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What’s a good Facebook cover photo?

What’s a good Facebook cover photo?

Your Facebook cover photo is one of the first things people will notice when they visit your profile. It’s a great way to express your personality, interests, or current events in a visual way. But with so many options, how do you choose a Facebook cover that looks good and represents you? Here are some tips for choosing the perfect Facebook cover photo.

The Technical Requirements

Before picking a photo, it’s important to understand Facebook’s technical requirements for cover photos:

  • The image should be 851 pixels wide x 315 pixels tall. If the image is not the right size, Facebook will stretch or crop it to fit.
  • Facebook recommends using high-quality images that are at least 1280 pixels wide. This will ensure the image looks crisp and clear on high-resolution displays.
  • The file size should be less than 100 megabytes. Very large files will slow down load times.
  • JPG or PNG formats are recommended. Other formats like GIF or BMP may not work as well.

Keeping these requirements in mind will ensure your cover photo looks great across different devices and screen sizes.

Choose a Focus

Facebook cover photos work best when they have a clear focal point. This could be:

  • A close-up portrait
  • An interesting landscape
  • A graphic design or text
  • A pet or favorite object

Images with a strong focal point draw the viewer’s eye and create visual interest. Avoid busy backgrounds or group shots that lack a clear focus.

Use Your Branding

If you have a business or brand, your Facebook cover is a great place to reinforce your branding through:

  • Using branded colors and fonts
  • Incorporating a logo
  • Showcasing your products or services

This helps people quickly associate the image with your brand when visiting your page.

Show Off Your Personality

For personal profiles, use the cover image to showcase your personality through:

  • Travel photos from a favorite destination
  • Snapshots from a memorable event
  • Images showing your hobbies or interests

This gives visitors a sense of who you are when they land on your page.

Consider Current Events or Holidays

Your cover can also reflect:

  • Current events or causes you care about
  • Holidays or events like birthdays
  • Seasonal images like fall leaves or winter snow

This allows you to stay timely and show you are in tune with what’s happening in the world.

Use Text Overlays Thoughtfully

You can add text overlays to your cover photo for extra visual interest. Some ideas:

  • Inspirational quotes
  • Your tagline or slogan
  • Event info like dates and locations

Make sure the text is large enough to read and the color contrasts well with the background image. Too much text can look cluttered, so use it sparingly.

Test It Out

Once you’ve selected a cover photo, test it out:

  • View it on both desktop and mobile to make sure it looks good
  • Check at different times of day as lighting changes
  • Get feedback from friends to see if it represents you well

Iterate if needed until you have a cover photo you love!

Composition Tips

Beyond choosing a great subject, there are some compositional guidelines that can take your Facebook cover photo to the next level:

Use the Rule of Thirds

Divide the image into thirds both vertically and horizontally. The intersections of these lines create strong focal points for placing your key subject or horizon.

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Frame the Subject

Use foreground elements like trees, arches, or window frames to frame the main subject in an interesting way. This helps draw attention.

Include Negative Space

Negative space refers to empty areas around your subject. Including some negative space prevents the image from feeling too cluttered.

Use Leading Lines

Lines like roads, fences, or shorelines that naturally lead to the main subject create depth and interest.

Play with Perspective

Consider different perspectives like shooting from above, below, straight on, or at an unusual angle. This adds visual dynamics.

Focus on Eyes

For portraits, having the subject make eye contact with the camera makes the image more engaging and intimate.

Ideal Image Types

Certain kinds of images make particularly effective Facebook cover photos. Some go-to options include:

Landscape Photography

Stunning outdoor landscapes like mountains, forests, and beaches make great covers. Go for unique perspectives and leading lines.

Animal Photography

Cute, funny, or unique animal photos are sure to catch attention on your timeline. Get close and focus on the eyes.

Travel Photography

Photos from trips show your adventurous side. Go for iconic landmarks or capture a serene moment.

Food Photography

Vibrant images of delicious foods or beautifully arranged dishes make mouths water.

Texture & Patterns

Celebrate beautiful textures like weathered wood or colorful patterns found in nature or architecture.

Event Photography

Photos from memorable events like concerts, festivals, or conferences showcase life experiences.

Quotes & Text

Meaningful quotes over images create an inspirational tone. Keep font simple.

Sizing & Cropping

Once you’ve selected the perfect image, you may need to adjust the size or crop to optimize it:

Resize Proportionally

When resizing, make sure to constrain proportions so the image does not look stretched or skewed. Most editing apps do this automatically.

Straighten the Horizon

If the horizon looks tilted, use the rotate tools to straighten it out. This creates a more grounded look.

Get Close to the Subject

Cropping in tighter on the main subject helps the image feel more intimate and engaging for viewers.

Use Strategic Cropping

Thoughtful cropping can emphasize your main subject or improve the composition. Crop out anything distracting.

Leave Negative Space

Don’t crop too tight. Leave some negative space around your subject to prevent an overly crowded feel.

Align with Overlays

If adding text overlays, crop to align the focal point with the text. This integrates the elements.

Optimizing for Mobile

Since many view Facebook on mobile, you’ll want to optimize your cover for smaller screens:

Lead Subject on Left

Place visual focus on the left third since the center gets cut off on mobile layouts.

Simplify the Image

Remove small details that may get lost or muddy the image on compact screens.

Reduce Text Overlays

Too much text fights for attention on mobile. Stick to one short overlay phrase.

Brighten Exposure

Slightly increasing brightness and contrast makes the important elements stand out on small screens.

Increase Negative Space

Add extra breathing room around subjects to prevent a crowded feel on narrow screens.

Preview on Mobile

Always preview the final image on a mobile device to be sure nothing important gets cut off.

Finding Great Photos

Looking for cover photo images? Here are some great sources:

Your Own Photography

Using your own photos gives the cover an authentic, personal feel. Get out and capture new images specifically for your cover.

Friends & Family

Ask talented photographer friends or family members if they have any photos you could use. Offer to credit them.

Stock Photo Sites

Affordable stock photo sites like iStock, Shutterstock, and Adobe Stock offer millions of high-quality images.

Site Price Range
iStock $1 – $33 per image
Shutterstock $1 – $166 per image
Adobe Stock $10 – $199 per image

Free Image Sites

Sites like Pexels and Unsplash offer royalty-free photos you can use for free. Just check licensing terms.

Design Marketplaces

Graphic design marketplaces like Creative Market have templates, fonts, and graphics for covers.


Your Facebook cover photo provides a fantastic creative opportunity to share visually who you are or what you care about. By following these tips on choosing eye-catching images, composing shots intentionally, and properly formatting your photo, you can make a cover that represents you in the best possible light. Experiment with different photos and themes and refresh it periodically to keep your profile looking current. With all the options out there, the possibilities for an amazing cover image are truly endless!