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What to do when Facebook blocked me?

What to do when Facebook blocked me?

Getting blocked on Facebook can be frustrating and confusing. Many users find themselves blocked for seemingly no reason. If your account has been blocked, don’t panic. Here are some tips on what to do if you get blocked on Facebook.

Why Was I Blocked on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may have been blocked on Facebook:

  • You violated Facebook’s Community Standards – This includes things like bullying, harassment, hate speech, nudity, etc.
  • Someone blocked you – An individual user may have blocked you, which removes your ability to view their profile or contact them.
  • Your account was hacked – Hackers may have compromised your account and gotten it blocked.
  • Facebook made a mistake – Occasionally accounts get blocked by mistake due to bugs or errors.

If you think you may have accidentally violated Facebook’s rules, take a look at the Community Standards to see where you went wrong. If someone specific blocked you, you’ll need to resolve the issue with that person directly. Getting clarification on why you were blocked is the first step toward getting back onto Facebook.

How to Unblock Yourself on Facebook

If your account has been blocked by Facebook, here are some things you can try to get it unblocked:

  1. Log in to your account – Even if your account is blocked, you may still be able to log in. If you can access your account, you can follow the steps below to appeal the block.
  2. Submit an appeal – In your account settings, look for the option to “appeal this decision”. Facebook will then review your account and decide whether to reverse the block.
  3. Provide valid ID – To confirm your identity, Facebook may ask you to submit a scan or photo of your official ID (driver’s license, passport, etc).
  4. Change your password – Reset your account password in case it was compromised by a hacker.
  5. Review recent posts and activity – Remove any recent content that may have violated Facebook’s rules.

The key is being cooperative during the appeals process. Explain why you should be unblocked and demonstrate that you want to use Facebook responsibly going forward. However, keep in mind that Facebook may uphold the block if they find it was warranted.

What Happens When You Get Blocked on Facebook?

Getting blocked on Facebook can vary depending on whether your whole account is blocked or just a specific person blocked you. Here’s what typically happens:

  • Account blocked by Facebook – You are logged out and cannot access your account. Other users cannot view your profile or search for your account.
  • Blocked by an individual – That person disappears from your friends list. You can’t view their profile, contact them, or see any of their content.
  • Blocked from posting – You can still log in and view Facebook, but cannot post content, comment, or interact with other users.

In most cases, being blocked limits your ability to participate in Facebook’s community. You become essentially invisible to the people or platform that blocked you.

How Long Does a Facebook Block Last?

The duration of a Facebook block depends on why you were initially blocked:

  • Community standards violation – Typically lasts for a set period like 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, etc. Repeated violations may lead to permanent deletion.
  • Compromised account – Block lasts until you can recover your account and reset the password.
  • Bug or error – Block is lifted once the technical issue gets resolved.
  • Individual user block – Remains in effect until that person chooses to unblock you.

For standard policy violations, Facebook will notify you how long the block will last. With individual blocks, you will need to take proactive steps to get unblocked by that person. Fixing the problem that got you blocked in the first place is necessary if you want to regain access.

Can I Use Facebook While Blocked?

If your account is fully blocked, you cannot use Facebook at all until you get unblocked. You will be logged out and unable to access your profile. However, in cases of limited blocks, you may still have some Facebook access:

  • Blocked from posting – Can view profiles and content but not interact.
  • Individual blocks – Can use Facebook except for interacting with those who blocked you.
  • Partial blocks – Certain account features disabled but not fully logged out.

Try logging into your account to see what you can and cannot access. If your block only prevents you from posting or contacting another user, your account may still be usable with limited functionality.

Should I Make a New Facebook Account?

Creating a brand new account after being blocked is against Facebook’s rules. Making a new account to get around a block could get both accounts disabled. Here are better options to consider:

  • Focus on appealing the block – Go through the proper channels and processes to get your original account unblocked.
  • Temporarily use another account – If allowed, briefly use a secondary account you already have.
  • Wait out the block period – If blocked for a limited time, be patient until you can access your account again.
  • Address the underlying issue – Reflect on what caused the block and make changes to follow Facebook’s rules going forward.

Creating new accounts to evade blocks or bans will just make the problem worse. The best approach is dealing with the block through appropriate channels so you can legitimately use Facebook again.

I Was Banned from Facebook Groups. What Can I Do?

In addition to account blocks, you may get banned from specific Facebook groups. Here’s what to do if you’re banned from a group:

  • Review the group rules – Make sure you didn’t break any clearly stated policies.
  • Apologize to the admins – If you did something wrong, own up to it and apologize.
  • Wait to re-join – Respect the ban period before asking to join again.
  • Improve your behavior – Learn from the experience and be on your best behavior if you re-join.
  • Contact admins – You can try messaging the group admins to appeal the ban.
  • Join other groups – Find similar groups you can join during the ban period.

Group admins have discretion to ban anyone they want from their groups. While you can appeal if unfairly banned, the group’s decision may be final. Be mindful of each group’s rules to avoid getting removed again in the future.

