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What to do if someone scammed you on Facebook?

What to do if someone scammed you on Facebook?

Being scammed on Facebook can be a very unsettling experience. You may feel embarrassed, angry, and unsure of what to do next. The good news is there are steps you can take to report the scam, protect your account, and reduce the chances of being targeted again.

How Do You Know if You Were Scammed on Facebook?

Here are some common signs that indicate you may have been scammed on Facebook:

  • You sent money to someone you don’t know personally in response to a Facebook message, post, or ad
  • You provided sensitive personal information like your Social Security number, bank account details, or credit card number
  • Someone messaged you about an investment opportunity or other “get rich quick” scheme
  • You received a message that you won money in a contest you didn’t enter or a lottery
  • A message from a friend asked you to send money or gift cards to help them out of an emergency

If any of those situations sound familiar, you may very well have been the target of a scam. Scammers use clever tricks to get people to lower their guard and send money or share sensitive data. Staying vigilant for common scam tactics is crucial.

Report the Scam to Facebook

If you realize you’ve fallen victim to a scam, the first thing to do is report it to Facebook. This helps get fraudulent accounts and content removed from the platform.

To report a scam or spam, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the profile or post of the scammer
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  3. Select “Report”
  4. Choose “Scam” or “Spam” as the reason for reporting

Be sure to provide details in the additional comment box about how you were targeted and why you are certain it’s a scam.

You can also report messages, ads, and Facebook Live videos that are scams using this same process.

Contact Your Bank and Other Companies

If you shared financial or account information with a scammer, contact those companies immediately. For bank accounts, call your bank and explain that your account may have been compromised. They can monitor for fraudulent activity and may be able to reverse recent unauthorized transactions.

If you gave out your Social Security number, contact the Social Security Administration. Alert them that your SSN may have been stolen so they can put a fraud alert on your account.

For all other accounts and services, reach out to their customer service teams. Let them know your login credentials or account details may have been stolen so they can secure your account.

Reset Your Facebook Password

There’s a chance that scammers could use the information you provided to gain access to your Facebook account. To prevent this, reset your Facebook password right away.

Follow these steps to reset your password:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of Facebook and go to “Settings”
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Security and Login”
  3. Click “Change Password”
  4. Enter a new password and click “Change Password” to save

Be sure your new password is completely different from your old one and that it’s long and complex, including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Review Your Privacy Settings

Scammers look for publicly available information like your hometown, workplace, birthdate, and family members’ names to make their tactics more believable. Locking down your privacy settings makes it harder for scammers to learn these details.

To adjust your privacy settings:

  1. Go to the down arrow and click “Settings”
  2. Go to “Privacy”
  3. Review all your options for things like who can see your posts, how people can find and contact you, and limiting your past posts
  4. Make any changes needed to increase your privacy

Take time to understand each setting so you can find the right balance of sharing with friends while protecting your info.

Use Login Alerts

Facebook has a login alert feature that emails or texts you whenever someone logs into your account from a new device or browser. This is useful for knowing if a scammer is trying to access your account.

To set up login alerts:

  1. Go to “Settings” then “Security and Login”
  2. Under “Where You’re Logged In”, click “Edit” beside Login Alerts
  3. Turn on either email or text message alerts (or both)
  4. Click “Turn On” to enable

Now you’ll be notified anytime someone tries accessing your Facebook from a new device.

Use Stronger Login Security

Facebook offers several advanced security options to prevent unauthorized logins even if a scammer has your password. These include requiring a login code sent by text, using two-factor authentication, and setting up hardware security keys.

To view these enhanced login protections:

  1. Go to “Settings” then “Security and Login”
  2. Under “Use Two-Factor Authentication” click “Edit”
  3. Review the options and enable any features that appeal to you

Taking advantage of tools like two-factor authentication and security keys ensures that stealing your password alone won’t be enough for a scammer to access your account.

How to Avoid Being Scammed Again

Here are some tips to protect yourself from future scams on Facebook:

  • Be skeptical of investment opportunities, especially from strangers
  • Don’t send money to people you don’t know personally
  • Hover over links before clicking to check where they really direct
  • Don’t enter your login credentials on unknown third-party websites
  • Use secure passwords and enable two-factor authentication
  • Think carefully before sharing personal information publicly

Staying vigilant when interacting with unknown accounts or clicking links is the best defense. Only friend and engage with reputable people you know and trust.

Seek Support from Loved Ones

Being scammed can negatively impact your self-esteem and make you feel alone. Don’t be afraid to talk to loved ones about what happened so they can offer emotional support.

Let family and friends know that a scammer targeted you, and ask them to be patient as you work through your feelings. See if someone can assist you with reporting the scam and securing your accounts. Having help and reassurance from those closest to you makes a big difference.

Beware of Recovery Scams

Beware that soon after being scammed, you may be targeted again by a “recovery scam.” These scammers contact you claiming they can track down the original scammer and get your money back, for a fee. Do not pay them or share any additional info.

Recovering lost money is extremely unlikely, especially if you paid the first scammer in untraceable ways like gift cards, wire transfers, or cryptocurrency. Any company that promises to get your money back for an upfront fee is a scam themselves.

Contact Law Enforcement

For large financial scams, you may want to file a complaint with law enforcement such as the FBI or FTC. They likely cannot recover your money, but reporting the crime helps build cases against scammers and stop future ripped off victims.

Make sure you have all the details of the transaction and communication with the scammer. Write everything down while it’s still fresh. Screenshot messages, emails, and account information the scammer used. This creates a paper trail law enforcement can follow up on if they pursue a case.

Forgive Yourself

Being targeted by scammers is not your fault. They use increasingly sophisticated tricks aimed at catching people when they’re vulnerable. Forgive yourself, learn from this experience, and move forward.

Remember millions fall victim to scams each year. You are not alone. With greater awareness and caution, you can avoid being targeted again in the future. Don’t let this destroy your trust in others, but use it to empower yourself.


Falling for a scam on Facebook can be unsettling, but there are concrete steps you can take to respond. Report the scam to Facebook, secure financial accounts that may have been compromised, reset your password, enable login alerts, and be careful who you connect with going forward. While the money you lost is likely gone, you can take back control of your account and prevent it from happening again.