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When you block someone on Facebook can they see you in a public group?

When you block someone on Facebook can they see you in a public group?

Quick Answer

When you block someone on Facebook, they cannot see your posts or comments in any group, even public groups. However, the blocked person may still be able to see some of your activity in public groups, such as reactions and membership.

Detailed Answer

Blocking someone on Facebook prevents them from seeing your profile and prevents any direct interaction between you. However, in public groups, the restrictions are more limited. Here is an in-depth look at what someone who is blocked can and cannot see about you in a public Facebook group:

What the blocked person CAN see

– That you are a member of the group
– Your comments and reactions made in the group prior to being blocked
– If you react to or comment on the blocked person’s posts in the group
– If you react to or comment on mutual connections’ posts in the group
– If you are tagged by a mutual connection in the group

What the blocked person CANNOT see

– Your new posts and comments in the group after being blocked
– If you join or leave the group after blocking them
– If you change your profile photo or cover photo
– Updates to your profile bio

So in summary, the blocked person’s access to your activity is limited after you block them, even in public groups. They cannot see your new posts and comments, but may have access to some of your older activity in the group prior to being blocked.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

Here is an overview of what happens when you block someone on Facebook:

For you

– You cannot see the blocked person’s profile or posts
– Any tags by the blocked person on your posts are hidden
– You cannot start a conversation with the blocked person
– The blocked person is added to your Blocked Users list

For the blocked person

– They cannot see your profile or posts
– They cannot start a conversation with you
– Your messages are moved to their Filtered Messages folder
– Posts and tags by you are hidden from them
– They do not get notified if you join a group they are in

In groups

– The blocked person can still see your posts and reactions made prior to blocking them
– They cannot see any new posts or comments after being blocked
– You can still see the blocked person’s activity in groups

So in groups, the experience is not fully blocked on either end, unlike in profiles and feeds where the block is mutual.

Can a blocked person see your comments in a Facebook group?

If a person is blocked on Facebook, they cannot see any new comments you make in a Facebook group after blocking them. However, they will still be able to see comments you made in the group prior to blocking them.

Here are some examples to illustrate:

– If you blocked someone 6 months ago, they cannot see any comments you’ve made in the last 6 months. But they can still see comments from before then.

– If you just blocked someone today, they can see any comments you made up until now. But any new comments moving forward they will not be able to see.

– If you post a comment in a group right now and then block someone immediately after, they will still be able to see that recent comment. Only comments after the block are hidden.

So in summary, any comments made before blocking are still visible. It is only your new comments after blocking that the blocked person cannot see. But they also cannot interact or respond to comments that are visible to them.

Can a blocked Facebook member see your posts and comments in public groups?

No, a blocked Facebook member cannot see any new posts or comments you make in public groups after blocking them. Here’s a breakdown:

For posts:

– They will not see new posts you create in any public group
– Previous posts made before blocking will still be visible to them

For comments:

– They cannot see new comments on posts within a public group
– Comments made prior to blocking will be visible

So while your past posts and comments remain viewable, any new contribution once blocked is completely hidden from their view. Public groups do not allow full access once a member is blocked.

Can a blocked person see if you’re in the same Facebook group?

Yes, even if you block someone on Facebook, they can still see that you are both members of the same public Facebook group.

Blocking only prevents the blocked person from seeing your posts and comments within that group moving forward. But it does not hide group membership status.

Some key points:

– The blocked person will be able to see you listed as a member of any public groups you are both in
– They will not get a notification if you join a new public group they are already in
– You can leave a group and rejoin later and they will not get notified

So while your activity is limited, your general group membership and presence is still visible to a blocked person. The only way to prevent them from seeing you in a group is to leave that group completely.

Can a blocked Facebook member see your comments on a friend’s post?

If you have blocked someone on Facebook, they will not be able to see new comments you make on a mutual friend’s posts.

For example:

– If you block Bob, and then comment on Jane’s (Bob and Jane’s mutual friend) post, Bob will not see your comment.

– If you had already commented on Jane’s post prior to blocking Bob, he would still be able to see the earlier comment.

So any comments made after blocking, even those on a friend’s post, are hidden from the blocked person’s view. This helps prevent any interaction or communication after blocking.

Can a blocked person see your reactions and emojis in a Facebook group?

