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What to do if my username is already taken?

What to do if my username is already taken?

Choosing a unique username for your online accounts can be a frustrating experience, especially when the one you want is already taken. Trying username after username only to be told “Sorry, that username is taken” is enough to make you want to give up. But don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can try to end up with a great username that’s all your own.

Check if the username is active

The first thing to do is double check that the username you want is actually in use by someone else. On many sites, inactive or abandoned accounts are eventually deleted, freeing up username choices. Try searching for the taken username to see if an active account comes up. You can also check sites that aggregate social media profiles to see if the username is associated with an active account elsewhere.

If you determine the chosen handle is indeed actively in use, it’s time to get creative about making it your own.

Add numbers or characters

A simple solution is to just add numbers, dashes, underscores or other characters to your desired username to make it unique. For example, if “john79” is taken, try “john79_2022” or “john79-01”. You still get to use john79 if it has meaning for you, with a slight modification.

Some sites, like Twitter, also let you add periods anywhere in the username to differentiate it. So if your first choice usernamexyz is taken, remains an option in many cases.

Misspell it creatively

Using clever misspellings is another way to put a unique spin on a taken username. Swap out letters for similar looking numbers, like using a zero instead of the letter ‘O’. Or replace letters with phonetic equivalents, like “phan” instead of “fan”. Get creative and brainstorm various ways to misspell your ideal handle in a way people will still get.

Add related words

Adding a descriptive word to a taken username can give it new life. If “john” is taken, “john_tech” or “johnbooks” are available alternatives. Or add your name, interests or other words associated with you. Adding related terms to a taken username helps it stay visible and easy to remember.

Try a completely different approach

If your first username choice is very common or already taken across multiple platforms, it may be time to try an entirely new direction. Think about other nicknames, gamer tags or inside jokes that might make a good username. Look to your hobbies, favorite books/movies, pets names or hometown for inspiration.

Username ideas based on your interests

Interest Username Idea
Guitar rockstar123
Running runnergirl
Reading booknerd347
Traveling globetrotter

Getting creative with a whole new approach to your username can end up giving you something even better than your original idea.

Use a username generator tool

There are various username generator tools and apps you can use to quickly brainstorm creative username ideas based on your name, interests and other keywords. Here are a few good options:

  • NameChk – Checks username availability across over 100 sites
  • SpinXO – Mixes keywords into unique name spins
  • FantasyNameGenerators – Username ideas based on your name

These tools provide a quick way to generate dozens of possible usernames and instantly check availability across popular sites. It takes the grunt work out of manually coming up with unique variations.

Add your birth year

Including your birth year in a username is a popular way to guarantee uniqueness and is easy for others to remember. For example:

  • johnson83
  • mary1990
  • alex_2000

Your year of birth ensures no one else will likely have matching usernames, even if your first name and last initial are very common.

Register the “.me” version

If the username you want is taken on popular platforms like Instagram, Twitter or Gmail, check if the “.me” version is available. For example:

The top-level domain “.me” is short, memorable and gives you an easy option to create a personalized identity with your desired handle.

Add location or hometown

Including your location in a username is an easy way to make it unique. For example:

  • john_nyc
  • mary_austin
  • alex_chicago

This identifies you by location while still incorporating your desired name or handle. Other location variations could include your hometown, home state, country or region.

Try different languages

If common English language username options are taken, exploring other languages can provide creative alternatives:

  • Use online translators to find different language versions of your name or keywords.
  • Look up words related to your interests or personality traits translated into another language.
  • Use foreign spellings of common words like “nite” instead of “night”.

Finding username possibilities from other languages opens up fresh new ideas while still feeling customized to you.

Get feedback from others

Sometimes we get stuck reusing the same username variations over and over when trying to find an available option. Asking friends, family or colleagues for feedback can provide a fresh perspective and new ideas you may not have considered.

Share a few of your username approaches and options you’re considering and ask for their opinions and suggestions. Having other people weigh in on potential usernames can help identify any that may be confusing, too obscure, or just sound awkward. Take advantage of getting outside input.

Research sites before setting up accounts

Before going through the process of signing up and having to pick a username on a new platform, do a little research first. Look up what the username requirements and availability are for that specific site before setting up your profile.

Some useful tips:

  • Search existing usernames on the site to note patterns, like if many include real names.
  • See if there are character limits or types allowed.
  • Check if underscores, dashes or periods can be included.
  • Read the site’s guidance on username policies.

Doing this research beforehand means you’ll already know the lay of the land when it comes time to create your account and can have username ideas ready to go.

Consider usernames with no relation to your actual identity

Your username doesn’t have to relate to your real name or identity, especially if this information makes it difficult to find a unique option. Many people have successful online presences using usernames with no clear relation to them in real life.

If you go this route, a few tips:

  • Pick something related to your interests to help build your brand, like “skateboarderx333”.
  • Use online username generators for random word combinations like “purpledaisy34”.
  • Choose something completely absurd or funny like “pickleslayer”.

Remember, your username doesn’t have to make literal sense. Creativity pays off!

Modify usernames across different platforms

Having identical usernames across all your online accounts makes you easy to find – but also more vulnerable to hacking attempts. Consider tweaking your core username in small ways on different platforms.

For example your core name could be “johnleerocks” with these variations:

  • Twitter: johnleerocks
  • Instagram: johnleerocks_official
  • Gmail: johnnyrocks
  • Facebook:

This makes you less searchable while still retaining your preferred branding.

Set up profile name alternatives

On many sites, you can provide an alternative name or version of your username to use in your profile identity. This is useful when your core username is obscure or random.

For example, you could use a username like “luckydog19” but set your profile name to display as “Ann Smith”. This allows flexibility to get the unique username you want while still providing a clear, identifiable profile identity.

Get verification badges

Having a unique or unrecognizable username can make building a credible online presence more difficult. Earning verification badges on social platforms can offset this by visually confirming you are indeed the legitimate account owner, not an impersonator.

Verification requires confirming your real identity with official documentation. But it’s worth the extra effort to build trust and authority for an account using an abstract username rather than your real name.

Redirect from your ideal username

If there’s one particular username you have your heart set on that’s simply unavailable everywhere, you can still make it work. Register a domain name matching your perfect username and have it automatically redirect to your real online profiles.

For example:

  • Ideal username: gamesmaster
  • Taken on social media
  • Register
  • Redirect to point to your Twitter account

This allows you to capture the essence of your desired branding via the customized domain, even when you can’t use it as an actual username.

Consider shorter usernames

Longer usernames with multiple words or numbers tend to be more readily available. But shorter, simpler handles are often more memorable and effective in building your personal brand.

If a shorter name is taken, try simplifying it:

  • johnsmith89 -> jsmith
  • maryjohnson -> maryj

Or abbreviate longer usernames:

  • ilovereading -> iloveread
  • newyorkforlife -> NYC4life

While shorter names are often taken quickly, try registering accounts sooner to increase your chances of getting the username length you want.


Dealing with “username already taken” frustration is an inevitable part of establishing your online identity. But it’s also an opportunity to get creative and find an even better, more personalized fit that feels uniquely you. With persistence and clever thinking, you can secure an awesome username to represent the real you (or whatever version you want to present online).