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What’s the difference between Facebook page promote and boost?

What’s the difference between Facebook page promote and boost?

Facebook offers two main options for increasing the reach and engagement of Facebook pages – promotion and boosting. While both can help grow your audience and get more eyes on your content, there are some key differences between promoting a page versus boosting a post.

Page Promotion Overview

Page promotion allows you to get your Facebook page in front of more people who may be interested in your brand, business, or organization. When you promote your page, you choose a daily budget and target audience. Facebook will then show your page to more users in your target demographic each day, essentially advertising your page to people who are likely to engage with it. Some key things to know about Facebook page promotion:

  • Promotes the overall page, not individual posts
  • Increases visibility and reaches new audiences
  • Budget is spread over multiple days
  • Works best for long-term growth vs short spikes
  • Goal is to get more page likes and followers

Page Boosting Overview

Boosting allows you to promote specific posts on your Facebook page. When you boost a post, you pay to increase its reach and engagement for a certain period of time. Some key things to know about boosting Facebook posts:

  • Promotes a single post rather than full page
  • Quickly increases reach/engagement on specific content
  • Budget is used within a short timeframe (daily)
  • Works well for short spikes around important posts
  • Goal is more likes, comments, shares on boosted post

Main Differences

While both page promotion and post boosting can expand your Facebook presence, they have some core differences:

Factor Page Promotion Post Boosting
Objective Gain more overall page followers/fans Increase reach/engagement on specific posts
Duration Ongoing exposure over multiple days Short-term boost for a post (hours/days)
Budget Spread out over a daily budget Spent quickly on individual posts
Results Gradual increase in page likes/followers Immediate spike in post reach/engagement

When to Promote a Page

Some best uses cases for promoting a Facebook page include:

  • Growing your overall follower base
  • Raising awareness for your brand/business
  • Reaching new demographics and audiences
  • Increasing traffic from Facebook to your website
  • Gaining more fans ahead of a product launch
  • Getting your page in front of cold audiences

When to Boost a Post

Some best uses cases for boosting Facebook posts include:

  • Promoting time-sensitive posts like events or sales
  • Driving traffic to important new content
  • Engaging your current followers
  • Getting more eyes on a post quickly
  • Hitting follower growth milestones
  • Promoting contest/giveaway terms

Targeting Options

Both page promotion and post boosting allow you to target your ads to reach specific demographics and audiences. Some key targeting factors include:

  • Location – target people in certain cities, countries, or regions
  • Age – target specific age ranges like 25-35 years old
  • Gender – target men, women, or all
  • Interests – target people interested in relevant topics/hobbies
  • Behaviors – target people exhibiting certain online behaviors

Page Promotion Targeting

With page promotion ads, you can target broad audiences by location, age, interests, and more. This works well for generally increasing your page followers among large demographics. You can also narrow down your targeting, but typically you’ll select wider targeting categories when promoting a page.

Post Boost Targeting

For boosting posts, you may opt for more precise targeting focused on people likely to engage with that specific post. As you’re trying to get engagement on one post rather than general followers, precise interests and behaviors work well here.

Setting Budgets

Both page promotion and post boosting require setting a budget to get your content in front of more people. Here are some tips for budgeting:

  • Page promotion has a daily budget that spreads costs over time
  • Post boosting sets a lifetime budget used quickly on one post
  • Start small at $10-20 per day for promotion, $20-50 for boosting
  • Increase budget slowly as you optimize targeting/messaging
  • Consider your goals, audience size, and engagement rates
  • Monitor results and calculate ROI as you scale budget

Promotion Budget Tips

For ongoing page promotion, a daily budget between $10-100 is typical depending on your goals, audience, and industry. Stick to the lower end of budgets at first. Consider increasing your daily budget if you see high engagement and conversions.

Boosting Budget Tips

For post boosting, budget depends on objectives and audience but $20-50 per post is common. Boosts usually last 1-7 days. If you’re not getting enough reach at lower budgets, try increasing budget while making the timeframe shorter.

