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Where are messages on Facebook business page?

Where are messages on Facebook business page?

Messages on Facebook business pages allow businesses to communicate directly with their customers and followers. This can be a valuable tool for customer service, sharing updates, promoting events and more. However, business page messages can sometimes be confusing to find and access. This article will explain where to find messages on Facebook business pages and how to use them effectively.

Where are Messages Located on a Facebook Business Page?

Messages on Facebook business pages are found in the Messages section of the page. To access messages:

  • Go to your Facebook business page
  • Click on the Messages button in the top navigation bar (it may show a red notification dot if you have unread messages)
  • This will open the Messages section where you can view message threads, start new conversations, and manage messages

The Messages section has the following key features:

  • Inbox – View all incoming messages from customers here. You can reply, delete or mark messages as read/unread.
  • Active Conversations – Ongoing message threads with customers are listed here for easy access.
  • Message Requests – New messages from people who are not connected to your page as fans/followers appear here. You must accept the request before you can respond.
  • Filtered Messages – Message requests that have been filtered out as spam or irrelevant are located here.
  • Saved – Important message threads can be saved for future reference.
  • Send Message – Start a new conversation by sending the first message.

So in summary, business page messages are found in the Messages section after clicking the Messages button at the top of the page. This is where you can view, respond to and manage all incoming and outgoing communication.

Who Can Send Messages to a Facebook Business Page?

There are a few categories of users who are able to send messages to Facebook business pages:

  • Page Fans/Followers – People who have liked or followed your page can send messages which will appear directly in your message inbox.
  • Customers who have interacted with your page – Even if someone is not a fan of your page, if they have engaged with your page content such as commenting on a post, they may be able to message you. This may require accepting their message request first.
  • General Facebook users – Anyone with a Facebook profile can attempt to message a page, but their messages may be filtered out as message requests that need approval or spam.

So having fans and established customers messaging your page provides the most direct communication. But even non-fans can potentially reach you by sending a message request for approval.

How Do I Know if My Facebook Business Page Has Received a New Message?

There are a few ways to be notified when someone sends a new message to your Facebook business page:

  • Messages icon notification – The Messages button at the top of the page will show a red notification dot when there are unread messages waiting.
  • Email notifications – In Settings, you can enable email notifications to be sent whenever the page receives a new message.
  • Page Manager alerts – Page managers can enable alerts for new messages within the Page Manager app or Page Manager on Facebook.
  • Facebook notification feed – New messages may also appear in your personal Facebook notification feed (on Facebook mobile apps).

It’s recommended to enable email or Page Manager notifications so you never miss an important new message from a customer. The notification dot and feeds can be easy to overlook if you don’t visit your page frequently.

How to Reply to Messages on a Business Page

Replying to customer messages on a Facebook business page is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Messages section and select the conversation thread you want to reply to.
  2. At the bottom of the thread, type your reply in the text box.
  3. You can add emoji reactions or attach photos/videos just like on Facebook Messenger.
  4. Click the Send button when you’re ready to post your reply.

Your reply will be added to the conversation thread for the customer to see. They will also receive a notification that you responded.

To keep conversations organized, it’s best to reply within the existing threads rather than starting new messages each time. Replying promptly also provides good customer service.

How to Forward Business Page Messages to Another Page Admin

If a message comes in that another admin or teammate needs to handle, you can forward the conversation to them:

  1. Open the message thread and click the forward arrow icon.
  2. Select the page roles you want to forward the message to from the dropdown.
  3. Add any notes you want to include, such as instructions for handling the message.
  4. Click Send to forward the message. The selected admins will be notified.

Forwards are helpful when divvying up customer inquiries and issues to the right team members. Adding context in the notes also helps the recipient respond appropriately.

How to Manage Friend Requests and Message Requests

There are two types of requests that may appear in a business page’s Messages section:

  • Friend Requests – Users send these to try to connect as friends with your personal Facebook profile.
  • Message Requests – Non-fans of your page send these to get permission to message you.

To manage these:

  • Open Message Requests in the left menu to view pending requests.
  • Click Confirm or Delete on each request based on if you want to accept them or not.
  • For friend requests, you can also click the More Options dropdown to redirect the request to your business page itself, or move the message to spam.

