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What type of content works best on Facebook?

What type of content works best on Facebook?

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.8 billion active monthly users as of Q3 2022. With such a massive audience, many brands and businesses seek to leverage Facebook to connect with current and potential customers. However, with so many users and types of content, it can be challenging to determine what type of content performs best on Facebook.

Visual Content

Visual content tends to get high engagement on Facebook. This includes photos, videos, images, infographics, and more. Visuals catch the eye amidst busy news feeds and convey information quickly. Posts with videos generate 12x more shares than text-based posts. Images also see 2.3x more engagement than posts without images. Some best practices for visual content on Facebook include:

  • Using high-quality, eye-catching images and videos
  • Avoiding stock photos when possible – original, custom visuals perform better
  • Ensuring visuals look good both as thumbnails and expanded
  • Using captions to provide context and encourage engagement
  • Posting natively when possible vs. links to visual content on other sites

Infographics and visual statistics also tend to generate high levels of engagement. Users enjoy digestible facts and data presented creatively. Polls and quizzes with interactive visual elements also encourage commenting and sharing.

Short Videos

Video content is growing exponentially on Facebook. In Q2 2022, videos accounted for over 50% of the time spent watching content on Facebook. Short videos tend to gain the most traction and views. Ideal length is often under 60 seconds, or even 15-30 seconds. Facebook’s auto-play feature means the first few seconds are critical for grabbing attention. Other best practices include:

  • Using captions to explain the video and make it accessible
  • Posting content natively instead of linking to YouTube or other platforms
  • Showing people – videos with human subjects tend to perform better
  • Using landscape orientation for easier mobile viewing
  • Encouraging viewers to comment or like the video with a call to action

Live videos also get high engagement, as they feel spontaneous and authentic. Consider going live to share breaking news, behind-the-scenes footage, Q&As, and more.

Informative Content

Facebook users enjoy learning and staying informed. Posting informative content like how-to guides, lists, tips, and explainers is an excellent way to engage your audience. Useful, instructional content helps position your brand as an authority and resource in your field. Consider creating informational content around topics like:

  • New product features or releases
  • Step-by-step tutorials
  • Industry news or trends
  • Background on your brand and products
  • DIY projects and ideas
  • Research reports and statistics

Present lengthy information in scannable formats like bullet points, captions, graphs, or short paragraphs for readability. Posts that clearly communicate their core message within the first few seconds perform best.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Behind-the-scenes content gives fans and followers a unique look at your brand. Give sneak peeks at products before launch, share photos from events, or show your office and team. This type of content feels authentic and genuine. Followers enjoy feeling like insiders and making personal connections with brands.

Behind-the-scenes posts should aim to be candid, spontaneous, and relatable. User-generated content performs exceptionally well – you can reshare fun posts from customers and brand enthusiasts. Give fans a hashtag to use to share their own branded content as well.

User-Generated Content

Speaking of user-generated content (UGC), resharing and featuring content created by users is extremely effective. This content comes directly from your brand’s fans and advocates. UGC feels more authentic and trustworthy than branded posts alone. Other benefits include:

  • Higher engagement – people engage more with “real” user content
    • Average engagement rate for UGC is 4.5% compared to 1.8% for branded content (Stackla)
  • Brand loyalty – people feel valued when their content is reshared
  • Social proof – makes your product and brand more attractive
  • Fresh perspective – shows your brand through users’ eyes
  • User-focused – puts community members, not the brand, at the center
  • Relatable and genuine – gives an honest look at real experiences

To utilize UGC, encourage users to tag your brand in relevant posts and share content on dedicated hashtags. Get permission before resharing anything. Add value by framing the content with your own caption.

Interactive Content

On Facebook, interaction is the name of the game. Posts that spark two-way conversations between brands and users tend to see higher engagement. Some ideas for interactive content include:

  • Polls and surveys
  • Quizzes
  • Contests and giveaways
  • Q&As and AMAs
  • Photo contests – ask for photo submissions based on a prompt
  • Spot the difference games
  • Caption contests
  • “Finish the sentence” prompts
  • “Comment your reaction” questions

Interactive posts work because they make the user an active participant, rather than just a passive viewer. This drives up comments, shares, and overall reach.

