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What to do if my email has been disabled on Facebook?

What to do if my email has been disabled on Facebook?

Having your Facebook email disabled can be stressful and inconvenient. Don’t worry – in most cases, it’s possible to recover access to your account. Here are some quick answers to common questions about disabled Facebook emails, along with steps you can take to try to restore your account access.

Why would my Facebook email be disabled?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may disable your account email:

  • You violated Facebook’s terms of service – for example, by sending spam or harassing other users.
  • Someone else reported your account for abuse.
  • Facebook detected suspicious activity associated with your account, such as an unusual login location.
  • You have not used your Facebook account in a long time.

If you think your account was disabled by mistake, you can appeal the decision and request that Facebook review your case again.

How do I know if my Facebook email is disabled?

Here are some signs that your Facebook email may be disabled:

  • When you try to log in, you see an error message saying your account has been disabled.
  • Other users tell you they tried messaging you but the messages did not go through.
  • You stop receiving Facebook notifications and emails.
  • Your Facebook profile and posts are hidden from other users.

If you see these issues, it’s very likely your account email has been disabled by Facebook.

Can I still log in if my email is disabled?

No, you will not be able to log in or access your Facebook account if the email has been disabled. When you try to log in, Facebook will display an error saying your account is disabled. Your profile and posts will also be hidden from other users.

How do I reactivate my disabled Facebook email?

To reactivate your disabled Facebook email, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center and search for “disabled account.”
  2. Click on “My personal account is disabled.”
  3. Facebook will ask you to confirm your identity by entering your full name and a copy of your photo ID.
  4. Select “My account was disabled by mistake” or “I want to appeal the decision.”
  5. Explain why you believe your account was wrongly disabled.
  6. Click submit and wait for Facebook to review your appeal.

The review process usually takes up to 24 hours. If your appeal is approved, your account will be reactivated and you can log in normally. If not, you will need to repeat the appeals process.

What happens if my appeal is rejected?

If Facebook rejects your appeal, here’s what you can do:

  • File another appeal providing more details – be polite and explain clearly why you need access.
  • Find the Facebook employees responsible for disabled accounts and try contacting them directly.
  • Post on Facebook forums or contact Facebook support groups for help reactivating your account.
  • As a last resort, create a new Facebook account and build your network again from scratch.

Repeatedly filing appeals shows Facebook you are serious about regaining access to your account. Make sure to provide as much context as possible to increase your chances of success.

Can someone else disable my Facebook email?

In most cases, only Facebook itself can disable your account email. However, here are two scenarios where someone else could potentially get your Facebook email disabled:

  1. Reporting your account for violations – If multiple people report your account for harassment, spam, or other policy violations, Facebook may disable your email pending investigation.
  2. Hacking your account – If a hacker gains access to your account, they could intentionally trigger disabling by violating Facebook policies under your identity.

To prevent your account from being disabled by someone else, be sure to use strong passwords, avoid policy violations, and watch for signs of hacking like unfamiliar posts or messages.

Should I delete my disabled Facebook account?

Before deleting your disabled Facebook account, consider these pros and cons:

Pros Cons
Lets you start fresh with a new account Loses all your Facebook data permanently
Stops you wasting time trying to restore the old account Requires rebuilding your friend network from scratch
Prevents the account from being hacked in the future Can take up to 90 days for Facebook to fully delete it

In most cases, it is better to focus your efforts on appealing the account disable rather than deleting your account altogether. But if repeated appeals fail, deleting the account could be a last resort.

Can I backup my data before deleting a disabled account?

Unfortunately, you cannot access your Facebook data to back it up once your account is disabled. Facebook immediately revokes account access as part of the disabling process.

Some things you could do before your account gets disabled:

  • Download your Facebook data archive from the Settings menu.
  • Save photos you uploaded to Facebook onto your computer or other devices.
  • Use a social media management tool to export your posts and contacts.

Act quickly if you think your account may get disabled soon – once it happens, your access is cut off. Backing up important data beforehand gives you a valuable archive if you can’t get the account reactivated.

Can I retrieve data from a deleted disabled account?

Unfortunately, no. When a disabled Facebook account is deleted, all of the account’s data and content is permanently erased.

Some key points:

  • Facebook does not keep copies of data from deleted accounts.
  • Other Facebook users may still have copies of messages you exchanged.
  • If you exceeded the 30-day deletion window, some data may remain on Facebook’s servers.
  • Your Facebook URL can be claimed by another user after deletion.

To preserve important data, be sure to back up your account before it gets disabled and deleted. Once it’s gone, there is no way to recover the lost content.

Can I temporarily deactivate instead of deleting?

Yes, temporarily deactivating your account could be a better initial option than completely deleting it. Here’s an overview:

Deactivation Deletion
Temporarily hides your profile and stops new posts Permanently erases your account and all data
Lets you reactivate the account whenever you want Cannot be undone once requested
Keeps all your data intact on Facebook’s servers Removes all your data from Facebook

Deactivating gives you an easy way to temporarily disable your account without losing data. It’s always worth trying as a first step before considering permanent deletion.

How long does account disable last?

If Facebook disables your account email, here is how long it will remain disabled based on the reason:

Disable Reason Typical Disable Duration
Harassment or bullying 7 days
Hate speech or threats 30 days
Fake accounts Indefinitely until proven otherwise
Spam or misleading content 30 days for first violation
Security reasons e.g. unusual logins 24 hours typically

For severe or repeated violations, Facebook may disable your account indefinitely with no option to appeal. Minor issues like an unusual login location may only lead to a short-term 24 hour disable while they investigate.

Can I get notified if my account is disabled?

Unfortunately Facebook does not directly notify you if they disable your account. However, here are some things you can do to find out if your account has been disabled:

  • Try logging into Facebook – if your account is disabled you will see an error message.
  • Check if you can still view your Facebook profile while logged out.
  • See if you are still receiving Facebook emails and notifications.
  • Ask friends to check if they can still see your profile and recent posts.
  • See if your Page or Group admin roles have been removed.

Not receiving notifications or being unable to access your account while logged out are strong signs your account may have been disabled without notice. Act quickly to file an appeal if you suspect your account has been incorrectly disabled.

Should I create a new account if I can’t recover my old one?

Here are some pros and cons of creating a new Facebook account versus keep trying to restore your original disabled account:

New Account Keep Old Account
Get back on Facebook faster Don’t lose your friend network
Avoid limitations of a disabled account Preserve photos and data you posted
Start fresh and change behavior Can take weeks to rebuild followers
Less risk of getting disabled again Original account name may have value

In most cases it is better to exhaust all options trying to reactivate your existing account before creating a new one. But if you have no luck after 4-6 weeks of appealing, a new account may be your only option to get back on Facebook.


Having your Facebook account disabled can be stressful, but in many cases it is possible to successfully appeal the decision and regain access. Be polite but persistent with your appeals, clearly explain why Facebook made a mistake, and provide valid photo ID to maximize your chances of reactivation. Consider backing up your data in advance, and avoid immediately deleting your account if disabled. With patience and perseverance, you can often recover from a disabled Facebook account email and get back to enjoying Facebook.