It’s best to avoid connecting personally with customers and fans. Redirect any friend requests to your business page instead to keep communications on a professional level.

How to Use Tags and Mentions in Business Page Messages

When messaging customers, you can tag other page admins or mention your Facebook page itself:

  • To tag another admin in the message, type @ then their name – this will notify them.
  • To mention your page, type @ then the page name – this links back to your page.

Tagging is useful to bring something to another admin’s attention, like a problem they need to handle. Mentioning your page helps promote it and links directly for the customer to learn more about your business.

How to Delete Messages on a Business Page

To delete a message thread:

  1. Open the message thread you want to delete
  2. Click the More Options menu (3 dots icon)
  3. Select Delete Conversation
  4. Confirm you want to move the conversation to Deleted Messages

This removes the message thread completely from your inbox. Keep in mind the sender can still see the conversation on their end.

It’s best practice to archive and delete old or irrelevant messages regularly to keep your inbox organized for active conversations.

Using Saved Replies for Frequent Messages

For common inquiries you respond to often, Facebook offers Saved Replies:

  • Go to Settings > Saved Replies
  • Click Add New Reply and add your message text
  • Add a name and category for the reply to keep organized
  • Access Saved Replies when messaging by clicking the + icon

Saved Replies allow you to quickly insert common responses, such as FAQs, policy information, etc. This saves time instead of typing repetitive replies.

Ways Businesses Can Use Messages Effectively

Facebook business page messages provide a valuable channel for engaging customers. Here are some effective ways companies can utilize messages:

  • Provide customer support and address questions/concerns
  • Send order updates and shipping notifications
  • Share personalized promotions and deals for loyal customers
  • Send event reminders and invites to RSVP
  • Follow up on sales inquiries with additional information
  • Share news and updates relevant to specific customers
  • Build relationships and provide VIP treatment to loyal fans

Messages allow for more direct and private communication with followers compared to public posts. Take advantage by providing VIP access and exclusive content to your most engaged customers over messages.

Should I Use Facebook Business Page Messages or Messenger?

Facebook offers two ways to message customers – through the page itself, or using a Facebook Messenger bot. Here’s how they compare:

Facebook Business Page Messages Facebook Messenger
  • Messages go to the page’s central inbox
  • All admins can access messages
  • No additional setup required
  • Friends/followers can message instantly
  • Messages interact with a Messenger bot
  • Requires creating the bot and linking to page
  • Can be automated with AI
  • Anyone on Messenger can message

Page messages provide a shared inbox for your team without additional tools. Messenger bots allow for more advanced automation and messaging subscribers off Facebook. Evaluate your needs to determine which option may work best.

Should I Respond to Every Facebook Message?

With limited time and resources, responding to every single Facebook message may not be realistic. Here are some best practices on which messages to prioritize:

  • Focus on incoming questions and customer service inquiries first.
  • Prioritize messages from long-time fans/followers who frequently engage.
  • Have team members handle messages based on expertise (sales, support, etc.)
  • Use auto-reply tools to send an initial response to common questions.
  • Consider only responding to messages over a certain character count (ex: 50+ characters) to filter out low-quality messages.

While you may not be able to maintain an active conversation with every person messaging your page, strive to provide helpful responses to legitimate questions and issues from valuable customers. This preserves positive brand experiences.

Tips for Managing High Volumes of Facebook Messages

Pages with lots of fans can be inundated with messages. Here are some tips for managing a high volume:

  • Add more page admins to divvy up responding to messages
  • Enable email notifications to be alerted of new messages faster
  • Use tags and forwarded messages so admins can handle specific inquiries
  • Create saved replies for frequently asked questions
  • Politely ask customers to keep messages focused to one topic/question
  • Review settings to ensure messages from followers take priority over non-fans

Staying on top of many incoming messages takes coordination and efficiency. Maintain order by assigning admin roles, using organizational tools and asking customers to be concise when possible.


Facebook business page messages provide a direct line of communication with your audience. Located in the Messages section, these conversations allow you to provide customer service, share updates, and nurture relationships. Managing messages well is crucial for creating positive experiences. Use tools like notifications, forwards and saved replies to increase efficiency. Prioritize replies to engaged followers and important inquiries. With a sound strategy, messages can help take your customer engagement to the next level.