If someone is blocked on Facebook, they will be able to see reactions and emojis you make in public Facebook groups, even after blocking.

For example:

– If you block John, he will still see if you react to Jane’s post with a Thumbs Up or other emoji
– He will also see reactions you make on posts from before blocking

Reactions do not get hidden from a blocked person’s view in groups. The only activity that gets blocked are your written posts and comments.

So in summary, a blocked person can still see your reactions, but cannot see any new written comments you make in public Facebook groups.

Does blocking on Facebook prevent tagging?

Yes, blocking someone on Facebook prevents them from being able to tag you in any posts or comments. Any tags by the blocked person are also hidden from your view.

Here’s what to know about blocking and tagging:

– If you block someone, they cannot tag you in their posts or comments
– Any existing tags from that person on your posts are removed
– You will not get notifications for any new tags from the blocked person
– Mutual friends can still tag both of you in their own posts

So blocking prevents any direct interaction through tagging between you and the blocked person. But it does not prevent indirect tagging interactions through mutual friends. Their tags linking you and the blocked person would still be visible.

Can you get in Facebook jail if you block someone?

No, you cannot get in Facebook jail or face any penalties just for blocking someone. Blocking is a standard feature on Facebook designed to help control your own experience.

Here are some key points on blocking and potential Facebook penalties:

– Blocking someone does not violate any Facebook policies. It is your choice to block contacts.
– You will not face any restrictions, probations, or bans for blocking someone.
– The blocked person also cannot get penalized or restricted if you block them.
– You can block anyone for any reason without issue. Facebook will not intervene or override blocks.

So feel free to block other users as needed to manage your preferred social media experience. As long as you follow Facebook’s rules otherwise, blocking itself cannot lead to penalties or bans.

Can someone tell if you blocked them on Facebook?

There is no official notification sent to someone when you block them on Facebook. However, there are some signs that may indicate to them that you have likely blocked them:

– Your profile, posts, and comments will disappear from their view.
– Any messages sent to you will remain unread or undelivered.
– They will be unable to tag you or invite you to events.
– Mutual friends may mention they can no longer tag you both in posts.

While these do not definitively confirm a block, they strongly suggest your account has likely been blocked specifically for that person. There is ultimately no way for them to know with 100% certainty unless you confirm it.

Can a page admin block you from commenting on a Facebook page?

Yes, a Facebook page admin can block a user from being able to comment on their public page. This prevents the user from interacting and limits their access.

Here is how users can get blocked from commenting:

– Page admins can proactively block a user directly
– Page admins can hide any comments from a user, which may also trigger a block
– Repeated policy violations in comments may lead to an automatic block

When blocked from a page, the user will receive a notification that they can no longer comment or interact with that page. They are unable to see any existing comments as well.

The page admin can also reverse the block at any time if they choose to allow the user to resume commenting. But user blocks tend to be permanent in most cases.

Can an admin of a Facebook group block you from seeing a group they manage?

No, a Facebook group admin cannot completely block you from seeing or accessing a group they manage.

As an admin, they do have these options:

– Remove you as a member of the group
– Delete your comments and posts within the group
– Turn off notifications so you don’t get alerts for the group
– Restrict you from posting, commenting or reacting in the group

But they cannot fully block the visibility of the group itself from your view. You would still be able to find the group, view content and see who’s in it.

The only way to block a group entirely is if the group itself is private or closed. Only the group admin can control the privacy settings for the full group.

If I block someone on Facebook will they know I viewed their profile?

If you block someone on Facebook, they will not get any notification that you viewed their profile. Blocking eliminates any visibility the blocked person has to your activity.

Some key points:

– Facebook does not notify users who visits their profile anyway. It is always anonymous.
– But blocking prevents any profile visit notifications just in case.
– The blocked person also is unable to tell if you are active on Facebook overall.

So you can view their profile without concern that they will know you visited after blocking them. A Facebook block makes your activity private from their account going forward.


In summary, blocking on Facebook provides strong limitations but not complete invisibility in public groups specifically. While a blocked person cannot see any new written posts or comments of yours, some activity like reactions and group membership remains viewable. Overall, blocking eliminates a majority of visibility and interaction, but some remnants may persist in open groups that you both belong to. Being mindful of those group connections can help manage expectations on what information may continue to be available.