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What will happen if I delete conversation in Facebook Dating?

What will happen if I delete conversation in Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating allows Facebook users to connect with potential romantic matches within their extended friend networks. One of the key features of Facebook Dating is the ability to have conversations with matches through the Facebook Dating messenger. However, sometimes users may wish to delete a conversation they are having with a match. There are a few key things that can happen when a user deletes a conversation in Facebook Dating:

The conversation will be deleted for you, but not necessarily for your match

When you delete a conversation, it will be deleted from your own inbox and you will no longer be able to see the messages you previously exchanged. However, the messages will not necessarily be deleted from your match’s inbox. Your match may still be able to see the previous messages in the conversation, even if you can no longer see them.

So deleting a conversation does not guarantee that the messages will be erased for both parties. It only deletes the messages from your own view of the conversation. Your match may still have a record of the chat.

Your match will see that you left the conversation

When you delete a conversation, your match will be notified that you have left the chat. A message saying “(Your name) has left the conversation” will appear in their inbox.

So even if your match still has access to the previous messages, they will know that you specifically chose to exit the chat and erased it on your end. This prevents confusion where your match thinks you are ignoring them when you actually deleted the whole conversation.

You can no longer send or receive messages in that conversation

Once you delete a conversation, you will lose the ability to send or receive any further messages with that match through that particular conversation thread. The thread will be completely erased on your end, so you cannot reopen it or continue chatting where you left off.

If you wish to message that match again, you will need to start an entirely new conversation thread from scratch. But the old conversation and all its messages will be gone forever on your end after deleting it.

Your match can still report you for any policy violations

It’s important to keep in mind that deleting a conversation does not necessarily erase any harmful messages you may have sent. If you violated any Facebook policies or Community Standards in the conversation, your match can still report your account to Facebook for possible policy violations.

So deleting a conversation does not protect you from any potential policy consequences based on what you may have said in that chat. Only you lose access to the conversation, while your match may still be able to report problematic messages to Facebook if needed.

Why Would You Want to Delete a Conversation?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook Dating users may want to delete conversations with their matches:

To start fresh with a match

Sometimes conversations can get off on the wrong foot or become stagnant over time. Deleting the conversation gives you a chance to start over with that match and try having a new, better conversation. This can be useful if you think you got off to a bad start with a match but are willing to give the connection a second try.

To cut off contact with someone

Other times, users may wish to delete a conversation to definitively cut off communication with a match. This avoids ghosting, where you simply stop replying but leave the conversation open. Deleting a chat makes it clear you are not interested in further contact and prevents the match from continuing to message you through that thread.

To cover up inappropriate behavior

Unfortunately, some users may use the delete conversation feature to try to hide inappropriate behavior. For example, someone who harassed a match or broke Facebook policies may try to delete the conversation containing the violation in an attempt to cover their tracks. This does not actually prevent reporting, but some users may believe it safeguards them from consequences.

To reduce clutter

Facebook Dating chats can quickly build up, especially for active users. Deleting old conversations you are no longer interested in maintains your inbox and makes it easier to track your current connections. It’s a quick way to clear out chatter from matches that didn’t work out.

Accidentally swiping to delete

Mobile users should be cautious not to accidentally swipe left on a chat and delete it when they meant to swipe right to return to their inbox. It’s easy to unintentionally delete a conversation you wanted to keep by mistapping on mobile, so be careful when swiping through your conversations.

How to Delete Conversations on Facebook Dating

Deleting Facebook Dating conversations is a simple process on both mobile and desktop. Here are the steps:

On Mobile:

1. Open the Facebook Dating app and go to your messages.
2. Tap on the conversation you want to delete.
3. On Android, tap the three dots at the top right and select “Delete conversation.” On iOS, swipe left on the conversation.
4. Confirm you want to delete the conversation when prompted.

On Desktop:

1. Go to the Facebook Dating section via your profile menu.
2. Open your messages.
3. Hover over the conversation you want to delete and click the “X” icon.
4. Click “Delete Conversation” to confirm.

The conversation will be permanently deleted from your inbox instantly. As covered earlier, the deletion just applies to your view – your match may still be able to see the conversation on their end.

Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Dating Conversation?

Unfortunately, once you delete a Facebook Dating conversation, there is no built-in way to recover it. The conversation is erased from your account permanently.

Some key facts on recovering deleted Facebook Dating chats:

– The messages are not stored in a trash or archives folder

Unlike Messenger and WhatsApp which store deleted chats for a period of time before final deletion, deleted Facebook Dating conversations are not stored anywhere. They cannot be retrieved from a trash, archives, or spam folder.

– You cannot find the messages in your email inbox

Facebook Dating conversations do not sync with your regular Facebook inbox or email. So you cannot search your email to find messages sent in deleted chats.

– Facebook does not store a server backup of chats

Facebook has confirmed they do not store backups of Facebook Dating conversations on their servers. So there is no way for even Facebook itself to recover your deleted chats.

