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When someone blocks you on Facebook does it block all accounts?

When someone blocks you on Facebook does it block all accounts?

Being blocked on Facebook can be frustrating and confusing, especially if you’re unsure exactly what it means or how far the block extends. Here’s a quick overview of what happens when someone blocks you on Facebook and how it impacts your ability to interact with that person.

What does blocking do?

When someone blocks you on Facebook, it prevents you from viewing their profile, seeing posts on their timeline, starting conversations with them through messaging, commenting on their posts, inviting them to events or groups, starting a video call, and more.

Essentially, blocking prevents you from having any direct interaction with the person who blocked you. You become invisible to them, and vice versa. You won’t get notifications, friend suggestions, or other recommendations involving someone who has blocked you.

Does blocking prevent you from seeing mutual friends’ activity?

No, getting blocked does not stop you from seeing posts and updates from mutual friends in your feed. You can still view, like, and comment on those, even if the person who blocked you is also connected to the same people.

Blocking only removes your ability to interact directly with the profile and timeline of the person who blocked you. It does not limit your broader connections and visibility among shared friends on Facebook.

Can you still view public information about a person who blocked you?

If the profile of the person who blocked you is public, you will still be able to see any public information they share. This includes public posts, photos, check-ins, and other content they post that is visible to anyone on Facebook.

However, you will not see posts that are shared only with the blocking user’s friends list. Blocking prevents you from viewing private content that is not available to the general public.

Does blocking you also block your other accounts?

No, blocking is limited to your specific account that the user interacted with and chose to block. If you have multiple Facebook accounts, blocking one account does not automatically block your other accounts too.

For example, if you have a personal and a business account, and someone blocks your personal account, you can still view and interact with that person from your business account, unless they have also specifically chosen to block that account.

Can a page block you separately from a personal profile?

Yes. Facebook Pages managed by businesses, brands, organizations and public figures have the option to block users separately from someone’s personal account.

So it is possible to be blocked from interacting with a Facebook Page without necessarily being blocked from viewing someone’s personal timeline or interacting with them as a friend.

Are there limits to who can block you on Facebook?

There are no limits to how many people can block your account. Anyone you are connected with directly as a friend or follower can choose to block you at any time.

Pages can also block you from viewing or interacting with their content if they choose.

Can blocking be undone?

Blocking is reversible. The person who blocked you, or a Page that blocked you, can decide to unblock you at any time. This restores your ability to view, interact and connect with them as normal.

However, there is no way to request to be unblocked or override it without the consent of the person or Page who initiated the block.

What happens when you get blocked by someone you were friends with?

If you were friends with someone on Facebook who then blocked you, it severs the direct friendship connection. You will no longer be friends with that person and will not be able to view any private content or interact with them until they opt to unblock you.

You also will not be able to re-send a new friend request to someone who has blocked you. The ability to connect must be reinstated from their side by unblocking.

Can you tell if you’ve been blocked by someone?

There is no official notice sent out when someone blocks you on Facebook. The main way to tell is if you suddenly are unable to view someone’s profile, see any posts from them, or interact with them in any way.

You may also notice you were blocked if you are no longer friends with someone you were previously connected with and you did not initiate ending the friendship yourself.

What happens if you get reported or blocked repeatedly?

If multiple people report or block you over a short span of time, Facebook may determine you are violating community standards policies. This can result in temporary or permanent suspension of your account.

To avoid this, be mindful of Facebook’s code of conduct when interacting with other users. Do not harass others, bully, threaten violence, spam repeatedly, or otherwise engage in offensive behavior that goes against Facebook’s rules.

Can you get blocked from Facebook entirely?

Yes, it is possible for Facebook to block a user from accessing or creating any accounts on the platform if they determine you have severely or repeatedly violated their terms and guidelines.

This total block from Facebook is much rarer than a single account being blocked by an individual or Page. But it can happen if you exhibit a pattern of abusive behavior or illegal activities.

Should you block someone who blocked you?

There is no need to block someone who has already blocked you. Since they cannot see your profile or interact with you, blocking them in return provides no additional benefit.

However, if you find the person to be toxic or harmful, you may want to consider blocking them as an extra precaution, to prevent any future harassment or unwanted contact in case they ever unblock you.

Can you be blocked on Facebook Messenger?