Measuring Results

It’s important to track your Facebook advertising results to see what’s working. Some key metrics to watch include:

  • Page likes and followers gained (promotion)
  • Post reach and engagement (boosting)
  • Clicks and traffic to your website
  • Conversions for sales, email signups, etc.
  • Impressions delivered
  • Click-through rate
  • Cost per result

Page Promotion Metrics

For promoted pages, focus on how daily budget translates to new page likes and followers. Watch your overall follower number and demographic data to optimize targeting.

Post Boost Metrics

For boosted posts, track reach, engagement rate, clicks, and conversions specific to that post. Monitor how different targeting and budgets impact a post’s performance.

Pros and Cons

Below is an overview of some core pros and cons of promoting a page versus boosting posts:

Page Promotion Pros Cons
Ongoing exposure to gain gradual followers
  • Builds follower base over time
  • Increases overall visibility of page
  • Great for general brand awareness
  • Slower results compared to boosting
  • Harder to attribute specific conversions
  • Less control over exactly who sees ads
Post Boosting Pros Cons
Quickly increase reach/engagement on specific posts
  • Immediate spike in post performance
  • More control over target audience
  • Drives actions on specific content
  • Results only last while budget runs out
  • Doesn’t grow overall page following
  • Less brand awareness from single posts

Best Practices and Optimization

Some top tips to get the most out of promoting and boosting on Facebook include:

  • Test different targeting options and budgets
  • Make ads and posts visually appealing
  • Use videos and images for engagement
  • Write compelling ad copy
  • Call out incentives like discounts or contests
  • Highlight new products/services/content
  • Include links to drive traffic to site
  • Create sense of urgency or exclusivity
  • Monitor results closely to optimize

Page Promotion Optimization

For promoted pages, regularly update targeting choices, creatives, and budgets based on performance. Try expanding locations, interests, and behaviors that drive conversions. Test different page designs and messages.

Post Boost Optimization

For boosted posts, tweak budget and duration to balance reach and cost per result. Try mixing up post content types, framing, and visuals. Target fans of high-performing posts. Make your CTA and messaging clearer.

Tools and Analysis

Facebook provides analytical tools to assess your promotion and boosting performance. Some key options include:

  • Facebook Ads Manager – central dashboard for your campaigns
  • Page Insights – tracks page promotion metrics
  • Post Insights – analyzes reach and engagement
  • Audience Insights – helps refine targeting
  • Facebook Analytics – integrates ad data with site analytics

Page Promotion Analysis

Use Page Insights to view follower demographics, sources of new followers, and growth trends. Audiences Insights gives data to optimize targeting. Check Ads Manager for budget pacing and results.

Post Boost Analysis

Analyze Reach and Engagement metrics in Post Insights to see how your budget impacted performance. Use the Ads Manager to monitor spend and clicks. Integrate Facebook Analytics for site traffic data.

Alternatives to Consider

Beyond promoting pages and boosting posts, here are some other Facebook marketing tactics to consider:

  • Facebook advertising – dedicated campaigns beyond pages/posts
  • Instagram advertising – reach audiences with visual content
  • Facebook Live video – drive engagement through real-time video
  • Facebook groups – cultivate niche communities on relevant topics
  • Messenger marketing – connect with fans directly via messaging
  • Influencer outreach – work with relevant influencers/creators

When to Use Other Tactics

Alternatives like dedicated ads, influencer partnerships, or Facebook Groups may better suit a specific campaign goal compared to general page promotion or post boosting. Factor in the audience, content format, and your objectives.


Both promoting your Facebook page and boosting posts can be effective ways to grow your following and engagement. The main differences come down to:

  • Page promotion = Ongoing exposure to gain gradual followers
  • Post boosting = Quick spikes in reach/engagement on specific posts

Ideally, use a mix of both page promotion ads and post boosting. Promote your page periodically to increase general awareness and followers. Then boost key posts to engage followers and drive actions on your important content.

Monitor your performance data in Facebook’s analytics tools. Adjust your budgets, targeting, creative, and tactics over time to maximize results. With the right promotion and boosting strategy tailored to your goals, you can expand your Facebook presence and drive value for your business.