– Third-party data recovery is unlikely to work

The encrypted nature of Facebook Dating conversations makes them nearly impossible for a third-party data recovery tool to restore once deleted. So specialized data recovery services likely cannot access your deleted chats.

Overall, once you choose to delete a Facebook Dating conversation, consider it gone forever. There are no official or unofficial methods to retrieve the messages, so be certain before deleting.

Does Deleting Chats Affect Your Facebook Dating Profile?

Deleting your conversations has no effect on your overall Facebook Dating profile and presence. All of your profile details, photos, preferences, and matches will remain intact after deleting conversations.


– Your profile is not deleted

Your Facebook Dating profile itself, with all your personal details, photos, and preferences, remains active after you delete conversations. You remain visible to matches and can continue using Dating normally.

– Your matches remain

Deleting a chat with a specific match does not unmatch you or affect your ability to message other existing matches. You stay matched and can start new conversations.

– Your account remains active

Deleting conversations does not deactivate your Facebook Dating account in any way. You can immediately continue swiping, matching, and chatting without interruption.

– It does not reset your profile or matches

Some users think deleting all conversations may reset their Dating profile or matches. But this is not the case. Your profile and all previous matches will stay exactly the same.

So don’t hesitate to delete chats as needed – it won’t disrupt the rest of your Facebook Dating experience!

Can Someone on Facebook Dating Tell if You Deleted Conversation?

As covered earlier, when you delete a Facebook Dating conversation, your match is notified in their inbox that “You left the conversation.” So they will know instantly that you specifically chose to delete the chat.

However, there is no indication to your match of exactly when you deleted the conversation. So if some time has passed, your match would not be able to tell precisely when you deleted the chat just by looking at their inbox. The notification just informs them that you left.

The one exception is if your match tries to reply to the deleted conversation. If they send a new message to a chat you’ve since deleted, they will get an error notice that the conversation no longer exists. This signals to your match that the deletion was recent enough that they just tried to reply to a now-deleted thread.

But outside of that scenario, the only information your match will have is the generic notice you left the conversation, with no precise timestamp.

Pros of Deleting Facebook Dating Conversations

There are some potential advantages to deleting chats on Facebook Dating:

Cuts off contact with unwanted matches

Deleting conversations completely severs communication with matches you want to stop talking to, more definitively than just letting a conversation naturally fade or ignoring messages.

Lets you start fresh with better first impressions

Wiping the slate clean on a conversation gives you a chance to restart chats that got off on the wrong foot, leaving both you and your match with a better first interaction.

Keeps your inbox clean and organized

Over time, old chats build up and make it hard to track your active conversations. Deleting old ones regularly keeps your inbox uncluttered.

Frees up space on your device

Fewer conversation threads means less storage space taken up on your mobile device, especially if the chats included photos or videos.

Shows you are actively managing your connections

Deleting stale conversations demonstrates to matches that you are engaged on the app, cleaning out inactive chats to focus on promising connections.

Cons of Deleting Facebook Dating Conversations

However, there are also some downsides to be aware of when deleting chats:

Permanently erases your own chat history

Unlike archiving conversations, deleting them removes any record of your own sent messages and wipes the slate totally clean. Valuable context about your connections is lost.

Can send the wrong message if other person still has the chat

For example, deleting a friendly conversation may make you appear rude or uninterested once the other user sees the notice that you left.

Prevents you from reporting bad behavior after the fact

If a match harasses you but you delete the evidence, you lose the ability to later report them and hold them accountable based on the chat history.

You may later regret deleting a meaningful conversation

In a moment of impulsiveness, you could delete a conversation you realize was actually worth keeping as you got to know the match better.

Accidentally deleting chats is easy to do by mistake

On mobile especially, it’s very easy to swipe accidentally and delete conversations you wanted to keep. Recovering from this mistake is impossible.

Best Practices for Deleting Facebook Dating Conversations

If you do choose to delete Facebook Dating chats, keeping these tips in mind can help avoid regrets:

– Think twice before deleting conversations with promising matches

Consider archiving lengthy chats you may want to look back on rather than fully deleting.

– Be cautious swiping on mobile to avoid accidental deletions

Pay close attention and pause before confirming any mobile deletions.

– Remember your match can still report any harassment

Do not delete as a coverup; you are not erasing evidence of wrongdoing.

– Backup valuable conversations outside the app

For any special connections, screenshot or copy/paste excerpts to have a separate record.

– Delete in bulk to efficiently clean up old chats

Save time by regularly organizing and deleting stale conversations in one sweep.

Exercising some caution goes a long way in preventing regrets over deleting Facebook Dating conversations!


Deleting Facebook Dating conversations can be a useful way to manage your connections and keep your messaging experience tidy. It severs contact with unwanted matches and wipes the slate clean for a fresh start. However, take care when deleting chats, as they cannot be recovered once erased. Your match can still see the conversation after you delete it, and accidental deletions are common on mobile. Overall, be very intentional whenever you choose to delete Facebook Dating chats to avoid losing meaningful connections and conversations.