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Where are outgoing friend requests?

Where are outgoing friend requests?

Outgoing friend requests allow you to connect with new people on social media platforms like Facebook. However, the process for sending and finding these requests is not always straightforward. In this article, we will explain where to find outgoing friend requests across Facebook’s desktop and mobile apps. We will also provide tips on managing and keeping track of sent requests.

What are outgoing friend requests?

Outgoing friend requests refer to connection requests that you have sent to other users. When you want to become friends with someone on Facebook, you can send them a friend request. If they accept your request, you will become connected as friends on the platform.

Outgoing requests are pending requests that you have sent that the recipient has not yet confirmed. These could be requests sent to new acquaintances, friends of friends, or pages/public figures you want to follow.

Facebook does not notify you when your outgoing requests are approved. This means you need to regularly check your sent requests to see if they have been accepted.

Why check outgoing friend requests?

Here are some key reasons to check your outgoing friend requests:

  • See who has accepted your requests – This allows you to connect with new friends and start interacting with them on Facebook.
  • Remove outstanding requests – If a request has been pending for a long time, you may want to delete it.
  • Keep your contacts updated – Removing old requests ensures your connections list stays current.
  • Maintain privacy – Reviewing requests allows you to monitor who you have tried to connect with on Facebook.

Monitoring outgoing requests also prevents you from spamming potential contacts with multiple connection invites.

Where to Find Outgoing Friend Requests on Facebook

Facebook does not have a dedicated page for seeing your sent friend requests. However, there are a few places you can find these requests, depending on if you are using Facebook’s desktop site or mobile app.

On Facebook Desktop

On the desktop version of Facebook, you can find outgoing requests by:

  1. Clicking on your profile picture or the down arrow at the top right.
  2. Selecting “Friends” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choosing “Sent Requests” on the left sidebar.

This will display a list of all the people you have sent outgoing friend requests to. From here, you can delete requests or resend invites.

On the Facebook Mobile App

The process is similar on the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Tap the three-line “hamburger” menu icon.
  2. Choose “Friends.”
  3. Tap “Sent Requests.”

You will then see a list of your outstanding friend requests. You can manage requests directly from this screen.

On Facebook Messenger

On the Messenger app, tap your profile photo and scroll down. Select “Sent Requests” to view your outgoing requests.

However, you cannot manage requests through Messenger. You will need to go to Facebook’s main app or desktop site to resend, cancel, or delete requests.

Managing Outgoing Friend Requests

Here are some tips for managing your outgoing Facebook friend requests:

Resending Requests

If a request has expired or the recipient did not see it, you can resend an invite. To do this:

  1. Find the request under Sent Requests.
  2. Click or tap the ellipses (“…”) next to the name.
  3. Select “Resend Request” from the dropdown menu.

You can also resend requests from a user’s profile by selecting “Add Friend” again.

Canceling Requests

You can cancel a pending outgoing request at any time:

  1. Go to your sent requests list.
  2. Choose the ellipses (“…”) icon beside the name.
  3. Click or tap “Cancel Request.”

When you cancel a request, the recipient will no longer see it on their end.

Deleting Requests

To permanently delete a sent request:

  1. Go to your sent requests list.
  2. Select the “X” icon next to the name.
  3. Confirm you want to delete the request by tapping “Delete.”

The request will be removed from your sent list and the recipient’s inbox if it is still pending.

Turning Off Outgoing Requests

You can disable the ability to send friend requests completely by:

  1. Going to your Facebook settings.
  2. Selecting “Privacy.”
  3. Choosing “Settings” under “How people can find and contact you.”
  4. Turning off “Who can send you friend requests?”

This will prevent you from sending requests until you re-enable it.

Keeping Track of Outgoing Requests

Since Facebook does not notify you when outgoing requests are accepted, you need to periodically check your sent requests. Here are some tips:

  • Set a reminder to review your outgoing requests once a week or every few days.
  • Add checking requests to your regular Facebook routine.
  • Manage requests in batches – approve, delete, or resend stagnant requests.
  • Compare your friends list to your sent requests list to see if requests have been accepted.
  • Use Facebook’s downloadable archive to review your request history.

Staying on top of your outgoing requests keeps your contacts updated and minimizes clutter.

Limits on Outgoing Friend Requests

Facebook limits the number of friend requests you can send to help reduce spam. According to Facebook, the limits on outgoing requests are:

  • You can send up to 100 pending outgoing requests at once.
  • If you have 100 pending requests, you must have less than 100 before sending more.
  • If you hit the limit, you have to wait until some requests expire or are deleted.
  • Requests expire after 14 days if the recipient does not accept.

Therefore, monitoring your pending requests is important to stay below the limit. Regularly removing old requests gives you more capacity to connect with new people.

Why Are Limits in Place?

Limits on outgoing requests aim to:

  • Prevent spam and protect users’ experience
  • Reduce the number of unwanted requests recipients get
  • Curb abusive behavior and limit how quickly accounts can connect with new users

The limits encourage meaningful connections rather than bulk friending.

Troubleshooting Outgoing Friend Requests

Here are some common troubleshooting tips for managing your outgoing Facebook friend requests:

Problem: Cannot find sent requests section

  • Solution: Make sure you are on the Friends page on mobile or desktop site, not your profile page. Sent requests only shows under the Friends menu.

Problem: Requests not appearing under Sent

  • Solution: Try logging out and back into Facebook. Refreshing the page may also display new requests.

Problem: Cannot resend expired requests

  • Solution 1: Deleting the expired request may allow you to send a new one.
  • Solution 2: Wait 24-48 hours for the request to clear from Facebook’s systems, then resend.

Problem: Already sent maximum requests

  • Solution: Cancel or delete some pending requests to open up capacity to send more.

If other issues persist, you can contact Facebook support for help troubleshooting further problems.

Using Outgoing Requests Professionally

Outgoing friend requests also apply for Pages and professional accounts on Facebook. Here are some tips for using outgoing requests appropriately in a professional context:

  • Only send requests to relevant prospects – avoid spamming potential customers.
  • Personalize requests with a message highlighting why you want to connect.
  • Be selective about who you request rather than sending bulk invites.
  • Follow up if a request is still pending after 2 weeks.
  • Unsend requests from people who are not a fit for your business.
  • Analyze the acceptance rate of your requests to improve your targeting.

Thoughtful relationship-building will translate to higher quality connections with potential brand advocates.

Filtering Friend Requests You Receive

In addition to monitoring your outgoing requests, you can filter incoming friend requests to avoid unwanted contacts:

  • Set your account to only receive requests from “Friends of Friends.”
  • Enable request filtering under the “Requests Filter” tab in Settings.
  • Select “Automatically decline requests” from people not connected to your network.

This ensures only relevant connections can send you friend requests.


WhileFacebook does not explicitly show you when outgoing friend requests are accepted, you can easily find and manage sent requests. Regularly monitoring your pending requests keeps your connections current, minimizes clutter, and allows you to continue building your network. Sending requests thoughtfully and filtering your incoming requests also helps improve the quality of your contacts.

With these best practices, you can master the art of connecting with new friends while maintaining control over your profile. Outgoing requests are a great way to expand your horizons and enrich your social media experience through new relationships.

Platform Where to Find Outgoing Requests
Facebook Desktop Profile > Friends > Sent Requests
Facebook Mobile App Menu > Friends > Sent Requests
Messenger App Your Profile > Sent Requests