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When you snooze someone on Facebook Can they still see your post?

When you snooze someone on Facebook Can they still see your post?

Facebook’s “snooze” feature allows users to temporarily hide posts from a friend, page, or group for a set period of time without unfollowing or unfriending them. When you snooze someone on Facebook, it stops their posts from appearing in your News Feed for the duration of the snooze period. However, it does not prevent them from seeing your posts or interacting with you on Facebook.

What Happens When You Snooze Someone on Facebook?

When you snooze a Facebook friend, page, or group, here is what happens:

  • You will no longer see their posts in your News Feed for the duration of the snooze period. The default snooze settings are 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.
  • Their posts may still appear in other places on Facebook, like on mutual friends’ timelines or in Facebook Stories.
  • You will remain Facebook friends and they will not be notified that you snoozed them.
  • You can continue to interact normally on Facebook during the snooze period – commenting, liking, messaging, etc.
  • After the snooze period ends, their posts will automatically start appearing in your News Feed again.

Snoozing someone only affects what shows up in your personal News Feed. It does not prevent the person you snoozed from seeing your posts or interacting with you on Facebook.

Can They Still See Your Posts if You Snooze Them?

Yes, someone you have snoozed on Facebook can still see all of your posts, photos, videos, and updates during the snooze period. Snoozing only stops their posts from appearing in your News Feed – it does not impact their Facebook experience in any way.

When you post something new to your Facebook profile, page, or in a Facebook group, it will still show up on the timelines of all your friends and followers, including someone you have snoozed.

Similarly, the person you snoozed can still interact with your posts as normal during the snooze period by liking, commenting, sharing, reacting, etc. Snoozing does not affect their ability to see or engage with your content.

Can They Tell if You Snoozed Them?

No, when you snooze someone on Facebook they are not notified or made aware in any way. From their perspective, nothing changes – they will not know you temporarily hid their posts from your News Feed.

The only way someone would know you snoozed them is if you directly told them. Snoozing is a one-sided action that gives you more control over what you see in your News Feed without impacting anyone else’s Facebook experience.

Why Would You Snooze Someone on Facebook?

Here are some common reasons people choose to snooze friends or pages on Facebook rather than unfollow or unfriend them:

  • To take a temporary break from seeing someone’s posts without fully unfollowing them.
  • To avoid spoilers about a show or event you haven’t seen yet.
  • To hide posts during an election or controversial current event.
  • To pause updates from groups or pages without leaving them completely.
  • To remove irrelevant or annoying posts from your News Feed.
  • To manage social media use and digital overload.

The snooze feature gives you granular control over your News Feed so you can hide content that is not relevant at the moment while maintaining connections with those friends or groups. It’s a subtler approach than outright unfriending or unfollowing someone.

How to Snooze Someone on Facebook

Snoozing someone on Facebook is easy to do right from your News Feed on desktop or mobile:

  1. Go to the offending post in your News Feed that you want to snooze.
  2. Hover over the post and click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Snooze [name, group, or page] for [time period].”
  4. Choose how long you want to snooze them (24 hrs, 7 days, or 30 days).

You can also access snooze settings by going to the person’s profile page and selecting “Snooze [name]” from the three-dot menu.

Once the time period ends, their posts will automatically resume appearing in your News Feed as normal. You can always go back and snooze them again if needed.

Can You Undo Snoozing Someone?

Yes, if you change your mind after snoozing someone on Facebook, you can undo it before the time period is up in a few quick steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook settings.
  2. Select “Snoozed Accounts” under Your Preferences.
  3. Find the person, page, or group you want to unsnooze.
  4. Click “Undo Snooze” to resume seeing their posts right away.

This will remove the snooze and their content will immediately return to your regular News Feed.

What’s the Difference Between Snoozing and Unfollowing?

Snoozing and unfollowing both remove someone’s posts from your News Feed, but there are some key differences:

Snoozing Unfollowing
Temporary Permanent, unless you refollow
Time limit of 24 hrs, 7 days, or 30 days No time limit
They don’t know they are snoozed They can see you no longer follow them
You stay Facebook friends Still Facebook friends unless you unfriend
Can interact normally during snooze period Limited interaction until refollowed

In most cases, snoozing is temporary while unfollowing is permanent. Snoozing hides just their posts, while unfollowing stops all interactions on Facebook.

Pros and Cons of Snoozing on Facebook

Some benefits of using Facebook’s snooze feature include:

  • Pro: Lets you take a break from seeing someone’s posts temporarily.
  • Pro: Doesn’t notify them or affect their Facebook experience.
  • Pro: Allows you to stay connected while hiding irrelevant content.
  • Pro: Easy to turn on and off as needed.

Some potential drawbacks of snoozing on Facebook:

  • Con: Their posts may still appear in other places like mutual friends’ feeds.
  • Con: You have to remember to undo the snooze when ready.
  • Con: Can only snooze one person/page/group at a time.
  • Con: Some users may want a more permanent unfollow option.

Overall, snoozing is a useful News Feed management tool for temporary situations. But for a more lasting solution, you may want to consider unfollowing.

Can You Get in Trouble for Snoozing Someone?

No, there are no rules against snoozing someone on Facebook. The snooze feature is an official tool provided by Facebook, so there are no penalties or consequences for using it.

Snoozing someone is not considered harassment or bullying. You are simply managing your own News Feed preferences to customize what you see on Facebook for a period of time.

The person being snoozed is not notified or impacted at all. They can still see all your profile activity and interact with you even while snoozed. There is no way for them to know unless you choose to tell them.

Think of News Feed snoozing like muting someone on Twitter or taking a social media break – it’s a personal choice that only affects your feed. There is nothing wrong with snoozing connections on Facebook if you need a temporary break from their content.


When you snooze someone on Facebook, their posts disappear from your News Feed but they can still see all your posts and interact with you as normal. Snoozing does not notify them or stop you from commenting, liking, and messaging each other.

The snooze feature lets you take a customized break from someone’s posts without unfriending or unfollowing them. It gives you more granular control over your News Feed. Just be aware that snoozing is temporary, so their content will return after the time period ends.

Overall, snoozing is a useful way to manage your Facebook experience and shape the content you see in your News Feed over time without affecting your friends and connections.