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When you post something on someone’s Facebook page who can see it?

When you post something on someone’s Facebook page who can see it?

Quick Answer

When you post something on someone else’s Facebook page, the privacy settings determine who can see that post. The post will be visible to the page owner and admin as well as anyone else the page owner has allowed to view page content. This generally includes all of the page’s followers but could be a more limited audience depending on the page’s privacy settings.

Detailed Explanation

When posting on someone else’s Facebook page, it’s important to understand the page’s privacy settings and how that determines who can view your post. There are a few key factors:

Page Privacy Settings

The page admin controls the overall privacy settings for the page, including who can see posts on the page. Common settings include:

  • Public – Anyone including non-followers can see all page content
  • Friends of Page – Only page followers can see posts
  • Page Admins Only – Only admins can see page content

So the page privacy dictates the maximum potential audience for your post, unless further limited by individual post settings (see below).

Individual Post Privacy

When making a post on someone else’s page, you may have the option to set a more limited audience for that specific post. For example, you could limit it to only your own friends, even if the page is public. This lets you narrow the visibility of that particular post.

Page Followers and Friends

For pages set to Friends of Page or Public, the core audience is the page’s followers. So anyone who has liked or followed that Facebook page can see posts made on it by default.

Of course, followers can also share your post with their own friends, expanding the potential reach. But the starting point is page followers.

For friends only pages, even if you are friends with the page admin, you still need to specifically follow the page to see its content.

Page Admins and Roles

No matter the privacy setting, the page admins and anyone else with an admin/editor role for the page can always see all posts. Page admins have full permissions to view, manage, and remove content.

Some pages have secondary “moderator” roles with limited posting abilities. Moderators may be able to make posts but not alter settings.

Examples of Who Can See Posts

Here are some examples showing who would be able to see your post depending on the page’s privacy status:

Public Page Example

If you post on a public Facebook page for a celebrity or brand:

– The page admins can see the post
– All page followers can see the post
– Your friends are not automatically able to see it unless they also follow the page
– Anyone searching public Facebook content could come across the post

Private Group Example

If you post in a private Facebook group limited to approved members:

– The group admins can see the post
– Only members who have been accepted into the group can see posts
– Your friends won’t see it unless they are also members of the group

Friends-Only Page Example

If you post on a friends-only limited Facebook page, like for a small community group or local business:

– The page admins can see the post
– Only people who are friends of the page can see posts
– Your friends could see it if they have also friended the page
– The general public won’t have access

Post Visibility Troubleshooting

If you’re having trouble viewing a post you think you should be able to:

– Double check the page privacy settings – make sure you fit the criteria
– Confirm you are in fact following/friended to the page
– Check your own account privacy settings
– Make sure the specific post wasn’t limited to a more private audience

You may need to adjust your settings, follow the page, or confirm with the page admin about its privacy status.

Ways Page Admins Can Limit Post Visibility

As mentioned before, while page admins control the general privacy settings, they also have some options to selectively limit post visibility:

  • They can delete or hide any posts they don’t want shown
  • They can set geographic restrictions on who can view posts
  • They can limit specific posts to only certain friend lists
  • They can moderate heavily, deleting posts or banning users

So while you may post something assuming it’s visible based on the page being public, the page admin still has tools to selectively filter, limit, or block post visibility. Always good to be aware of.

Best Practices for Posting on Others’ Pages

When posting content on someone else’s Facebook page, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Review the page privacy settings and description so you understand the intended audience.
  • Stick to posting thoughtful on-topic content relevant for that audience.
  • Be sparing with your posts – don’t overdo it or post too frequently.
  • Keep an eye on how the page owner and audience respond and adjust your approach accordingly.

Following these tips will make for a better experience all around!

The Role of Facebook’s Algorithm

One important additional factor is Facebook’s algorithm that controls what posts users actually see in their feeds. Even if your post is visible to certain people based on privacy settings, Facebook’s algorithm determines whether it actually appears in their real-time feeds.

Relevance, engagement, relationships, timeliness and other factors influence what ranks highly in people’s feeds. So privacy is just one piece determining visibility – the algorithm adds another layer influencing real viewership.

Facebook’s Policy on Posting to Pages

Facebook does limit the ability to post on pages to genuine interactions, especially for promotional content. Their policy states:

“Pages should reflect genuine interests and personal stories. Don’t post content that’s threatening, harassing, hateful, sexually suggestive, spammy, or otherwise objectionable.”

So you need to follow Facebook’s posting guidelines or risk deleted content or even being banned from posting to any pages. Always keep it professional and relevant.


When posting on someone else’s Facebook page:

– The page privacy settings control who can access posts
– Individual post privacy can selectively limit audiences further
– Page admins/editors can view, manage, and restrict anything posted
– Following that page is key for visibility beyond page admins
– Facebook’s algorithm also impacts visibility in feeds
– Keep posts thoughtful, on-topic, and within Facebook’s policies

Considering these key factors will set proper expectations for who can see and interact with your posts on Facebook pages.