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When you can only see mutual friends on Facebook?

When you can only see mutual friends on Facebook?

There are a few main reasons why you may only be able to see mutual friends on someone’s Facebook profile:

They have increased their privacy settings

The most common reason is that the person has increased their privacy settings so that only mutual friends are visible. Here are some of the privacy settings that can cause this:

  • They have set their friend list to be visible to “Friends Except Acquaintances.” This means only close friends will be visible.
  • They have set their friend list to “Friends Only.” This means only friends in common will show up.
  • They have created a custom friend list for “Close Friends” and set that list to be visible. You won’t be able to see anyone not in that list.

So if you suddenly can’t see someone’s full friends list anymore, it likely means they’ve tightened their privacy settings. This is pretty common as people become more privacy conscious.

They may have blocked you

Another possibility is that the person has blocked you on Facebook. When you block someone, they can only see your mutual friends if they come across your profile. Everything else is hidden.

You can’t actually tell if you’ve been blocked by someone. But if you abruptly lose access to their profile, blocking could be the reason.

It’s a glitch

Bugs and glitches on Facebook can also sometimes cause friends lists to be hidden. A few examples:

  • A problem loading the page/app causing only mutual friends to show.
  • A temporary technical problem on Facebook’s side.
  • Issues if you were interacting via a Page profile rather than personal account.

Usually if it’s a glitch, refreshing the page or trying again later will resolve it. If the issue persists, it’s likely due to increased privacy settings or being blocked.

When mutual friends is normal

Seeing only mutual friends can also simply be normal and expected in certain situations, such as:

  • When looking at a stranger’s or public figure’s profile. You likely won’t have any friends in common.
  • With a new Facebook friend you don’t know well yet.
  • When viewing an acquaintance’s profile who you have few overlapping friends with.

So it’s not necessarily always an issue. But if it seems abnormal compared to what you’re used to seeing for a particular friend, it likely means they’ve limited visibility.

How to tell if you’re blocked

Wondering if you’ve been blocked by someone? Here are some signs:

  • You suddenly can’t find their Facebook profile by searching for their name.
  • Visiting their profile URL results in a “content unavailable” message.
  • Your messages to them stop going through.
  • You disappear from their friends list but mutual friends can still see you.

Being blocked would explain why you can only see mutual friends. If you think that’s the case, you’ll have to reach out to the person directly by other means to find out for sure.

What if someone blocks you?

If you do determine you’ve been blocked, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t make another account to get around it — respect their wishes.
  • Reflect on what could have caused it and learn from the situation.
  • Move on gracefully without escalating conflict.
  • Focus on your other relationships and find healthy support.

Blocking is ultimately their choice and within their rights. Try to deal with the situation maturely.

Solutions if it’s a glitch

If seeing only mutual friends seems to be a temporary glitch, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Refresh the page/app and try again.
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache.
  • Check if Facebook is down for maintenance.
  • Log out and back into Facebook to reset things.
  • Update the Facebook app or try viewing on a desktop.

Most issues caused by bugs or technical problems can be resolved this way. But if it persists, it’s likely due to their privacy settings or blocking.

How to adjust your own privacy

You can also control the visibility of your own friends list. Here’s how to update who can see your friends:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click “Friends” on the left sidebar.
  2. Under your cover photo, click the icon with three horizontal lines.
  3. Select “Edit Privacy” then “Edit Settings.”
  4. Adjust the dropdown menu under “Who can see your friends list” as desired.
  5. Click “Confirm” to save changes.

With the right settings, you can limit your friends’ visibility to only people you want.

In summary

  • Seeing only mutual friends is usually due to increased privacy settings or being blocked.
  • It can also be a temporary glitch that resolves on refresh.
  • Don’t make assumptions — reach out if needed to understand why.
  • You can also control who sees your own friends with privacy settings.

Friend list visibility on Facebook is flexible. Changes to what you see for someone else are typically intentional on their part. Be respectful of their choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can I only see a few mutual friends on someone’s profile?

The main reasons are: 1) They have increased their privacy settings to limit friend visibility 2) You may have been blocked by them 3) A temporary technical glitch on Facebook.

What should I do if someone blocked me on Facebook?

If you’ve been blocked, it’s best not to try circumventing it with another account. Take time for self-reflection, move on gracefully, and focus your energy on other relationships in your life.

How do I change my Facebook privacy settings?

Go to your profile, click “Friends” on the left sidebar, click the 3 horizontal lines under your cover photo, choose “Edit Privacy” then “Edit Settings,” and adjust the dropdown menu under “Who can see your friends list.”

Can you tell if you’ve been blocked by someone on Facebook?

You can’t explicitly tell if you’ve been blocked, but signs of it include not being able to find their profile, getting a “content unavailable” message on their page, and disappearing from their friends list.

Why did my Facebook friend suddenly block me?

Reasons people commonly block others include too much unwanted contact, stressful interactions, inappropriate behavior, or simply wanting more privacy from someone.

5 Tips for Managing Friend Visibility on Facebook

Here are 5 tips to help control who can see your Facebook friends list:

  1. Use “Friends Except Acquaintances” to only show close friends.
  2. Create a “Close Friends” list and show that instead of your full list.
  3. Periodically review your privacy settings and make changes as needed.
  4. Be cautious accepting friend requests from strangers or vague acquaintances.
  5. Delete old connections you no longer interact with regularly.

The Takeaway on Mutual Friends on Facebook

Seeing only mutual friends on someone’s profile is typically intentional based on their privacy preferences or an indication you may be blocked. Respect people’s choices in managing their friend visibility. You can also control your own settings. With the right configuration, Facebook can give you a balance of openness and privacy.