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When you deactivate your Facebook does it unfriend people?

When you deactivate your Facebook does it unfriend people?

Deactivating your Facebook account does not unfriend or remove any of your Facebook friends. When you deactivate your account, your profile is hidden and no one can see it until you reactivate it. However, none of your connections or friends will be lost in the process.

What happens when you deactivate Facebook?

Here’s what happens when you deactivate your Facebook account:

  • Your profile is hidden from other users. No one can search for you or view your profile until you reactivate it.
  • You don’t show up in your friends’ friend lists. You essentially become “invisible” on Facebook.
  • You can’t be tagged in posts or photos.
  • You don’t show up as a suggested friend to others.
  • You stop getting notifications and emails from Facebook.
  • You lose access to your messages. You can’t read or send any Facebook messages.
  • Your name is removed from Facebook groups you’ve joined.
  • You stop getting invites to events.
  • Pages and ad interests associated with your account are hidden.
  • Your Facebook timeline remains intact. All your posts, photos, videos, and everything else you’ve shared stays on Facebook.

So in summary, deactivating makes your account invisible but all your data remains on Facebook’s servers. Nothing is deleted.

Do you lose friends when deactivating Facebook?

No, deactivating does not remove any of your Facebook friends or unfriend anyone. All of your friends remain intact and none of your connections are lost.

Here are some key points on how deactivating affects your friends list:

  • Your friend list remains completely intact.
  • You do not get unfriended or unfollow anyone.
  • Your friends don’t get notified or alerted when you deactivate.
  • Your friends can still tag you and send you messages, but you won’t see them.
  • Your name is simply removed from your friends’ friend lists temporarily.
  • Once you reactivate your account, your friends list is restored.

So in short, deactivating does not remove a single friend from your account. You essentially press pause on all friend interactions and activity until you reactive.

What’s the difference between deactivating and deleting Facebook?

There is an important distinction between deactivating your Facebook account and permanently deleting it. Here is an overview of the key differences:

Deactivating Deleting
Hides your profile temporarily Permanently removes your account
You can reactivate anytime Very difficult to recover account
Friends list remains intact All friends are removed
Photos, posts, data remain All photos, posts, data deleted
Can be reactivated at any time Account is gone forever

In summary, deactivating just hides your profile whereas deleting removes it permanently. Deactivating is temporary while deleting is permanent.

How long does it take to deactivate Facebook?

It only takes a few seconds to deactivate your Facebook account. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of Facebook and select Settings.
  2. Click on the Your Facebook Information link in the left column.
  3. Click on the Deactivation and Deletion option.
  4. Choose Deactivate Account and follow the on-screen prompts.

That’s all it takes! Your account will be deactivated instantly. It’s a very quick and simple process that only takes a minute at most.

Can you reactivate a deactivated Facebook account?

Yes, you can easily reactivate a deactivated Facebook account at any time. All of your profile data, friends, photos, posts, etc. will be restored.

To reactivate your account, just log back into Facebook with your username and password. Your profile will automatically be restored.

You can continue where you left off with no impact to your account. It will be like you never left! Reactivating is simple and instantaneous.

Does deactivating Facebook delete messages?

No, deactivating your account does not delete or remove any of your Facebook messages. All of your message history remains saved and intact.

However, you lose access to your messages while your account is deactivated. You cannot view, send or receive any Facebook messages until you reactivate your profile.

As soon as you reactivate your account, you regain full access to your messages. You can pick up right where you left off without losing anything.

Can someone hack a deactivated Facebook account?

It’s highly unlikely that a deactivated Facebook account could be hacked. Since the account is essentially offline and inaccessible, it’s very difficult for a hacker to breach it.

That said, any account online does carry some risk. The best way to secure a deactivated account is to use a strong password that would be difficult to guess. Avoid using personal information like your birthday or name.

You may also want to turn on two-factor authentication before deactivating, which adds an extra layer of security to your account.

Does Facebook recommend deactivating over deleting?

Generally yes, Facebook recommends deactivating your account rather than permanently deleting it right away. Here’s why:

  • Deactivating is temporary and reversible if you change your mind.
  • Your information and connections remain stored in case you return.
  • You maintain control rather than erasing your digital footprint.
  • Facebook would prefer you remain a user even if taking a break.

Facebook makes it very easy to deactivate and reactivate accounts. They want to preserve your account in case you decide to come back to the platform.

Can you tell if someone deactivated their Facebook?

It’s impossible to know with certainty if someone has deactivated their Facebook account. However, here are some signs that may indicate a deactivated profile:

  • Their profile disappears from search results.
  • Old posts and photos remain visible but no new activity.
  • They stop responding to tags and messages.
  • Their name disappears from your friends list.
  • You stop seeing updates and posts from them.
  • They disappear from Facebook groups.

If someone seems to have simply vanished from Facebook without warning, there’s a good chance they deactivated their account temporarily.

What happens to marketplace listings when you deactivate Facebook?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, any Marketplace listings you have posted will be removed and hidden until you reactivate.

Specifically, here is what happens to your Marketplace activity:

  • Your listings will no longer appear for others to view or purchase.
  • Your selling profile will be inaccessible to buyers.
  • You cannot respond to inquiries about your listings.
  • No one can view, share or engage with your listings.
  • Once reactivated, your listings become live again.

So your Marketplace essentially becomes inactive while your account is deactivated. Everything will pick up where it left off if you choose to return to Facebook.

Should you notify people before deactivating Facebook?

It’s generally courteous to let close friends and family know if you plan to take a break from Facebook for a while by deactivating your account.

Consider posting a status update or sending messages to explain your reasons and assure them you’ll be back. This avoids confusion or concern if you suddenly vanish.

For casual acquaintances and broader connections, a general post or update is fine. You likely don’t need to explain yourself in depth.

If circumstances permit, give 24-48 hours notice before deactivating your account so people aren’t caught completely off guard by your disappearance from Facebook.


Deactivating your Facebook account provides a temporary break from the platform without losing your friends, photos, messages, or other data. Your profile simply goes into an inactive state where it is hidden from view.

No friends are removed when you deactivate Facebook. Your connections and followers remain intact to be easily restored when you reactive your account. Just be sure to take proactive measures like changing your password and enabling two-factor authentication before deactivating for maximum security.

With the ability to instantly reactivate at any time, deactivating is ideal for those who want to take a social media sabbatical but aren’t ready to permanently delete their accounts forever.

In today’s hyper-connected world, taking a intentional break from Facebook can be a healthy decision for your wellbeing. Just be thoughtful about letting important contacts know in advance before you temporarily deactivate your account.

With the right expectations set, deactivating your account allows you to step away from Facebook without losing your online community in the process. It’s always there waiting for you when you are ready to return.

Deactivating your account does not alter your Facebook friendships or unfollow anyone. Your friends and followers remain completely intact, allowing you to seamlessly pick up right where you left off when you choose to reactivate your profile and start actively using Facebook again.

Overall, deactivating your Facebook account gives you flexibility if you need a social media break or want more control over your privacy. Your data remains stored safely until you are ready to re-engage with the platform on your own terms.