Yes, it is possible to be blocked from Facebook Messenger separately from someone’s main Facebook account. When you are blocked on Messenger, you will be unable to send or receive messages with that person.

They may choose to block you on Messenger while still allowing you to interact on their regular Facebook profile. Or they can block you entirely across both platforms.

What happens if you block someone you’re in a Group with?

When you block someone who is also a member of a common Facebook Group, it does not automatically remove them from the Group. You will both remain members and be able to interact in the Group normally.

The block only prevents you from viewing each other’s personal timelines and interacting one-on-one. It does not limit visibility or communication through a shared Group.

Can you tell who has blocked you?

There is no tool or setting within Facebook that shows you exactly who has blocked your profile from viewing or interacting.

As mentioned above, the main ways to tell if you’ve been blocked by an individual are if you are suddenly unable to see their profile or any posts, or you stop being friends with someone without choosing to end the connection yourself.

What happens if you get blocked by your significant other?

Getting blocked by a significant other, whether a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or partner, can be upsetting and confusing. It abruptly ends your ability to connect and communicate on Facebook.

In most cases, getting blocked signals there are deeper relationship issues and you may want to communicate through another means or seek counseling. It should not be taken lightly as just “taking a break” from social media.


Being blocked on Facebook can be frustrating but it does have limits. While it prevents you from interacting with a specific person, page, or account, it does not block you entirely from the platform or restrict your ability to use Facebook generally.

Try not to take blocking personally and instead reflect on what may have caused the block, and how to potentially rectify that situation or avoid similar conflicts going forward. In some cases, it may ultimately be better for both parties involved to discontinue direct interactions.

With over 2 billion users on Facebook, blocking and being blocked is bound to happen occasionally. But it does not have to be the end of your enjoyment of Facebook as a whole or sever all mutual connections.

Understanding exactly what blocking means and how it works is the first step to moving past any hard feelings and continuing to use Facebook productively as a social platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone see my Facebook page if they blocked me?

No, if someone has blocked you on Facebook, they are unable to view your profile or any content you have posted. Blocking prevents any interaction or viewing of each other’s accounts.

Why can I still see someone’s comments who blocked me?

You are able to see comments from someone who blocked you on posts made by mutual friends. Though blocked from interacting directly, you can still see each other’s public interactions with common connections.

Does blocking on Facebook delete the messages?

No, blocking does not automatically delete or erase any messages previously exchanged before one person blocked the other. It simply prevents any new messages going forward.

Can someone tell if you block them on Facebook?

There is no official notice sent when you block someone. But they may figure it out if they are suddenly unable to view your profile or interact with you in any way.

What happens if you block someone on Facebook that you work with?

Blocking a coworker on Facebook can potentially create an awkward work environment. It’s best to refrain from blocking professional contacts unless absolutely necessary.

Can you get blocked on Facebook for no reason?

Yes, anyone can choose to block anyone else on Facebook at any time, for any reason they desire, without needing to provide an explanation.

Does blocking someone on Facebook block them on Messenger?

Blocking someone on Facebook does not automatically block them from messaging you on Messenger too. But you can choose to block them in both places.

What happens if you block someone you love?

Blocking someone you are in a relationship with should be avoided except in cases of harassment or toxicity. It often damages the relationship and impedes communication.

Summary of Key Points

  • Getting blocked only restricts interaction between your account and the person who blocked you
  • Blocking does not prevent you from seeing mutual friends’ content
  • You can still view public info of someone who blocked you
  • Blocking one account does not block your other accounts
  • Pages can block you separately from personal profiles
  • There is no limit to how many can block you
  • Blocking can be undone if the blocker chooses
  • You cannot re-add as a friend someone who has blocked you
  • You cannot request to be unblocked by someone
  • Repeated blocks could lead to account suspension
  • Total platform blocking is rare but can happen for severe violations
  • No need to also block someone who blocked you
  • Can also be blocked just on Messenger
  • Still active together in shared Groups if one person blocks the other
  • No tool shows you who specifically has blocked you
  • Should avoid blocking close connections like significant others

Being blocked on Facebook can be a confusing and frustrating experience. But it does not have to ruin your overall experience. Focus on positive interactions with the connections still available to you. And if appropriate, try to gently repair relationships with those who have blocked you, once sufficient time has passed.