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What type of posts get more engagement on Facebook?

What type of posts get more engagement on Facebook?

Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q2 2021. For brands and businesses looking to reach a wide audience, having an effective Facebook marketing strategy is crucial.

One key element of an effective Facebook marketing strategy is understanding what types of content drive the most engagement. Engagement refers to actions that people take on your Facebook posts, such as reactions, comments, shares, and clicks. High engagement levels indicate that your content is resonating with your target audience.

So what types of posts tend to see higher engagement on Facebook? Here are some key content formats and themes to focus on:

Interactive Content

Posts that encourage participation and dialogue tend to perform very well. This includes polls, questions, fill-in-the-blanks, quizzes, contests, and other interactive formats. By prompting people to respond directly to your post, you can spark conversation and increase engagement.

For example, BuzzFeed is well known for using quizzes and polls in their social content. Cosmetics brand Glossier also uses polls on Facebook to crowdsource product development ideas from their audience.

Tips for interactive content:

  • Ask questions that invite thoughtful responses, not just one-word answers.
  • Use polls and quizzes to make engagement quick and easy.
  • Consider using a fill-in-the-blank format to encourage comment responses.
  • Offer fun quizzes related to your brand or industry.

Visual Content

Posts with visual elements like photos and videos tend to get higher engagement on Facebook. Visuals make your content more eye-catching in the news feed. Videos, in particular, can grab attention and inspire reactions, comments, and shares.

When posting visual content, don’t forget to optimize it for Facebook. Use high-quality images, post videos natively rather than links, and employ captions that inspire engagement.

Tips for visual content:

  • Use vivid, high-resolution photos when possible.
  • Optimize thumbnail images to feature text or faces.
  • Post videos natively for higher visibility.
  • Keep videos short, under 2 minutes for best results.
  • Try a caption contest on photos to boost comments.
Content Type Engagement Rate
Photo posts 2.3%
Video posts 3.5%
Text-only posts 1.5%

This table shows example engagement rates across different content types on Facebook. Photos perform well but native videos see even higher engagement on average.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Content that gives audiences a behind-the-scenes look at your business tends to spark interest. Give people a glimpse at processes, team members, company culture, and brand stories.

For example, outdoor apparel brand Patagonia shares photos of employees environmental efforts. Software company MailChimp posts fun videos of company events and employee interviews.

Types of behind-the-scenes content to try:

  • Office culture and team photos/videos
  • “Day in the life” interviews with employees
  • User-generated content from customers
  • Brand history stories and milestones
  • Product manufacturing and development photos

Current Events and Trends

Posting about current events, news stories, and trending topics that relate to your brand can be an excellent engagement strategy. These posts tap into what your audience is already discussing online.

For example, a electronics company could post about the release of a new smartphone from a competitor. A fashion retailer could post about Met Gala red carpet fashion.

Tips for current event content:

  • Stay on top of news related to your industry.
  • Comment on trends while sharing your brand perspective.
  • Consider national holidays and awareness days.
  • Be timely – capitalize on relevant moments as they happen.
  • Use trending hashtags where appropriate.

Controversial or Debatable Topics

Posts about hot topics that spark debate among your audience can drive high engagement. But take care to post thoughtfully on controversial issues aligned with your brand values.

For example, an eco-friendly fashion brand could prompt discussion by asking “Should disposable fashion be banned?” But stay away from politics, religion, and other topics if they have no relevance to your brand.

Tips for controversial topics:

  • Make sure the issue aligns with your brand voice and values.
  • Pose a thoughtful question to encourage civil discussion.
  • Stick to topics directly related to your industry.
  • Avoid comments or wording that could alienate audiences.
  • Monitor responses and disable if conversation becomes toxic.

User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) comes from unpaid contributors like customers and fans. UGC can be an excellent source of authentic, engaging content. For Facebook, visual UGC works best – think photos and videos.

For example, an apparel shop could re-share photos from customers wearing their products. Or a hotel could post a video filmed by a guest highlighting their experience.

Best practices for user-generated content:

  • Proactively invite UGC by running contests or campaigns.
  • Ask customers for permission before re-posting UGC.
  • Give credit to UGC creators.
  • Focus on UGC that shows authentic experiences.
  • Leverage UGC across other marketing channels too.

Positive Brand Stories

Stories and anecdotes related to your brand purpose and values tend to connect with audiences. For example, TOMS Shoes shares stories of people they have helped through One for One product donations. Outdoor company REI spotlights their nonprofit partners working to steward the environment.

These inspiring, feel-good stories build brand affinity. They show audiences that your company values more than just profits.

Tips for positive brand stories:

  • Showcase social impact and philanthropy initiatives.
  • Introduce employees who bring your values to life.
  • Share customer success stories.
  • Talk about partnerships with nonprofit allies.
  • Consider a video series highlighting brand stories.

Exclusive Content

Offering Facebook fans exclusive content is a great way to increase community and boost engagement. For example, you could share discount codes, sneak peeks of new products, members-only contests, or behind-the-scenes videos just for your Facebook audience.

Exclusive content incentives fans to follow your page and engage regularly with your posts in order to access this special content.

Examples of exclusive content for Facebook fans:

  • Early access to new product launches
  • First looks at ad campaigns or branding
  • Discount codes and special offers
  • Members-only giveaways and contests
  • Q&As or AMAs with team members

Facebook-First Content

Posting content on Facebook before sharing it anywhere else can also help drive strong engagement. For example, you could share new products, campaign visuals, or brand announcements as Facebook exclusives first before revealing them across other channels.

This Facebook-first approach rewards dedicated community members who follow your page closely. Later, you can recycle the same content across other channels like Instagram and Twitter.

Types of content to try posting first on Facebook:

  • New product launches
  • Rebranding or new visual campaigns
  • Partnership or sponsorship announcements
  • New commercials or videos
  • Company news and updates

Shareable Content

Posts that encourage sharing also tend to see higher engagement. Design content tailored to “go viral” among your audience. Encourage shares by highlighting shareability in your captions.

Examples of easily shareable content include funny videos, entertaining GIFs, surprising statistics, inspirational quotes, and provocative think pieces. Photos and videos that inspire an emotional reaction often prompt higher sharing too.

Best practices for creating shareable content:

  • Use emotions like happiness, surprise, inspiration.
  • Highlight inspiring stories and insights.
  • Use motivational quotes and witty sayings.
  • Optimize media for the Facebook feed.
  • Explicitly ask followers to share posts with friends.


On Facebook, content that invokes engagement is key to reaching your audience. Types of posts that tend to see high interaction include interactive content, visual media, behind-the-scenes exclusives, discussions of current events, user-generated content, brand stories, and easily shareable posts.

Monitor your Facebook analytics to identify what resonates most with your specific audience. Test different content formats and topics to determine what drives the highest reach and engagement for your brand over time.

With these best practices in mind, you can develop an effective content strategy tailored to connect with your followers on Facebook. Prioritizing engagement will help you build community and maximize the impact of your Facebook marketing efforts.