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When you block someone does it automatically unfriend you?

When you block someone does it automatically unfriend you?

When you block someone on social media or messaging platforms, it typically severs the connection between you and that person in some way. However, exactly what happens when you block someone can vary depending on the platform. On some sites like Facebook and Instagram, blocking someone does not automatically unfriend or unfollow them. On others like Snapchat and WhatsApp, blocking instantly removes that connection. Understanding the nuances of how blocking works on different sites can help you manage your digital relationships effectively.

Blocking on Facebook

On Facebook, blocking someone prevents them from seeing your profile posts, starting conversations with you, adding you as a friend, or interacting with you on Facebook in any way. However, it does not automatically unfriend you from that person. When you block someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see things you post on your timeline
  • They are removed from your friends list but you stay on theirs
  • Any conversations you were having with them are immediately ended
  • They can no longer tag you, invite you to events or groups, or start a new conversation with you
  • You stop seeing their profile posts, but you stay connected as friends

So in summary, blocking on Facebook cuts off all direct interaction between you and the blocked person, but it does not remove the friendship connection. You remain friends but can no longer communicate.

The main reasons people block someone on Facebook without unfriending them include:

  • Wanting to cut off contact without publicly breaking the friendship
  • Preventing unwanted posts from showing up in feed but maintaining access to their public content
  • Temporarily pausing communication during a fight or disagreement

Overall, blocking is about controlling your own Facebook experience – it lets you remove someone’s ability to interact with you without necessarily ending the friendship if you don’t want to.

Blocking on Instagram

Instagram works similarly to Facebook when it comes to blocking. When you block an Instagram user:

  • They can no longer view your posts or Stories
  • They are automatically removed as a follower but you remain on their follower list
  • They can’t find your Instagram profile or search for your account
  • You stop seeing their posts and Stories but stay connected as followers

Again, blocking cuts off interaction in one direction but does not unfollow or unfriend. Some reasons people block on Instagram without unfollowing include:

  • Preventing exes from seeing your posts and Stories after a breakup
  • Stopping friends/family from viewing your content if you wish to curate separate online personas
  • Removing unwanted or inappropriate follower connections

Overall, blocking on Instagram, like Facebook, gives you unilateral control over your account without necessarily ending the social media connection. It is more about limiting certain people’s access to your profile and posts.

Blocking on WhatsApp

WhatsApp takes a different approach – on this messaging platform, blocking someone both stops communication and removes you as a contact. When you block someone on WhatsApp:

  • All chat history with that person is deleted
  • They are removed from your contacts list
  • You are removed from their contacts list
  • They can no longer call you or send you messages

So unlike Facebook and Instagram, blocking simultaneously cuts off all communication and severs the connection. Some reasons for blocking on WhatsApp include:

  • Completely removing an ex or former friend from contacting you
  • Preventing spam messages from unknown numbers
  • Ending harassment from someone you wish to cut ties with

Blocking is therefore much more final on WhatsApp – it accomplishes both an unfriending and a blocking in one action.

Blocking on Snapchat

Snapchat takes a similar all-or-nothing approach to blocking. If you block someone on Snapchat:

  • They are removed from your Friends list
  • They can no longer view your Stories
  • You are removed from their Friends list
  • Your chat history together is deleted
  • You can no longer view their Stories or communicate

So blocking instantly ends the friend connection while also preventing any further contact. Reasons for blocking on Snapchat include:

  • Unfriending someone you no longer wish to interact with
  • Quickly cutting off an inappropriate Snapchat friend
  • Permanently removing an ex or former friend from viewing your Stories and Snaps

On platforms like Snapchat that emphasize more intimate social circles, blocking tends to remove friends/followers at the same time as blocking further communication.

Blocking on Twitter

Twitter represents another approach – while blocking prevents someone from contacting you or viewing your tweets, you remain connected as followers. When blocking someone on Twitter:

  • They can no longer follow you or view your tweets
  • They are removed as a follower but you stay on their follower list
  • Any existing conversations are ended
  • They can’t search for your account or tweets

Reasons for blocking on Twitter without unfollowing include:

  • Preventing harassment from trolls or bullies
  • Removing inappropriate followers from viewing your tweets
  • Limiting an ex’s ability see your tweets after a breakup

So on Twitter, blocking serves more as a one-way mute – you remain connected but prevent specific people from interacting with you.

Key Differences

In summary, here are some key differences in how blocking works across major platforms:

Platform Blocks Communication? Unfriends/Unfollows?
Facebook Yes No
Instagram Yes No
WhatsApp Yes Yes
Snapchat Yes Yes
Twitter Yes No


In conclusion, whether blocking someone also unfriends or unfollows you depends on the platform. On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, blocking prevents communication and content sharing but maintains the social connection. On WhatsApp and Snapchat, blocking both ends communication and removes the friendship/follower relationship entirely.

Understanding these differences allows you to use blocking appropriately for your purposes on each platform. You can cut off contact without publicly breaking a connection on sites like Facebook, or completely remove someone from your digital social circle if desired on apps like Snapchat. Overall, blocking gives you control over your profile, feed, and communications – but how extensively it breaks connections varies across different social media and messaging sites.