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Where are all my Facebook Messenger messages?

Where are all my Facebook Messenger messages?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over a billion monthly active users. It allows you to send messages, photos, videos, audio clips, and more to friends and connections on Facebook.

Over time, your Messenger account can accumulate a lot of messages, especially if you’ve been using it for many years. So it’s not uncommon to wonder, “Where did all my old Facebook Messenger messages go?” or “Why can’t I find messages from years ago?”

There are a few key reasons why you may not be able to locate old Messenger messages and chats:

  • Facebook’s data retention policies – Facebook only stores messages for a limited period
  • Accidental or intentional deletions – You or your contacts may have deleted old messages
  • Limits on searching and accessing history – Messenger only lets you search and access recent history

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain Facebook Messenger’s data retention practices, the common ways messages get deleted, the search limit for accessing chat history, and tips for backing up your messages.

Facebook Messenger Data Retention Policies

Facebook has specific data retention periods for Messenger messages and chats. In other words, they only store and keep your messages for a certain amount of time before deleting them. This is done for privacy, security, and data storage reasons.

Here are Facebook’s current data retention policies for Messenger data:

  • Messages – Deleted after 30 days to 1 year if not deleted by users
  • Chats – Deleted after 1 year of inactivity
  • Chat history and metadata – Deleted after 1 year if account is deactivated
  • Backups – Deleted after 1 year if backup not restored

As you can see, most Messenger data including messages, inactive chats, and chat history is deleted after around one year by default. This means any old messages beyond that retention period will be automatically erased from Facebook’s servers.

The retention periods used to be shorter in the past. For example, Facebook previously only stored messages for 24 hours or 10 days before automatic deletion. They have extended the periods slightly over the years, but even one year is not very long for an app that billions have used for over a decade.

Key Takeaways on Retention Policies

  • Facebook Messenger messages are automatically deleted after 30 days to 1 year
  • Inactive Messenger chats are deleted after 1 year of inactivity
  • Chat history and metadata is erased after 1 year if account deactivated
  • Backups only kept for 1 year if not restored

So in summary, depending on Facebook’s retention policies at the time, messages older than 1 year are likely automatically deleted from their servers. And they have no obligation to retain anything beyond their stated retention periods.

Accidental or Intentional Message Deletions

In addition to Facebook’s automatic deletions, you or your contacts may have intentionally or accidentally deleted older Messenger messages and chats over the years.

Here are some common ways that can happen:

  • You deleted old chats to clear clutter
  • You deleted a conversation after a falling out with a friend
  • Your chat partner deleted their copy of the messages
  • You cleared messages not knowing they’d be deleted for the other person
  • You or your chat partner accidentally deleted messages and chats
  • A bug or glitch caused messages to disappear

Facebook even makes it easy to mass delete chats. Their “Delete Conversations” feature allows you to delete an entire chat history with one tap.

And if just one person deletes a particular message, it’s gone for both people in the chat. Similarly, if someone deletes an entire chat thread, it’s deleted for all participants.

So unless you or your chat partners were meticulously archiving every single Messenger conversation, it’s likely some old messages were intentionally or accidentally erased over time.

Search Limits for Accessing Chat History

Another key reason you may be unable to find old Messenger messages is that Facebook limits how far back you can search and access chat history.

Here are the current limitations:

  • Mobile app – Can only search through one year of message history
  • Desktop app – Can only search through 250,000 messages
  • Downloadable history – Only up to one year of history available

So the Messenger apps and data tools restrict you from searching further back than one year ago. If you had a conversation older than a year, it won’t show up when searching your chats or messages.

The desktop app has an even more restrictive limit. It caps your searchable history to the latest 250,000 messages per chat, regardless of time period.

The one year limit has long been in place. But in the early days of Messenger there were no restrictions, so you could search through your full history.

If your missing messages are older than a year, Messenger’s search limits are likely the reason you can’t find them anymore. The messages still existed at one point in time, but Facebook’s search restrictions prevent you from locating them now.

Tips for Backing Up and Archiving Facebook Messages

Since Facebook Messenger deletes old messages and restricts chat history access, your best bet for archiving conversations is to proactively back up your messages.

Here are some tips for backing up your Facebook messages:

Use the Messenger Export Feature

Facebook allows you to download an archive of your Messenger data via their “Create File” tool. It includes your message history up to the past year.

To use it:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings
  2. Click on Your Facebook Information
  3. Select “Create File”
  4. Select JSON as the format
  5. Be patient and let the file download
  6. You now have a digital archive of your Messenger history from the past year

Downloaded message history stays available for a few days after downloading. Be sure to save copies in case Facebook deletes them.

Frequently Download Your Recent Chats

To supplement the one year history from Facebook’s tool, make a habit of frequently downloading your recent Messenger chats via the app.