Can I Delete My Facebook Account While Blocked?

If your account is blocked, you likely cannot delete your Facebook account. The platform restricts certain account changes during blocks. There are a couple options to try:

  • Wait for the block to lift – Deleting may be possible afterwards.
  • Submit deletion request – Facebook may honor deletion requests even for blocked accounts.
  • Delete later from a different account – Have someone else submit a deletion request on your behalf.

The ability to delete a blocked Facebook account depends on the severity and reason for the block. In some cases, you cannot erase your account until regaining full access after the block ends.

Should I Contact Facebook Support?

If appealing your block through the platform’s prompts is unsuccessful, contacting Facebook support directly can help. Here are some tips for reaching out to support:

  • Find the right contact options – Use the Help Center to submit tickets.
  • Clearly explain your situation – Provide details on when and why you were blocked.
  • Be patient and persistent – Support can take time to respond, but follow up if needed.
  • Ask what policies were violated – See if support can reveal how specifically you broke the rules.
  • Request the block be reviewed again – Emphasize you want to use Facebook responsibly going forward.

While Facebook support may uphold your block, contacting them gives another chance to plead your case. Be cooperative with support staff and provide any evidence that the block was unwarranted.

How Do I Contact Facebook Support?

You can contact Facebook support through the following methods:

  • Help Center – File support tickets by selecting Contact Us in the Help Center.
  • Appeals form – Submit an appeal through the form provided when your account is blocked.
  • Reporting tool – Use the reporting tool to explain your block situation to Facebook.
  • Social media – Message Facebook on Twitter @Facebook or their Facebook page.
  • Mail – Physically mail a letter detailing your block to Facebook headquarters in California.

Start with the Help Center or appeals form within Facebook itself. Mailing a physical letter is unlikely to be effective. Facebook provides these channels specifically for account support issues.

Can Facebook Unblock Me Without My Request?

In some cases, Facebook may automatically unblock your account without you having to submit an appeal. This can happen if:

  • The block duration expires – Temporary blocks like 24 hours or 30 days will lift automatically.
  • A bug triggered the block – Facebook identifies technical issues that mistakenly blocked you.
  • Proof shows invalid block – Facebook investigates and sees no violation occurred.
  • Policies changed – Something you posted that was rule-breaking is now allowed.

However, chances are you will have to take proactive steps via an appeal to get unblocked. Don’t assume Facebook will automatically realize the block was unwarranted or temporary. Contact them to speed up getting your access back.

What Are Facebook’s Blocking and Ban Policies?

Facebook outlines their blocking and ban policies in their Community Standards. Here are some key points:

  • Breaking rules may lead to posts being deleted, restrictions, or account blocks.
  • Duration of blocks varies based on severity and frequency of violations.
  • Repeated or serious violations may result in permanent account disabling.
  • Accounts disabled for policy violations are not allowed to be reactivated.
  • Blocks can prevent access to your Facebook account, certain features, or posting/commenting abilities.
  • Making new accounts to evade blocks will lead to those accounts being disabled.

The main takeaway is that Facebook wants you to follow their content policies. Blocks are meant to penalize violations and prevent repeat offenses going forward. Knowing their banning and blocking rules can help you avoid them.

Can Someone See My Facebook if I’m Blocked?

If your account is fully blocked, other users cannot see your Facebook profile or any of your activity. A total block makes your account essentially invisible. Partial blocks may still allow visibility:

  • Blocked from posting – Profile visible but no new content will appear.
  • Blocked by individual – Visible to others but not that person.
  • Limited block – Some users can see you depending on the restrictions.

In most block cases, your account has at least some loss of visibility. People expect to see your latest posts and comments. A block prevents your participation in the Facebook community from being viewed.

Can Facebook Track Me If I’m Blocked?

Facebook can still see activity on your account even if it is blocked. Their systems track:

  • Pages you visit while logged in to Facebook – Via cookies or account login.
  • IP addresses accessing your account – Identifies devices you use to log in.
  • Locations you access Facebook from – Via your device’s GPS or IP location.

So even if you can’t use Facebook while blocked, their tracking of your account activity continues in the background. This data may even help Facebook evaluate whether to maintain or remove your block.

Should I Delete My Facebook Account After Being Unblocked?

Once your block is lifted, you may wonder if you should delete your Facebook account altogether. Here are some pros and cons to weigh:

Pros of Deleting Cons of Deleting
  • Prevent future blocks if at risk
  • Take a break from Facebook
  • More privacy and less distractions
  • Lose access to contacts and connections
  • Miss out on events, groups, updates
  • Photos and memories gone forever

Take time to reflect on what value Facebook provides for you before deleting your account entirely. You may want to just temporarily deactivate your account as a trial first.


Getting blocked on Facebook can be frustrating, but there are ways to get your account unblocked. Appealing the decision, addressing any policy violations, and being patient with the process can help lift most blocks. Avoid creating new accounts to skirt the rules as that will only make penalties more severe. With some effort and cooperation, you should be able to regain access to Facebook in most cases.