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When you deactivate your Facebook account how long does it take?

When you deactivate your Facebook account how long does it take?

Facebook allows users to deactivate their accounts temporarily while keeping the option to reactivate it later. When you deactivate your Facebook account, your profile and information are hidden until the account is reactivated. Deactivating your account is different from permanently deleting it.

How long does it take to deactivate a Facebook account?

Deactivating your Facebook account happens immediately once you confirm you want to deactivate the account. There is no waiting period or delay. As soon as you click the “Deactivate” button on the deactivation page, your account is deactivated.

Here are the steps to deactivate a Facebook account:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”
  3. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar
  4. Click on “Deactivation and Deletion”
  5. Choose “Deactivate Account” and follow the on-screen instructions

Once you confirm you want to deactivate, your account will be deactivated immediately. Your profile and photos will disappear from the site. Friends will no longer be able to search for you or see any of your information.

What happens when you deactivate your Facebook account?

Here’s what happens when you deactivate your Facebook account:

  • Your profile is hidden and your name is removed from most things you’ve shared on Facebook
  • Friends can no longer see your profile or search for you on Facebook
  • You cannot use Facebook to log into other apps or websites
  • Your messages are temporarily deactivated but not deleted
  • Your Facebook events are removed from the events page
  • You cannot reaction to or comment on posts
  • You stop seeing notifications and the News Feed
  • Facebook does not send you emails or texts

Essentially, deactivating makes your account disappear and cuts off access to many Facebook features, without permanently deleting your account.

How long does deactivation last before your Facebook account is deleted?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, it remains in a deactivated state for 14 days before being permanently deleted by Facebook. During those 14 days, you can still log back into your account and reactivate it, restoring your profile and all your information.

If you do not log back in within 14 days, on the 15th day your Facebook account will be permanently deleted along with your information, photos, posts, and profile. You will lose access to the account forever.

Day 1 You deactivate your Facebook account
Days 2-14 Your account remains deactivated but intact
Day 15 Your Facebook account is permanently deleted

So in summary, you have 14 days between deactivating your account and it being deleted where you can still reactivate it.

Can you reactivate a Facebook account after deactivation?

Yes, you can reactivate your Facebook account anytime within 14 days of deactivating it. Reactivating restores your account to the same state as before deactivation.

To reactivate your Facebook account after deactivating:

  1. Go to and click “Log In”
  2. Enter your account email and password and click “Log In”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your identity
  4. Once confirmed, your account will be fully reactivated

Reactivating brings back your profile, friends, photos, messages, and everything that was temporarily deactivated. It is as if you never deactivated your account.

What happens if you don’t reactivate within 14 days?

If you do not reactivate your Facebook account within 14 days, your account is permanently deleted on the 15th day. When permanently deleted:

  • All your information including posts, photos, profile info is erased
  • You lose access to the account forever and cannot retrieve anything
  • Your old username becomes available for anyone else to claim
  • You cannot log back into the account or recover anything that was deleted

Permanent deletion is irreversible. The only way to get Facebook access again is to create a brand new account.

Can you retrieve a Facebook account after permanent deletion?

Unfortunately no, there is no way to retrieve a Facebook account or any of its data after it has been permanently deleted. Once your 14 day reactivation period ends, permanent deletion happens and it cannot be undone.

Facebook states in its Data Policy:

When you delete your account, we delete things you have posted, such as your photos and status updates, and you won’t be able to recover that information later.

Some things to note about permanent Facebook account deletion:

  • All your photos, posts, videos, and profile info are erased
  • You cannot sign back in or use account recovery options
  • Your old username and URL become available to anyone
  • Deleting an account is irreversible and permanent
  • There is no way to retrieve the account or any deleted data

So if you permanently delete your Facebook account, be sure that you no longer need access or any of the data, as it will be gone forever!

How is deactivating different than deleting a Facebook account?

Deactivating and deleting a Facebook account are two different things:

Deactivating Deleting
Temporarily disables account Permanently erases account
Can reactivate anytime in 14 days Cannot retrieve account after deleting
Profile and info hidden All data erased and lost forever
Preserves ability to reactivate No way to regain access to account

In summary:

  • Deactivating temporarily disables the account while retaining the option to reactivate it
  • Deleting permanently erases the account and all associated data forever

Reasons to temporarily deactivate instead of permanently delete

Here are some reasons you may want to deactivate your Facebook account instead of permanently deleting it:

  • You need a break from Facebook but aren’t ready to fully close your account
  • You have concerns over privacy or security but still want the option to come back
  • You are not using Facebook frequently but still want to retain your profile and data
  • You want your information and profile hidden temporarily while inactive
  • You might need to use Facebook again in the future for access or contacting people

Deactivating gives you the flexibility to take a break from Facebook without losing your account and information permanently.

Reasons to permanently delete your Facebook account

Here are some reasons you may want to permanently delete your Facebook account instead of temporarily deactivating it:

  • You want to permanently leave Facebook and never return
  • You have strong privacy, security, or ethical concerns about Facebook
  • You believe the cons of Facebook now outweigh the pros for you
  • You do not want your data being stored and used by Facebook anymore
  • You are concerned about old posts and information you want erased
  • You no longer have a need or desire to connect with people on Facebook

Permanently deleting your account makes sense if you are sure you no longer want to use Facebook ever again in any capacity.

What to do before deactivating or deleting your Facebook account

If you are planning to deactivate or delete your Facebook account, here are some things you may want to do first:

  • Download a copy of your Facebook data for your records
  • Save photos, videos, or other content you want to keep
  • Inform friends you are leaving Facebook and how else to contact you
  • Remove your Facebook Login from any websites or apps
  • Delete Facebook app from your mobile devices
  • Cancel any paid subscriptions or services associated with Facebook

Taking these steps allows you to have a record of your Facebook data and cleanly logout before deactivating or deleting your account.

Concerns when deactivating or deleting Facebook

Some common concerns people have when considering deactivating or deleting their Facebook accounts include:

  • Losing contact with friends or family members who are only on Facebook
  • Missing out on events, invites, or information shared through Facebook
  • No longer having access to memories and photos stored on Facebook
  • Disappearing from Facebook groups or communities you are a member of
  • Losing a powerful marketing and advertising platform (for businesses/brands)
  • Difficulty logging into sites or apps that use Facebook Login

It’s important to weigh these factors when deciding whether to take a temporary break or permanently leave Facebook.


Deactivating your Facebook account takes effect immediately and keeps your profile hidden for 14 days before permanent deletion. Within that 14 day window, you can still reactivate your account and restore your profile and all associated data. However, after 14 days of inactivity, your account is permanently erased along with all your information, photos, posts, and there is no way to retrieve anything after permanent deletion. Deactivating gives you a temporary break from Facebook while retaining the option to come back, whereas deleting your account permanently closes your account forever.