see your page:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”
  2. Click “General” on the left
  3. Next to “Page visibility” click “Edit”
  4. Select an option like “Public” or “Friends of people who like my Page”
  5. Click “Confirm”

Changing the audience for your page is a big decision. Consider who you want to be able to interact with your business on Facebook.

Using Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights provides analytics about your page’s growth, engagement, reach and more. You can use these metrics to guide your strategy. To access Insights:

  1. Go to your page
  2. Click “Insights” on the left sidebar
  3. View data like:
    • Page views
    • Engaged users
    • Post reach
    • Follower demographics
  4. Filter by date ranges
  5. Export data to Excel or CSV

Analyzing your Insights regularly can reveal what content resonates best with your audience and when your followers are most active.

Promoting Your Page

Once you’ve edited and optimized your Facebook page, you’ll want to promote it to gain more followers. Some ways to promote your page include:

  • Share your page URL on your other social media accounts
  • Run Facebook ads targeted to your ideal audience
  • Post consistently engaging content to generate interest
  • Link to your Facebook page on your website and email newsletters
  • Encourage current customers to like your page
  • Ask partners or influencers to share your page

Combining good editing with promotion is key to growing an effective Facebook presence.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you encounter issues editing your Facebook page, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you’re using the latest version of Facebook
  • Try editing from a desktop computer if on mobile
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache
  • Ask another admin to try editing the same settings
  • Check Facebook system status at
  • Contact Facebook support for page-related issues

Problems editing your page are often technical and solvable. Persistence and contacting support can help resolve edit failures.


Editing your Facebook page is crucial to customizing it perfectly for your brand and goals. The platform provides a variety of settings to update your info, photos, roles, visibility, posts, comments and more. Mastering these options helps you create an engaging page that attracts your target audience. Combine editing with promotion, analytics and troubleshooting for Facebook page management success.