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Where are the apps and websites settings on Facebook?

Where are the apps and websites settings on Facebook?

Facebook offers users the ability to connect with friends, family, coworkers, and more through its social media platform. One of the key features of Facebook is the ability to add apps and connect to external websites. However, with so many options and settings available, it can be difficult for users to find where to manage their connected apps and websites. This article will provide an overview of where to locate the settings for apps and websites connected to your Facebook account.

Finding the Settings Page for Apps and Websites

The main settings page for managing the apps and websites connected to your Facebook account is located in the App Settings menu. Here are the steps to access this page:

  1. Open Facebook in your desktop or mobile browser and ensure you are logged into your account
  2. Click on the down arrow icon in the top right corner of your Facebook page
  3. From the drop down menu, select “Settings”
  4. On the left side menu, click on “Apps and Websites”

This will open up the main App Settings page where you can view and manage all of your connected apps and websites.

Accessing App Settings on Mobile

If you are accessing Facebook on the mobile app, the steps are very similar:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the three line “hamburger” icon in the top right
  2. Select “Settings” from the menu
  3. Tap on “Apps and Websites” on the menu at the bottom

This will bring you to the same App Settings page as on desktop.

Overview of the App Settings Page

The App Settings page provides an overview of all the apps and websites you have connected to your Facebook account. Here are some of the key features and sections of this page:

Active Apps and Websites

At the top of the page you will see a list of all the Active apps and websites connected to your account. This includes any app you’ve used to log into Facebook, any apps or games you’ve added through Facebook, and any websites/pages you manage.

For each app or website you will see options to Remove the app, adjust Permissions (what data the app can access), and other app-specific settings.

Expired or Removed Apps/Websites

Further down you will see a list of apps and websites that are Expired or Removed. These are apps/websites that you may have previously connected to Facebook but are no longer active. You can choose to remove these if you no longer want them connected to your account.

Logged in with Facebook

This section shows all the external apps and websites you have used Facebook Login to create an account with. For example, if you signed up for Spotify using your Facebook account, it would be listed here.

Similar to active apps, you can view and adjust permissions or disconnect these integrations here.

App Permissions

At the very bottom of the page is the App Permissions section. This displays all the types of data (email address, friend list, photos, etc) that your connected apps and websites can access. You can toggle these permissions on or off as desired.

Managing Individual App/Website Settings

In addition to the overview on the App Settings page, you can manage the settings for each individual app or website connected to your Facebook account:

Access from the App Settings Page

On the main App Settings page, click on the app/website name to open its individual settings page. Options here include:

  • Remove App – Disconnects the integration
  • Edit Settings – Adjust app-specific options
  • View Permissions – See what data the app can access
  • Transfer Ownership – Give ownership of any managed pages to another user

Adjust these settings as desired per app.

Via the App Dashboard

Some apps will have their own dashboard listed on the left side Facebook menu. For example, Facebook Messenger has its own dedicated section. Clicking into these dashboards provides app-specific settings and options.

Key Settings to Adjust

When reviewing your connected apps and websites, here are some key settings you may want to adjust:

Remove Unused Apps

Go through your Active apps and remove any integrations you no longer use. This will revoke access to your Facebook data.

Review/Limit Permissions

Check what permissions each app/website has and limit it only to what is required. For example, most apps will not need access to your friend list, emails, or location.

Revoke Access for Old Apps

For Expired and Removed apps you no longer use, make sure to remove them fully to revoke access to your account.

Disconnect Logins You Don’t Use

If there are Facebook Logins for accounts you never actually use, disconnect those logins.

Special Cases: Games, Dating Apps, and Quizzes

There are some special categories of Facebook connected apps that might require some extra care when managing your settings:


Facebook games sometimes request access to information like your friend list or email address. Make sure to verify these games actually need access to this data before enabling it.

Dating Apps

Apps like Tinder require access to your profile information and list of interests. Understandably, these apps will need access to certain data to function properly.


It’s common for buzzfeed or personality quizzes to connect to your Facebook account. Make sure you limit their permissions or disconnect them when finished to avoid ongoing access to your data.

Securing Your Account After Changes

After auditing and adjusting your app settings, here are some extra tips for securing your Facebook account:

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication – This adds an extra layer of security beyond your password.
  • Check Login Notifications – Keep an eye out for any login attempts from unrecognized devices.
  • Reset Your Password – Update your password if you haven’t done so recently.
  • Review Privacy Settings – Double check what profile info is visible to the public or third-party apps.


Facebook’s App Settings page provides a centralized place to manage your connected apps, games, and websites. Make sure to audit your settings regularly to remove unused integrations, limit permissions, and ensure full control over your Facebook data access. With a few simple steps, you can spring clean your app connections and lock down your account.