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When you delete a conversation on Messenger does the other person know?

When you delete a conversation on Messenger does the other person know?

Facebook Messenger allows users to have conversations with friends, family, coworkers, and more. It’s a useful messaging platform that connects billions of people. However, sometimes conversations on Messenger need to be deleted. This could be for various reasons – you want to remove old chats to save space, there was a misunderstanding with someone and you want to remove the conversation, or you simply no longer want to keep a conversation in your message history.

When you delete a Messenger conversation, it removes it from your message inbox and history. But what about the other person (or people) that were included in the conversation? Do they get notified or know that you deleted the chat? Let’s take a closer look at how deleting Messenger conversations works and whether others are notified.

Does Deleting a Messenger Conversation Notify the Other Person?

The short answer is no, deleting a conversation does not directly notify or alert the other person or people involved in the chat. When you delete a Messenger conversation on your end, it simply removes it from your inbox and message history. For you, it will be like the conversation never happened.

However, the conversation still exists in the other person’s Messenger inbox and chat history. They will still have access to the full conversation on their end. Deleting it only removes it from your view, not theirs.

So if you delete a Messenger conversation, the other people in the chat won’t get a message that it was removed or deleted on your end. There is no notification sent out when you delete a conversation. The chat will simply disappear from your inbox, while remaining fully visible on their end.

Will the Other Person Notice the Conversation is Deleted?

Even though there are no notifications sent when deleting a conversation, the other person may still notice if they try to go back and view a previous Messenger conversation with you. When you delete a chat, a few things could tip off the other person:

– If they try to scroll back and view earlier messages in your conversation, they’ll find the chat history ends abruptly. This may signal to them that you deleted the conversation on your end.

– They will still see the conversation in their main Messenger inbox or chat list, but when opening it, the conversation will appear blank or missing on their end as well.

– If it’s a group conversation, the other people may notice you have “left” or are missing from the group chat members list.

So while deleting a chat does not send an alert, if the other person tries to view the conversation again they may realize it’s been removed on your end based on the missing chat history or other signs. But there is no specific notification sent out to indicate you deleted the conversation.

Special Cases for Deleting Messenger Conversations

In most cases, deleting a Messenger conversation only removes it from your account and the other person is unaware unless they notice it’s missing. However, there are a few special cases where deleting a chat functions differently:

Deleting a Messenger group conversation – When you remove yourself from a group chat by deleting it, a notification is sent to the other group members that you have “left the conversation.” So in group chats, it is more obvious.

Deleting a conversation in a Messenger Room – Messenger Rooms allows group video chatting. Deleting a Room chat notifies other Room members that you deleted the conversation.

The other person has deleted you – If the other person has already deleted you from their contacts or blocked you, deleting the conversation from your end may not remove it from their inbox since their account no longer has you as a connection.

Deleting messages, not conversations – If you only delete certain messages within a conversation instead of the whole chat, this is not noticeable to the recipient. Only when the full conversation is deleted do they potentially see it is missing.

So in summary, if it’s a standard 1-on-1 Messenger conversation, deleting it will not directly alert the other party or send them a notification. But for group chats or Messenger Rooms, it is more apparent.

How Long Do Deleted Messenger Conversations Stay in Inbox?

When you delete a Messenger conversation, you likely expect it to disappear from the inbox immediately and be permanently deleted. However, that is not always the case.

Deleted chats may continue to appear in your inbox or message history temporarily before being removed from the servers. Here are some guidelines on how long deleted Messenger conversations stick around:

– For you, the person who deleted the chat, it should disappear from your inbox right away or within a few hours. You will not be able to access the conversation again yourself.

– For the recipient, the deleted conversation may remain accessible in their inbox for up to 48 hours before being removed fully.

– In very rare cases, parts of the conversation may continue appearing for the other person up to 90 days if it is cached on their device. But usually it will be inaccessible to them within 48 hours.

– On Facebook’s servers, metadata about the conversation may be retained for up to 90 days before permanent deletion. But the contents and history should not be retrievable during this time.

– If either party reported abusive messages within the conversation, those portions of the chat may be retained by Facebook beyond 90 days for investigation purposes.

So while you instantly lose access to a deleted conversation, remnants of it could remain visible or cached for the other person briefly. But it should be permanently deleted from Messenger within a few days at most.

How to Permanently Delete Messenger Conversations

Since deleted Messenger chats could theoretically still show up in someone’s inbox temporarily, you may want to take extra steps to ensure a conversation is permanently deleted forever. Here are a few methods to try:

Block the other person – If you block someone after deleting the conversation, it is more likely to instantly disappear from their view rather than lingering.

Report the conversation – Reporting a chat flags it for faster removal from Facebook’s servers and the other person’s account.

Delete the full chat history – Rather than just one conversation, delete your entire Messenger history which forces deleted chats to be wiped sooner.

Use a delete reminder app – Apps like Eraser for Facebook set reminders to delete old conversations automatically, ensuring they get permanently removed.

Request data deletion – You can request Facebook remove all data under GDPR or California privacy laws, including messenger history.

Delete your Facebook account – Fully deleting your Facebook profile will also delete associated Messenger conversations permanently.

While no method guarantees instant permanent deletion, taking the extra step to block, report, or wipe your Messenger data can help ensure private conversations are not accessible moving forward.


When you delete a conversation in Facebook Messenger, the other person in the chat is not directly notified and may not immediately notice it’s gone. Deleting a conversation only removes it from your inbox and history, while their access continues temporarily until the chat is wiped. But they may realize the conversation disappeared if they try to view it again and see it’s missing. Overall, deleting Messenger conversations makes them inaccessible to you right away but could leave them visible for the other party briefly before permanent removal.


– Deleting a Messenger conversation removes it from your inbox/history but the other person retains access temporarily.

– The other person does not receive a notification or alert when you delete a chat.

– They may notice the conversation disappear if they try to view it again and see it’s gone.

– In group chats and Messenger Rooms, it’s more obvious when you’ve left or deleted the conversation.

– Deleted chats could still appear in the other person’s inbox for up to 48 hours before permanent removal.

– Extra steps like blocking, reporting, or deleting entire history can help ensure a conversation is permanently deleted.