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When you delete a post on Facebook can others still see it?

When you delete a post on Facebook can others still see it?

When you delete a post on Facebook, it is removed from your profile and News Feed immediately. However, there are some cases where deleted posts may still be visible to others:

Friends and followers may have already seen the post

If any of your friends or followers saw the post before you deleted it, they may have already read, liked, commented on, or shared it. Deleting the post removes it from your profile, but does not delete it from your friends’ News Feeds or any shares.

Deleted posts may still appear in News Feed for a short time

It can take up to 90 days for a deleted post to disappear from everywhere on Facebook. This is because of Facebook’s complex content delivery systems. So your post may continue to appear in some News Feeds for a short time after deleting.

Deleted posts can be seen if directly linked

If someone shares or links directly to your deleted post, then they (and anyone they’ve shared it with) will still be able to see the post. This is because direct links access the content without needing your profile.

Content may remain in Facebook search results

Deleted posts may continue to appear in Facebook’s search results for some time after deletion. It can take a while for search indexes to be updated.

Content remains in Facebook’s servers

When you post on Facebook, the content is copied and stored on Facebook’s servers around the world. This allows for backup and distribution. When you delete a post, Facebook removes the content from public view, but copies of it remain on their servers for some time.

Deleted posts can be recovered

You have a limited window of time to recover or “undelete” a post on Facebook after deletion. This allows you to restore posts that were deleted accidentally. After the recovery period, deleted posts are permanently removed.

Deleted content may be retained and shared internally

Facebook’s data policy allows them to retain and internally share deleted posts for purposes like backing up, analysis, and troubleshooting. Copies of deleted content may persist within their systems.

Archival systems may retain deleted posts

There are some third-party sites and browser extensions that archive Facebook posts over time. These archival systems may still retain copies of posts even after you delete them.


In summary, when you delete a Facebook post it is removed from public view. However, deleted content may persist in other users’ feeds and systems for some time after deletion. Direct links can still access deleted posts. And Facebook retains the right to keep internal copies of deleted content. So while a post is effectively removed, traces of it may still remain viewable in some circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for a deleted Facebook post to disappear?

It can take up to 90 days for a deleted Facebook post to disappear from everywhere. This is due to the complexity of Facebook’s content delivery systems. The post is removed from your profile right away but may persist in News Feeds, search results, and other locations for up to 90 days before being permanently deleted.

Can someone see a Facebook post after it’s deleted?

In some cases, yes. If someone shared or linked directly to the post before it was deleted, they may still be able to access it. Friends who saw the post in their News Feed before deletion may also still have it. And copies of the post may remain in Facebook’s internal systems and archives after deletion.

Does deleting a Facebook post delete it forever?

No, Facebook posts are not necessarily deleted forever when you remove them. Deleted content can remain in search results, backups, and caches for some time. And Facebook reserves the right to retain deleted posts on their servers for internal purposes like analysis. So traces of deleted posts may persist indefinitely within Facebook’s systems.

Can you recover a deleted Facebook post?

Yes, Facebook allows you to recover deleted posts for a limited time through the “Limit Past Posts” tool. This allows you to “undelete” posts that were removed accidentally. The recovery window is usually around 10-14 days after deletion.

Does Facebook permanently delete posts?

Facebook does not permanently delete posts immediately when you remove them. Deleted posts can take up to 90 days to be purged from their systems entirely. And even then, copies of the posts may persist in backups and archives indefinitely. So while posts are effectively deleted from public view quickly, traces of them remain in Facebook’s databases.

How Facebook’s Post Deletion Works

News Feed Removal

When you delete a post, it is instantly removed from your profile page and will disappear from all News Feeds shortly after. Friends will no longer see the post in their feeds.

Search Indexing

It takes more time for deleted posts to be removed from Facebook’s search results. The search indexes have to be updated, which can take up to 90 days.

URL Access

If someone has a direct URL to a deleted post, they can still access it through that link even after deletion.

Backups and Archives

Facebook backs up content on multiple servers globally. These backups, as well as external archives, may still retain copies of deleted posts.

Internal Use

Facebook’s terms allow them to keep and internally share deleted content for analysis, troubleshooting, research, and site improvement.

Recovery Window

For about 10-14 days after deletion, posts can be recovered and restored through Facebook’s tools in case of accidental removal.

Best Practices for Deleting Facebook Posts

Edit instead of delete

Instead of deleting a post entirely, consider editing the content instead. This allows you to maintain the conversation while removing anything you don’t want shared.

Avoid posting confidential information

Be cautious about posting any sensitive personal or private information you would not want persisting online, as deleted content may remain visible in some places.

Remove tags and location data

Before deleting a post, remove any tags for other people and delete location data attached to it. This helps disassociate any personal information.

Ask others to remove shares

If others have shared your post already, consider commenting to request they remove their shares of any content you want completely deleted.

Make your account private

Switch your Facebook profile to private mode to restrict access to your posts to only confirmed friends. This limits the reach of content before deletion.

Delete and stay offline

If deleting a controversial post, consider deactivating your Facebook account for a few days to allow it to be fully purged from caches and feeds.

Use social media management tools

Tools like Buffer and Hootsuite allow you to schedule posts then delete them automatically after a predefined time. Useful for removing content you only want shared temporarily.