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When you block someone on Facebook Can you still see them?

When you block someone on Facebook Can you still see them?

Blocking someone on Facebook is a common way to cut off contact with another user on the platform. When you block someone, they can no longer see things you post on your profile, contact you directly or add you as a friend. Blocking is a privacy feature that many people use to control their experience on Facebook.

But a common question is – when you block someone on Facebook, can you still see their profile and activity? The short answer is yes, blocking is not reciprocal. When you block someone, it only affects what they can see of you, not what you can see of them. Here’s a more in-depth look at how blocking works on Facebook.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Facebook

When you block someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see your Facebook profile or anything you post.
  • They are removed as a friend if they were previously added.
  • They can no longer start a conversation with you on Messenger.
  • They cannot tag you or invite you to events or groups.
  • Your name no longer appears in their friend suggestion list.

Essentially, blocking prevents the blocked person from having any view or access to your Facebook presence. They are fully removed from your digital life on the platform.

What the Blocked Person Can Still Do

However, when you block someone on Facebook, there are some things they can still do:

  • See your Facebook profile and posts if that privacy setting is public.
  • See posts you make in groups if you both belong to the same ones.
  • Find you in Messenger or Facebook search.

The reason the blocked person can still potentially see some of your profile and activity is that blocking only restricts what that user can do – it does not make your profile completely invisible to them.

What You Can See of a Blocked Person

When you block someone on Facebook, your ability to see their profile and activity is unaffected. You can:

  • View their profile publicly if the privacy is set to public.
  • See their posts and activity in groups you both belong to.
  • Find them in search and see mutual friends.

Blocking on Facebook is one-sided. You maintain the same level of access to a blocked person’s profile. The only change is they lose access to interacting with you.

You Have the Same Ability to View a Blocked Person’s Profile

So in summary – when you block someone on Facebook, can you still see their profile? The answer is yes, you can still view a blocked person’s public posts, profile information and activity to the same extent as before blocking them.

Examples of What You Can Still See of a Blocked Facebook User

Here are some examples of what you can still view of a blocked person’s Facebook presence:

  • Their public profile pictures and biographical info
  • Status updates set to public
  • Comments on public posts from friends
  • Photos and posts if you are both in the same Facebook groups
  • Life events and family details they share publicly

You maintain the ability to passively view their public activity and profile information as before. Blocking limits their access to you, not vice versa.

You Cannot Interact with a Blocked Person

However, while you can view a blocked person’s public activity, you cannot interact with them directly in any way, including:

  • Commenting on or reacting to their posts
  • Messaging them on Facebook or Messenger
  • Inviting or tagging them to anything
  • Adding them as a friend

All direct engagement is cut off when you block someone. You can only passively view their public profile and posts if you choose to.


When you block someone on Facebook, it prevents them from seeing your profile and stops any engagement, but does not make you invisible to them. You can still view a blocked person’s public posts and profile since blocking is one-sided. The only change is that they lose all access to interact with you. So in summary – yes, you can still see someone on Facebook after blocking them, to the same extent as before.

What blocking someone does What blocking someone doesn’t do
Removes their access to view your profile and posts Remove your access to view their public profile and posts
Stops them from messaging/contacting you Allow you to comment on or interact with their posts
Prevents them inviting you to events/groups Stop them seeing your public posts and info
Takes away their friend connection Prevent you finding them in search or groups

Hope this gives a clear explanation of how blocking works! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a blocked person tell I blocked them?

No, when you block someone on Facebook they are not notified or told that you blocked them. The only indication is that they suddenly lose access to your profile and cannot message you.

Should I block or unfriend someone on Facebook?

If you want to cut off all contact, blocking is more effective than unfriending. Unfriending still allows them to view your public info and try to re-add you as a friend. Blocking prevents any direct engagement.

Can I undo blocking someone on Facebook?

Yes, you can reverse blocking someone on Facebook by going to your blocked list under Settings. Click on the person you want to unblock and select Unblock.

What happens if I post in a group with someone I blocked?

Even if you block someone, both of you can still view each other’s posts and comments within group interactions. Blocking is limited to your main Facebook profile.

Can I get in trouble for blocking someone on Facebook?

No, blocking is considered a standard privacy tool on Facebook. You cannot get in trouble or have your account restricted just for blocking another user.


  • Blocking on Facebook only restricts what the blocked person can see of your profile, not what you can see of theirs.
  • You can still view a blocked person’s public posts, profile and activity.
  • However, you cannot interact or contact the blocked person in any way.
  • Blocking is one-sided and favors the person who initiates it.
  • The blocked person cannot tell they have been blocked directly.
  • You can always reverse blocking if you change your mind later on.

Blocking can help control your Facebook experience and online interactions. Now you know exactly how it works and what you and the blocked person can still view after blocking occurs.