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When you block someone on Facebook can you see photos they are tagged in?

When you block someone on Facebook can you see photos they are tagged in?

Blocking someone on Facebook is a common way to cut off contact with them on the platform. When you block someone, they can no longer see things you post on your profile, contact you directly, invite you to events or groups, start a conversation with you in Messenger, add you as a friend, or tag you in photos or posts.

But what happens to things they’ve already posted that involve you, like photos you’re tagged in? Can you still see these posts and photos if you block that person?

What Happens When You Block Someone on Facebook

When you block someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see your Facebook profile or anything you post
  • They can’t start a conversation with you in Messenger
  • They can’t add you as a friend
  • They can’t tag you in photos, posts, or comments
  • They don’t see things you post in groups
  • They can’t invite you to events or groups

So blocking prevents any new interactions from that person. But it doesn’t delete any previous interactions between you and that person.

Can You See Old Posts and Photos of a Blocked Person?

Yes, you can still see old posts and photos of a blocked person if they are still on Facebook and you haven’t deleted them.

For example, if someone tagged you in a photo 2 years ago, and you just recently blocked them, you can still see that photo and the tag. The photo and tag won’t automatically disappear just because you blocked them.

You also may still be tagged by that person in group photos or posts in the future, even if you’ve blocked them. For example, if you’re blocked by someone but are both tagged by a mutual friend in a group photo, you will still be able to see the group photo and tag.

Can a Blocked Person See Photos You’re Tagged in Together?

No, a blocked person can’t see any photos or posts that you’re tagged in together. So if they come across a photo where you’re both tagged, it will appear as if you’ve been untagged to them.

How to Remove Tags and Posts from a Blocked Person

If you want to remove old tags and posts from someone you’ve blocked, you have a few options:

  • Untag yourself: If they’ve tagged you in any posts or photos, you can untag yourself. Just click on the photo or post, click “Options” by the tag, and select “Remove Tag.”
  • Delete posts: If they’ve posted on your Timeline, you can delete those posts. Just click the “X” in the top right corner of the post.
  • Report photo: If they’ve tagged you in inappropriate photos, you can report the photo to Facebook for removal.
  • Delete tag: In a group photo you’re both tagged in, you can delete the tag of the person you’ve blocked so the photo no longer links to their profile.

It takes some extra work, but you can remove all evidence of that person from your Facebook experience through untagging, deleting, and reporting.

Does Blocking Remove Messages from That Person?

Blocking someone on Facebook does not automatically delete or remove any previous messages exchanged between you and that person. So they may still have a message history with you that they can see.

To remove messages from a blocked person:

  • Open your messages with that person
  • Select “Delete Conversation”
  • Choose to delete the full history on your end (it doesn’t delete it from their account)

This will completely clear your message history with that person on your end.

Can You Re-Add a Blocked Person?

If you change your mind later and want to unblock someone, it’s easy to do. Just go to your Blocked list under Settings, select “Unblock” next to their name, and confirm. This will remove all the restrictions between you, and allow you to re-add them as a friend if you choose.


In summary:

  • You can still see old photos and posts from a blocked person
  • A blocked person can’t see photos you’re tagged in together
  • You can untag, delete, report, or remove tags to control past interactions
  • Blocking doesn’t remove previous messages but you can delete the history
  • You can always unblock someone later if you change your mind

So while blocking prevents future interactions, it doesn’t automatically erase the past. By taking a few extra steps to untag, delete, and remove messages, you can fully control what you see from a blocked person on Facebook.

Table Showing What is Visible When You Block Someone on Facebook

Content Can you see content from the blocked person? Can the blocked person see content involving you?
Old posts on your Timeline by blocked person Yes No
Old photos tagged with you by blocked person Yes No
Group photos tagged with you by blocked person Yes No, you appear untagged
Old messages with blocked person Yes, unless manually deleted Yes, unless they delete
Your new Timeline posts No No
You tagged in new photos by others No No

This table summarizes what you and the blocked person can and can’t see after blocking takes place on Facebook.

Other Ways to Limit Contact Besides Blocking

Beyond blocking completely, here are a few other options on Facebook for controlling interactions with someone:

  • Unfollow: Stops their posts appearing in your News Feed but still friends.
  • Restrict: Limits their ability to interact with your posts and see when you’re active.
  • Report: Alert Facebook to harassment, threats, nudity etc. Can get content removed.
  • Delete and ignore: Delete friend request or message, don’t respond further.

So based on your specific circumstances, you can take other steps beyond blocking to manage someone’s ability to connect with you on Facebook.

The Impact of Blocking on Interactions

Here’s a comparison of how blocking impacts your ability to see and interact with someone’s Facebook presence:

Before Blocking After Blocking
See their posts Yes No
Send them messages Yes No
Get tagged by them Yes No
Interact with their content Yes No
See each other in groups Yes No

Blocking completely eliminates any new interactions in both directions between you and that person on Facebook.

The Takeaway on Blocking and Past Content

If you’re considering blocking someone on Facebook, it’s helpful to understand:

  • You’ll still see their old posts and tags unless you proactively delete them
  • They can’t see new content involving you at all
  • Messaging history remains unless manually removed
  • You can always unblock them later on if desired

Blocking prevents future interactions and cuts off their access to your profile. While it doesn’t erase the past, you can take steps to untag, delete, and remove old messages between you. Overall, blocking gives you control over limiting contact with someone when needed.