Current Events and Trends

Tying your content to current events, holidays, and trends can help more users relate to your posts. This makes content feel timely and relevant. Some ways to incorporate current events and trends include:

  • Posts themed around holidays like Valentine’s Day or Halloween
  • Memes and pop culture references
  • User-generated content showing trendy uses of your product
  • Educational content around trending topics and news events
  • Posts highlighting your brand’s connection to current issues and causes

When using trends or news events, ensure your content adds value in some way. Avoid seeming overly promotional or sales-y. Feature your product organically or share information without hard-selling.


Chatbots allow users to have conversations with brands using messaging apps and platforms. On Facebook Messenger, chatbots can provide an instant, convenient way for customers to get information. Chatbots reduce wait times compared to calls or emails. They also operate 24/7. Some ways brands can leverage chatbots include:

  • Providing immediate answers to FAQs
  • Giving product recommendations based on needs
  • Sharing links, videos, or other resources on demand
  • Saving recent conversations to offer personalized service
  • Collecting information upfront to route users to the right reps

Chatbots make simple interactions efficient while freeing staff for complex issues. They scale conversations to handle increased users. Facebook reports over two billion messages are sent between people and businesses monthly.

Local Content

For businesses with a local customer base, creating geotargeted content can help strengthen community connections. Some local content ideas include:

  • Event listings and recaps for local happenings
  • Hyperlocal news and information
  • User-generated content showing local customers engaging with your business
  • Spotlights on local partners, vendors, or charities
  • “Did you know?” facts about your city or town
  • Coupons and special offers for nearby customers only

Local content helps nearby followers feel uniquely catered to. Businesses can stand out from national chains by showcasing their regional ties and strengths.

Facebook-Specific Formats

Leveraging formats unique to Facebook can also garner high engagement. For example, Facebook Live videos get 6x more interactions than standard video. Facebook Stories see 15x more reach than feed posts. And Facebook Reels receive 2x more engagement over feed videos.

Some other Facebook-specific content types include:

  • Live Audio Rooms – interactive audio conversations around topics
  • News Feed posts – combine images, text, links, hashtags
  • Stickers and GIFs – add personality and fun
  • Carousels – swipe through multiple images or videos in one post
  • Instant Experiences – interactive modules for planning events, browsing products, etc

Aligning your strategy with native formats can help maximize content visibility and performance. Consider making Facebook-only content that followers won’t find anywhere else.

Community-Focused Content

The strongest performing content supports the Facebook community, not just the brand. Useful, entertaining and engaging posts that have strong utility for users tend to be most successful. Avoid overly promotional content that focuses solely on conversions and sales.

Some best practices for community-focused content include:

  • Posts that start discussions and debates
  • User polls around light-hearted topics
  • Entertaining and funny videos or memes
  • Crowdsourcing around collective challenges
  • Customer appreciation and gratitude

Think about how your content enhances lives and brings joy or value to the Facebook community. Build relationships, foster connections, and strengthen your brand community for the long-term.

Variety and Consistency

Posting a variety of content types keeps your Facebook feed dynamic and engaging. Stick to the 80/20 rule – 80% entertaining, fun, or useful content and 20% promotional. Consistency also matters – inconsistent posting leads to drastic drops in reach and engagement.

Here are some best practices for variety and consistency:

  • Post at least 1x daily, ideally 2-3x per day
  • Test new formats and creative ideas regularly
  • Develop a diverse content calendar that spans formats
  • Track engagement metrics to double down on what works
  • Avoid sharing the exact same post across platforms
  • Use a social media management platform to schedule variety

A dynamic yet consistent posting approach will serve you well. Your community wants to see fresh, engaging content frequently.


On Facebook, the most effective content provides value, entertainment, or education for users – not just promotion. Leveraging visuals, video, interactivity, and Facebook-specific formats tend to garner high reach and engagement. Consistency, variety, and community-focused utility also set brands up for success. Analyze performance data regularly and continue testing new ideas. This will help you pinpoint exactly which types of content resonate best with your audience.