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When can I start monetizing my Facebook account?

When can I start monetizing my Facebook account?

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users. With such a massive user base, Facebook offers many opportunities to make money directly through the platform. However, there are certain requirements and restrictions in place before you can start earning money from your Facebook account.

Facebook Monetization Options

Here are some of the main ways you can monetize a Facebook account:

  • Facebook Adverts – You can register as a Facebook advertiser and promote ads to target audiences. Facebook adverts can be highly lucrative but require patience and strategy.
  • Facebook Marketplace – Sell new or used items locally through Facebook’s classified section. Marketplace is free to use.
  • Facebook Shop – Create an online store directly on your Facebook page and sell products.
  • Selling Services – Offer your services (social media marketing, web design etc.) through your Facebook page and posts.
  • Facebook Gaming – Earn money from gaming live streams and fan rewards.
  • Affiliate Marketing – Promote affiliate products and earn a commission on sales you drive.
  • Sponsored Posts – Get paid by brands to create sponsored posts and content.

Requirements for Monetizing a Facebook Account

To access most money-making features on Facebook, you need to have a Facebook page, not just a regular user profile. Pages allow you to reach a much broader audience and integrate products, offer services, post job listings, and run advertisements.

Here are the core requirements for monetizing a Facebook account with a page:

  • Personal Account – You first need an individual Facebook account in your name before creating a page.
  • Business Page – Create a business page optimized with details about your brand, products/services, contact info, etc.
  • Business Manager – Set up a Facebook Business Manager account to manage adverts, commerce tools, and insights.
  • Page Likes – Build an audience by getting at least 30 page likes. This is needed to create a username.
  • Ad Account – To run Facebook ads you need to open an ad account through Business Manager.

Personal Account

To create a Facebook page for business use, you first need a personal Facebook account. This primary account must be in your real name and represent you as an individual user on Facebook.

Facebook’s terms don’t allow you to maintain a personal profile for business purposes. So a personal profile can only be used for non-commercial personal activity. Any sales activity must be done through a separate Facebook page.

Facebook Business Page

A Facebook page represents businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures. This allows you to separate your personal profile from your public commercial presence on Facebook.

Facebook pages can be categorized as one of the following:

  • Business or brand
  • Company, organization or institution
  • Entertainment
  • Public figure
  • Community or group

To start monetizing your account, you’ll first need to create a business page optimized for your brand, products, or services. The page name, profile image, and description all need to clearly represent your business.

Facebook Business Manager

Business Manager allows you to manage your business presence and advertising campaigns across Facebook. With Business Manager you can:

  • Access Facebook Business tools
  • Create and manage Facebook Pages
  • Build advertising campaigns
  • Track analytics and insights

To monetize your account by running paid ads or setting up a Facebook Shop, you’ll need to create a Business Manager account and connect it to your pages.

Page Likes

Facebook requires pages to accumulate at least 30 profile likes before they can create a personalized username and gain access to certain features.

These 30 likes need to come from real Facebook users, as fake likes or bot-generated likes are prohibited.

Building an initial group of page likes helps establish legitimacy and trust for your brand on Facebook. It shows real people are engaging with your content.

Facebook Ad Account

To run paid ads on Facebook you need to open a Facebook ad account. This is done through Business Manager by adding a new ad account.

You’ll need to provide your payment details, choose your ad account currency, and agree to Facebook’s advertising policies.

Once your ad account is approved, you can start running Facebook ad campaigns to generate revenue.

When Can I Start Making Money?

Technically you can start making money from your Facebook account as soon as you meet the basic requirements outlined above. However, how quickly and successfully you can monetize depends on following some best practices.

Build Your Audience First

When just starting out, focus first on building up your Facebook audience before actively monetizing it. Concentrate on creating engaging content and building relationships with potential customers.

Post regularly, respond to comments and messages, join relevant groups, and interact with similar pages. Organic unpaid reach is still important before you start selling.

Work on building up your page likes, growing your follower count, increase engagement and establish trust.

Quality over Quantity

Don’t get impatient and start spamming your page with sales posts right away. Keep focusing on quality content and valuable engagement with your growing community.

Add value before trying to directly sell. Answer their questions, address concerns, and highlight your expertise. Be helpful and informative.

Refine Your Offer First

Take the time to refine your monetization offer before pushing it at full scale. Test different options and analyze the response.

If running ads, split test different creatives, audiences and strategies on a small budget before scaling up.

Experiment with types of products, pricing, delivery options, and shopping experience before investing heavily.

Follow Facebook’s Policies

Always ensure your monetization strategies adhere to Facebook’s commerce policies around advertising, selling, and promotions. Stay compliant to avoid penalties.

For example, Facebook prohibits deceptive claims in ads and has rules around affiliate marketing disclosures.

Monitor Performance

Use Facebook’s analytics and Business Manager tools to monitor the performance of your monetization efforts. Watch for what content, offers, and strategies perform best.

Look at metrics like reach, engagement, conversions, cost per result, and ROI to optimize your approach.

Tips for Monetizing Your Facebook Account

Here are some top tips for effectively monetizing your Facebook presence:

  • Create valuable content that engages your target audience
  • Build your authority and trust as a domain expert
  • Use high quality images, video and multimedia
  • Utilize Facebook events, groups, and live video
  • Respond and engage with your audience in comments and messages
  • Make use of Facebook Insights data to refine your strategy
  • Promote affiliate products that align with your niche
  • Collaborate with relevant influencers and brands
  • Advertise new products and services to your existing audience
  • Retarget website visitors with customized Facebook ads


Building a monetized Facebook presence does take time, patience and commitment. But the potential return for businesses and creators can be well worth the effort.

As the world’s largest social platform, Facebook provides huge opportunities to generate revenue directly from your audience.

By first establishing your presence, niche, and community – while creating value – you can eventually capitalize financially on the audience you build over time.

Just be sure to follow Facebook’s guidelines, constantly refine your monetization approach, and keep providing your community with more value than you ask in return.