On mobile:
– Tap on a chat
– Tap More
– Tap Export Chat
– It will save to your phone’s Downloads folder

On desktop:
– Click on a chat
– Click the three dots icon
– Click Export Chat History
– Select download location

Doing this regularly will ensure you maintain archives of conversations before they age beyond one year and disappear from search results.

Use Third Party Apps to Backup Long Term

There are various third party apps that can backup Messenger chats for long term archiving. For example:

  • MessengerBackup – Backs up chats to Google Drive
  • SaveMyMessenger – Saves chats to your hard drive
  • Chat Exporter for Messenger – Outputs chats to PDF or Excel

The key is finding one that suits your long term archiving needs and using it to regularly export your chat history.

Take Screenshots of Important Messages

For truly important or memorable Messenger messages, take old-fashioned screenshots. It might not be practical for entire chats, but can work well for preserving select funny, emotional, or life event conversations.

Copy/Paste or Forward Special Messages

Similarly, you can copy and paste or forward particularly meaningful Messenger messages into a saved document or to a friend to create a backup of them. Just be mindful of privacy if forwarding.

Recovering Deleted Facebook Messages

What if you already noticed some important Messenger messages and chats disappeared? Is there any way to try recovering them?

Unfortunately, recovering deleted Facebook messages is extremely difficult, bordering on impossible.

Here are the reasons why:

  • No Messenger “trash folder” to retrieve deleted messages
  • No way to access chats deleted by other users
  • Facebook’s backups are encrypted and inaccessible
  • No official way to request or restore deleted data

Unlike email which has recoverable trash folders, Messenger has no built-in way to retrieve deleted messages available only to you.

And when a chat partner deletes a message or conversation, it’s gone from your end too. So there’s no way to restore what others deleted.

You also can’t directly access Messenger backups stored on Facebook’s servers. And even downloading your backup via the Messenger tool doesn’t include deleted messages.

Finally, Facebook does not offer any official recourse for restoring deleted data. You can’t request or petition to have removed messages reinstated.

Potential Ways to Try Recovering Deleted Messages

The only potential options to try recovering deleted Facebook messages are:

  1. Scan your hard drive for any archived message backups
  2. Check your email inbox for any forwarded chats
  3. See if any apps you connected to Messenger retain message history
  4. Use data recovery software to scan your hard drive (this almost never works)

So essentially you’d have to get very lucky for a deleted Messenger message to be salvaged. That’s why ongoing backups and archives are so crucial.

What If I Deleted Messages On Someone Else’s Facebook?

A related issue is what happens if you deleted messages or chats while logged into someone else’s Facebook Messenger account. Maybe your friend gave you their phone unlocked, or you had an ex’s password.

If you deleted messages or entire conversations while snooping on their account, is there any way to recover them?

Unfortunately, just like when messages are deleted from your own account, there is almost no way to retrieve messages deleted in someone else’s Messenger account.

Here’s why:

  • Can’t access their archives or backups
  • Can’t use recovery software on their device
  • Once deleted, the messages are gone across accounts
  • You’d have to gain access to their account again

So unless the person you deleted messages from is willing to give you their password again, there is no way to restore what you deleted. It’s a permanent deletion.

This is why you should never delete anything in someone else’s online accounts without permission. Not via hacking, snooping over their shoulder, or having access to a shared device. The damage can’t be undone.

Preventing Disappearing Messages in the Future

To avoid important Messenger memories disappearing for good, the best solution is being proactive with regular chat backups.

Here are some backup tips:

  • Use Facebook’s Download Your Information tool once a month
  • Frequently export recent chats before they turn one year old
  • Use a third party app to automate chat backups
  • Take screenshots and copies of select meaningful messages

Backing up continuously means you’ll have archives of all messages and chats before they eventually get deleted from Facebook’s servers.

You can also download your data from other apps and services that may retain message history:

  • Your mobile OS – Android or iOS
  • Your mobile carrier – AT&T, Verizon, etc.
  • Connected apps – like WhatsApp Business, Portal from Facebook

Finally, be very intentional before deleting anything. Don’t delete chats hastily or accidentally. And have your chat partners enable a “Confirm Before Deleting” option if available. Being vigilant about deletions can help avoid regrettable data loss.


It can be alarming and frustrating when Facebook Messenger messages seem to disappear without explanation. But in most cases, it is due to:

  • Facebook’s retention policies automatically deleting old messages
  • Accidental or intentional deletions by you or others
  • Messenger’s limited chat history search restrictions

Once certain messages are gone, they are almost impossible to recover. That’s why ongoing backups are essential.

Be proactive about archiving your Messenger data to prevent losing your message memories forever. With a continuous backup system in place, you can relax knowing important messages won’t mysteriously vanish.